Xie Yong is the manager of a foreign trade company.

After graduating from New York University five years ago, he took his resume and found his current job. He moved to Shanghai with his work and then lived here.

It has been five years since now, and he has also changed from a guy in his twenties to a great uncle who has a successful career. In the second ring of Shangjing, there is a 200-flat big house, holding millions of annual salary and driving BMW 730. The deputy driver has never lacked a beautiful girl, and has an enviable life...

At least on the surface.

Behind this glamorous, almost no one knows that in addition to the aura that is infinitely envied in the eyes of friends and family, there is another layer of unknown identity.

That is the field intelligence of cia -

Commonly known as spy.

Although this sounds a bit ridiculous, it is difficult for anyone to associate a social elite with a salary of one million dollars with an espionage who steals chickens and dogs.

However, conversely, it is also the heart that borrows the inherent concept of people, that he can handle the work of his hands in the past five years, and he does not know what to do.

During the past five years, with the support of cia and the cover of commercial activities, he has woven a huge intelligence network in the territory of China, especially in the eastern region, mainly for collecting the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration and Jinling. The intelligence of the high-tech park and the Jinjingyu urban agglomeration, even many local officials are indirectly or directly inextricably linked with him.

As usual, on Sunday afternoon, he soaked himself a cup of fragrant coffee, downloaded a copy of the zip file from the mailbox for the investigation report of the business conditions of Jinling New Materials, and knocked it on the keyboard. The password.

On the weekends of the week, his downline will summarize the collected information to him. After screening and screening, he will report it to his overseas line--that is, the headquarters of cia.

At the same time, he will spend two hours, according to the instructions of the cia headquarters, to make new deployments to the various units on the lower line.

He has been very careful about this job. Whether it is on-line or off-line communication, he has always used only one encrypted mailbox and an overseas bank account. Even he has been working with him for five years, and he does not know his real name and his identity in reality.

It is precisely because of such a cautious attitude that he has been smashed to the present.

"...The Quantum Computer Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences? I know."

After glanced at the contents of the mail with a blank expression, Xie Yong will silently remember the order from the headquarters while talking to himself.

This matter has been heard recently, and it is said that it has been raging on Facebook Twitter. Many Americans are afraid that the Chinese Congress will use this gadget as a weapon for launching cyber warfare. This kind of public opinion environment can be created.

Considering that the White House will definitely pay attention to this matter, he is also consciously collecting information on this aspect during this time. However, it is easy to investigate the background of some relevant personnel, but it is not so simple to collect specific research materials. .

First, this is China's national key scientific research project. Secondly, this kind of professionalism is too strong, and the challenge for them is still a bit big. If there is no professional consultant to help, it is worthwhile to identify which part of the information is valuable. It takes a lot of energy...

After reading the email, I dragged it into the recycle bin. At this moment, the doorway suddenly sounded ringing.

Standing up from the office chair, Xie Yong got up and walked to the door. He looked outside through the cat's eyes and saw a courier in his hand holding a cardboard box and standing there.

"Is there someone inside? The courier is here, come out and get it."

Through the security door, Xie Yong frowned and shouted.

"I didn't have a courier. Did you send it wrong?"

"...Jinxiu Community 1 Building 117, Mr. Xie... Yes, it is here." The courier also took a step back and specifically confirmed the door number on the wall.

Brows gently wrinkled, although Xie Yong is full of doubts, but there is not much doubt.

After all, the role of his business elite has always been perfect, and no one has ever doubted his true identity. If you don’t open the door at this time, it will easily lead to doubts from others.

So, he did not think much, said openly.

"Okay, please wait... I will come out with a dress."

Said, Xie Yongzheng is ready to turn around and go back to the room to "clean up".

However, just as he had just turned around, the sudden blasting sound exploded from the door, and the security door was blown up, followed by a thunderous rush from outside the door.

"Don't move! Raise your hand!"

Breaking through the directional blasting of smoke, a group of plainclothes policemen slammed into the door, and Xie Yong, who had not recovered his ears, fell down on the ground and handcuffed him.

It was forced by this sudden series of actions. Xie Yong struggled like an ordinary person and said with a look of panic.

"Who are you? What are you doing!"

"It’s quite like it," a man walked up to him, kneeling down and staring at him for a long time, and suddenly smiled. "Xie Yong, cia’s intelligence personnel in China... or I should call you Adams. Liu?"

At the moment of hearing this sentence, Xie Yong’s face was white for a moment.

Adams Liu is his real name.

After coming to China, he never used it. Whether it is a passport or identity information, the name Xie Yong is used.

The real name before he entered the company, except for the top decision-makers at cia, no one knows!

The only explanation is that there is only one possibility, that is, the top level of cia has been turned against...

He only wants to do one thing now, and that is to pass the news to him.

However, this is obviously impossible.

Just as Xie Yong was handcuffed, another high-end residential area separated from his residence by several streets has been riddled by the inside and outside of more than a dozen police cars.

The security guards of the community stood on the sidelines, watching the armed police officers and policemen armed with guns and bullets, and the men and women wearing black hoods were taken out of the community and sent to the police car.

Outside the community, many people looked at the crowd from afar and pointed at the group of people wearing black hoods.

"Is this dry? Grasping telecom fraud?"

"It is said to be a spy."

"Spy? No, spies live in such a big house?"

"I listened to the son of the neighbor's niece's neighbor next door. It is said that the Beijing National Security Bureau received a report from the Chaoyang people. Some people set up a radio monitoring base station in the community. They have already monitored the telephone signals of nearby agencies for one year!"

"One year? Lying in the trough, this courage is too fat!"

Under the word of mouth, in less than half a day, ten versions have been circulated. No matter which one of them is true, there is no mistake in people anyway.

In the interrogation room.

The short-skinned man sitting behind the iron railing, even if faced with the ironclad proof of the mountain, still insists that he is just an ordinary plumber, and has no knowledge of spying and receiving foreign funds.

Until the police officer in charge of the trial, a roster was thrown in front of him.

At the moment of seeing this roster, the man’s face was white for a moment, and the original firm eyes began to shake.

Whether he knows it, still doesn't know it, or just hears a little name, all of it is written on it. There is no doubt that their entire organization has been uprooted, and there is still nothing left.

After realizing this, the last piece of his face was stubborn and collapsed.

"This is impossible...you - not right, I don't understand, what are you talking about."

Looking at the man who was already incoherent, the interrogator sitting opposite said in a joking tone.

"I advise you to honestly account for it. Your old ones, we have already checked them all the time. Can we let you run when you close the net? Now it is the sentence of the missing, the sentence of the sentence, The gunshots of the gun... Don’t be so nervous, your crimes are not enough to eat a gun, but after a few years, it’s up to you.”

Seeing that his resistance has lost its meaning, the man is finally recruited.

Not only did he recruit, including the biggest big fish called Xie Yong, and most of the spies have honestly explained their actions in China and those who have been involved with them.

After a layer of comparison and screening, I finally got the final list.

Looking at the shocking names on the list, the general manager in charge of the interrogation work slammed his tongue, and his tone was not calm.

"This list... I am afraid that something big will happen."

I didn't know if I didn't know it. I was really scared when I checked it. I didn't expect so many people to be involved. The highest level even went to the municipal party committee level.

Although some of them are threatened by relatives who have emigrated overseas, others are being tempted by interests or caught by the handle, but the facts of crime will not change, no matter what it is.

It is almost foreseeable.

The two political and business circles in China will have a big earthquake because of this list...

Light pen

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