Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1190: Multi-dimensional structure of three-dimensional cavity (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival ~)

Stepped into the lab.

Academician Xue looked around nervously.

The reason why the tension is because of curiosity, on the other hand is because of fear of seeing something that should not be seen.

As if seeing through his concerns, Lu Zhou took him to the lab and said with a relaxed tone.

"You don't have to be so nervous. Since you are the relevant person, these things are nothing to see."

If it is the lab on the third floor of the underground, it doesn't matter. Since he moved these things to the surface, it means that even if they are seen by others, it will not be a big problem.

After hearing the words of Lu Zhou, Xue academy finally relieved his heart, and his face returned to a calm expression, no longer cautious, began to curiously look at the layout of the laboratory.

This is not the same as the vast majority of laboratories he has ever seen. It can even be said that it is more like a simple workshop than a laboratory.

Looking at the computer-like device that resembles the nearest one, Xue Xueshi casually asked.

"this is?"

"Laser melting 3d printing system... It is mainly used to process some metal and plastic devices that I need. After all, it is very troublesome to find a partner. I don't really want to waste time waiting."

Academician Xue is a stranger.

"Do you still operate this thing?"

Lu Zhou explained casually.

"In a sense, it is voice-activated... thanks to our artificial intelligence technology."

Upon hearing this explanation, Academician Xue subconsciously opened his mouth.

Voice control?

artificial intelligence?

How is this thing so voice and smart?

It is understandable to model it automatically, but how do you let ai know what kind of model the user needs by a few words? Is this a problem that can be solved by simple artificial intelligence or fuzzy calculation?

However, he is not an expert in this area after all. If he does not understand, he will not have a voice. Therefore, he has not been entangled in this issue, but has looked at another device that he does not understand.

"That... that?" Pointing at the silver-white metal tube that traversed the entire laboratory, Academician Xue continued to ask, "What is the use of that stuff?"

"Multi-line single photon channel... This is what I want to show you," went to the middle of the metal tube, and the boat took the glove from the side of the experimental table and carefully took it from a low temperature inertia. In the gas protection box, a cylindrical structure covered by a titanium alloy bracket was taken out.

In the cross-section of this cylinder, a honeycomb-like opening can be seen, while in the central part of the cylinder, it is composed of a frosted glass-like translucent vessel.

Looking at the confusing things that came out one after another, Xue Academician felt like a primitive person.

Although I don't want to say why these three words, I really can't understand it. In the end, he still opened his mouth without any disappointment.

"What is this again?"

"A three-dimensional cavity with a multi-mode structure. The main material is an alloy of tantalum and molybdenum and other materials. It can satisfy all our fantasies about the quantum world..." It seems that this sentence is not accurate enough. After thinking about it for a while, Lu Zhou corrected and said, "At least the current stage of fantasy."

Academician Xue opened his mouth slightly and dumbly.

Everything in front of him was somewhat beyond his expectations.

Intuition tells him that the power placed in front of him may be beyond his imagination, but for a moment and a half he can't say exactly where the magical power of this almost magical origin comes from.

So that...

For a time he even forgot his original purpose of coming here.

"I know that you have a lot of questions to ask, and I will talk to you about your confusion after a while."

Seeing to see through the old man's face of surprise and curiosity, Lu Zhou gently pointed his head, then turned around to turn this mysterious cylinder, carefully placed in the opening almost 100% match On the groove.

Looking at the cylinder under the traction of gravity, the speed was lowered, and the boat stepped back to a computer in two steps, with a smile on his face.

“It’s perfect!”

Academician Xue: "...I don't quite understand."

"In a nutshell, this is a quantum entangled amplifier, you can think of it as a magnifying glass. But it does not enhance light, but something more microscopic than light."

The expression on Xue’s face was slightly moving, and a crazy possibility came into his mind.

"... single photon?"

"Correct...but not complete, exactly the entangled photon pair."

Said, Lu Zhou hit a ring, it seems that he heard a certain order, the signal light on the chassis behind him lit up, and the silver-white metal tube in front of it also gave a slight humming .

I didn't realize how shocking this scene was to the person next to him, Lu Zhou continued to explain.

"... By placing this three-dimensional cavity of a multimode structure in a special magnetic field, the free erbium atoms in the alloy enter an extremely insensitive state, thereby isolating the interference in the environment and capturing the entrance port. The photons are synchronized, and then the entangled state is passed to the next repeater through the new single photon emitter and the above process is repeated."

Academician Xue’s eyes widened in an instant.

"This, is this true!"

"It seems that you have already guessed it," Lu Zhou smiled and nodded, "Quantum communication."

During the speech, the preparation process of the experiment has been completed.

64 pairs of photons are transmitted from port a, amplified by the repeater while passing through the quantum repeater in the middle of the pipe, continuing to transmit to the next channel, and finally received by the receiver of port b.

Looking at the number of feedback on the screen, Lu Zhou’s mouth took a smile.

64 pairs of photons!

Receive all!

There is no doubt that his experiment has been successful!

Suddenly watching everything that happened in front of him, Xue Xueshi, who was standing in the middle of the laboratory, went to Lu Zhou to collect the data into the database, and gradually recovered from the surprise.

"it's over?"

Lu Zhou standing in front of the computer replied casually.

"The end, the experiment was very successful."

Academician Xue: "...what do you show me this?"

There is no doubt that what he sees in front of him is probably more confidential than the quantum encryption algorithm.

He really didn't understand why Lu Zhou wanted to show these things to himself.

"Because it is not perfect, I only solved a part of the problem, but there are still some problems that have not been solved, and this part is not what I am good at..." Lu Zhou looked at the wall clock on the wall and suddenly smiled and said, " Now that the experiment is over, let's talk to another place."

Say, Lu Zhou reached out and tapped a few buttons on the keyboard. After waiting for the device to completely shut down, press the power button next to the chassis.

After doing these things, he returned his eyes to the academician Xue and offered an invitation.

"Go to my office."

“We can talk about these interesting questions while drinking something.”

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