Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1178: Unscientific speed

The phone was very strange and silent.

It was as if there was no signal, and there was no sound coming from it for a while.

However, when Lu Zhou hesitated for a moment, he was prepared to remind Li, who was on the opposite side of the phone, that he was still on the phone, and then there was a duang on the phone, as if something had fallen on the table. .

Soon the phone was hurriedly picked up from the coffee table.

"What do you do with old willow-"

"What do you say? The problem of topological quantum computing is solved? What is the problem? How do you deal with decoherence? There is also the Hall effect -"

Listening to the excited and strange voice from the phone, Lu Zhou squatted slightly and frowned.

"you are?"

The sound of the beaded gun was slightly stagnation.

After a deep breath, it settled down.

"I am Liu Changqing from the Institute of Semiconductors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences! If it is convenient, I would also ask Dr. Lu to answer for me."

Liu Academician.

Hearing this name, Lu Zhou thought for a while, and his face showed a blank expression.

The deputy director of the Institute of Semiconductors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, director of the ic design center, the head of the national "quantum control and quantum information" key special project, is also one of the experts in the Dragon chip series.

He used to hear the name of Professor Wu Tianqun several times. Although he has never seen it, it is said that he is also an amazing big cow in the domestic semiconductor industry. If he says this, it seems that there is no problem.

"... In short, it is through a special model insulator material containing the Mayorana Fermi, which I have solved as the problem of unstable quantum bit entanglement."

"Wait, what do you say in detail? The characteristics of Mayorana Fermizi I know, no matter how you find this stuff in the insulation material containing the model... How come, solve it?"

The voice at the other end of the phone has become incoherent.

Upon hearing this series of questions, Lu Zhou sighed with some headaches and said in a simple and concise manner.

"It’s too much trouble to talk on the phone. If you are interested, come directly to Jinling."


Lu Zhou did not think that this Liu Academician was so efficient that he rushed to Jinling from Shangjing the next day.

At the same time, it is not only Liu Academician, but also Director Li, and an expert in the research of quantum computer direction at the Institute of Semiconductors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Faced with a group of people's eager eyes, Lu Zhou smiled and said nothing, they took them to a multimedia screening room, and they stood in front of a whiteboard.

"...Before starting to explain, we must first define a basic concept. The topological nature of matter does not change because of continuous stretching or bending, unless it is torn or connected to a new place."

Liu Academician pushed the glasses and said with a dignified look.

"We all know...and then?"

"The same is true for the concept of quantum mechanics... Of course, these are very basic things. What is not fundamental is how we use the nature of this series to achieve the results we want."

As he said, Lu Zhou turned around and picked up the electronic pen and waved it twice toward the whiteboard. The six-grid pattern was like the one that grew out of the white panel and was printed directly on the whiteboard.

Looking at the scene of this sci-fi, including Liu Academician, a group of experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, all face a surprised expression.

I noticed the expression on their faces, Lu Zhou said with a smile.

"This is a gadget that I made when I was free, mainly for the convenience of my own board... After all, many things in physics are different from mathematics. Many things don't look so intuitive. A convenient blackboard tool can at least save. I took the ruler and the board for the time."

In fact, this gadget does not have any special technical content, it is a whiteboard with touch and imaging functions, plus a smart camera with motion recognition. A long time ago, something similar appeared in mit's class, but the function of the gadget was not as good as his richness and operability.

"Let's get back to our previous topic." The electronic pen in the hand tapped the whiteboard, Lu Zhou continued. "The key to solving the quantum computing problem is how to overcome the interference of environmental noise on subatoms. Qubits collapse in environmental disturbances."

At the moment the voice fell, he waved his electronic pen.

I saw that the electronic pen was like a baton. Under its command, the six grid-covered whiteboards quickly showed a row of neat black spots.

These black dots represent a subatomic particle, which surrounds an invisible circular orbit and performs a circular motion with uniform velocity.

Everyone looking at the stage is staring at the whiteboard.

"...this quantum system has a natural immune decoherence and can accurately perform the nature of the pre-defined algorithm."

"I have said so much, I will demonstrate it directly..."

As he said, Lu Zhou waved his hand toward the door, and a drone floated over and swayed, placing a small box on his hand.

Shaking the box in his hand, the boat gently placed it on the table.

"This is a simple scientific calculator. According to my pre-compiled program, it can only do one kind of operation... By the way, have you brought a computer?"

I don’t know what medicine was sold in Lu’s stomach. Liu’s academician hesitated and nodded.

"I brought it."

"Good, then I will give it to you."

Said, Lu Zhou returned the small box to the drone, then told the drone to fly to the front of the Liu Academician, put the small box on his desk.

Picking up the small box and glanced at it, Liu Academician was surprised to find that it was actually a 10-key numeric keypad and a simple display.

Just like a small calculator, there is no sign for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, an extra confirmation button, and no idea what this stuff is for.

At this time, Lu Zhou continued to speak.

"...we all know that a traditional computer generates a 1024-bit prime number that takes only 0.3 seconds or less, and two is 0.6 seconds. Multiplying the two can be negligible."

"But if you turn the product of two large prime numbers apart, the same computer may not be able to get it for three days and three nights."

At the moment when the voice of this sentence fell, the voice of the commotion sounded in the classroom.

Many people's faces have a strange look, even a shocked expression.

Looking at the Liu Academician who seemed to have guessed something, Lu Zhou smiled and made a gesture of asking.

“Now you can randomly generate two arbitrary sizes with your own computer... preferably more than 1024 prime numbers and find the product of them.”

"I believe this is easy for you."

"Finally, I hope that you will enter that product into this box, and soon we will be able to witness the miracle."

The throat was moving, and the voice of Liu Academician was full of excitement.

"Is it -"

Looking at the face of the Liu Academician who had begun to appear strange, Lu Zhou did not speak, just smiled and nodded.

"You will know if you try."

Or the complex feelings of doubt and excitement, Liu Academician quickly generated two large prime numbers of more than 1024 bits with his own computer, and entered their pocket calculators with their products.

Other experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, as well as Director Li, stood behind him and watched him continue this experiment.

After all, it is more than two thousand digits, and the input work takes a long time.

When Liu Academician finally finished all this and pressed the confirmation button, the miracle happened in an instant!

There is no trace of Karton.

Just like a simple addition and subtraction, the product of this large prime is quickly disassembled and divided into two prime factors.

Looking at the numbers that appeared on the display, not just Liu Academician, almost all the people around him, they were surprised.

For a moment!

For traditional computers, the problem that takes a few days to solve is solved in less than a second!

Liu’s eyes were completely wide, opened and closed, and completely lost words.

Before coming here, he originally thought that Lu Zhou’s solution to the problem of collapse of quantum bit entangled state was only a theoretical solution.

Unexpectedly, just as he was still confusing the part of the theory, not only the theory, the academician of the army even made specific samples.

It’s not just the experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences who are shocked, but also the director Li who stands next to him.

How this technology will bring changes to the world, he is in shock, there is no room for leisure to think.

The only thing he knows right now is one thing.

At least half a century of rsa encryption rules have been used, and it is now possible to completely withdraw from the stage of history from today...

Light pen

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