Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1185: 2000 is not in the words...

Science and Technology Bureau.

Office of the Director.

An old man with a white beard, violently pushed open the door of the office and walked in from the outside.

"Old Li! I want to know what is going on!"

This movement did not scare Director Li, but he shocked his secretary.

If other people, they dare not speak with the Secretary for Science and Technology, but Academician Xue obviously does not belong to the category of ordinary people.

Not to mention the Science and Technology Bureau, even the top leader of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Science and Technology, is also a courtesy to the old gentleman.

Seeing Xue Xueshi who appeared at the door, Director Li seemed to guess why he appeared here. His face quickly lost a soothing smile and put down the ballpoint pen in his hand.

"How come you? Please sit down soon... Xiao Zhou, go to the Xue Academician to pour a cup of tea, then help me send the document on the table to the materials room to print 50 copies and send it to Director Liu. Go there."


The boss gave his own intentions to the gods. The secretary named Xiao Zhou quickly smiled and poured a cup of hot tea to Xue Yuanshi. Then he picked up the documents on the table and quickly stepped out of the office and took the door.

"Hey!" Glanced at the closed door, waiting for the footsteps in the corridor to go away. Xue Xueshi took a cup of tea on the table and sipped it halfway. He slammed the cup on the table, and said with anger. "Do you still ask me how come? Not because of your anger, but how come?"

Secretary Li couldn’t speak. The academician Xue’s mouth was like a machine gun that was opened, and the fire was like a breath.

"It’s you guys who want to engage in quantum encryption algorithms! Now it’s not you!” Half of the cryptography circles in China have come to Beijing. Our work has just begun. You haven’t done it in one sentence. When is the monkey playing?"

Upon hearing the complaints of Academician Xue, Director Li’s expression was a little subtle. It is indeed his fault to say this, but he can't completely blame him.

"This... things are a bit complicated."

"What is complicated? Have I reminded you? Now that the most advanced quantum computers are not 100 qubits, it is a problem to treat a quantum computer with more than 1000 qubits as an imaginary enemy!"

In the eyes of Xue Xueshi, it is simply a decision made by a layman to make such a strange subject. He has always hated this kind of administrative behavior of researching and researching. This is not only a waste of resources, but also a study of drama!

Director Li coughed and said.

"The reason for canceling this project is not because of this, but it is not completely canceled, it is only a strategic adjustment..."

Academician Xue was full of anger and said: "That is because of what!"

"...because someone has already solved this problem."

The office was quiet for a moment.

At the moment of hearing this sentence, Xue Xueshi was kneeling in the same place, and it took a while to return to God.

"... solved? What problem solved?"

"What is the quantum encryption algorithm?"

"How can it be!"

A pair of eyes were rounded up, and Xue’s face was filled with an expression of disbelief, thinking that Director Li was fooling himself, and his face was even more angry. “Half of the cryptic scholars are here, you and I said The problem is solved? Do you know what you are talking about?"

For a whole week, their research has not made any substantial progress. Now someone actually told him that the problem was solved? Someone in the place he didn't know, completed an algorithm that all of them couldn't even think of?

He has never heard anything more ridiculous than this!

Director Li sighed: "Just you are here too... I originally planned to talk to you about this matter recently."

As he said, he opened the drawer and took out a disc stored in a special container.

Looking at this CD, Xue Academician frowned. Waiting for him to ask, Secretary Li continued.

"The quantum encryption algorithm I'm talking about is in this... Of course, it can only be placed in my office right now, and the door next to you can't be. But I can show it to you with my computer."

Xue Academician wrote a slight disapproval on his face, and snorted coldly.

"I am not so fooled."

Director Li said with a smile. "I know, but we are all laymen after all. The real reference is the opinions of your experts. So, I originally intended to let you see if this stuff can block. 1000 qubits above the attack of quantum computers..."

Say, the disc has been placed in the laptop.

As the sound of the optical drive was heard, Director Li turned the computer and faced the direction of Xue Academician.

With a letter of doubt, Xue Xueshi drank the cup of tea on the table, stood up from the sofa, walked to the side of Li’s desk, and took a chair to sit down.

After holding the mouse and clicking on the screen, after opening the file in the driver, Xue Academician will follow the algorithm file presented on the screen and see it line by line.

To be honest, there is no possibility to develop a stronger and newer encryption algorithm based on algorithm logic that is completely different from the bb84 protocol in such a short period of time.

Any research is based on scholars working in this field, and the top scholars he knows in this field are in his research group.

These people can't think of any good way. He doesn't think others can think of it.

Unless, I asked for "foreign aid."

However, the possibility of outsourcing encryption algorithms to foreign research teams is almost zero, as is the case with national security issues.

Maintaining the expression of disapproval, Xue Academician swept dozens of lines in the past.

However, as the line of sight continued to fall, the mouse's scroll wheel continued to roll, and the expression on his face suddenly changed a little.

This time the change is very weak, but in the eyes of Director Li, it is so obvious.

Finally, the stubborn old man couldn’t help it.

"This thing... Who made it?"

"I really can't tell you this," Secretary Li said with a coughing question. "Top secret content, understand."

The office was silent for a while.

Staring at the computer screen, Xue Academician suddenly turned away from the screen, and looked straight to Director Li, speaking in a slightly hoarse voice.

"... Is it a fellow academician?"

Only this one is possible...

Director Li did not speak, and his face did not change.

But sometimes, no expression is equal to an answer.

Woodwood turned his head, and Xue’s face remained unseen when he began to become a shocking expression, and his eyes looked at the rest of the algorithm.

Like seeing a shocking miracle, his mouth whispered in a dream.

"It turned out to be him... no wonder."

No wonder the project was cancelled.

With such an encryption algorithm, there is really nothing wrong with them.

Just thinking about it is really embarrassing, they add up to more than twenty heads, but they can't compare with him.

Thinking of this, the shocking expression, can not help but bring a bitter bitterness.

He used to disagree with the feelings of those old friends. Now he is finally taught. Why is it that the cooperation with Academician Lu is a frustrating thing.

This is not only a frustration, but even people start to doubt life and feel despair.

If you think about it, don’t tell them why the project was cancelled. It’s not a kind of care...

Seeing that Xue Xueshi had not responded for a long time, Director Li was anxious and urged him.

"Don't be light, oh... let's talk about this encryption algorithm?"

For a long while, Xue Xueshi spit out a word from his mouth.


"What does it mean to be strong?"

"The meaning is, don't say it is 1000 qubits..."

Sucking his mouth, Xue’s voice trembled a little, and sighed softly. “I’m afraid of 2000 qubits, it’s not a problem at all...”

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