Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1205: Naked eye holography

In general, the Ministry of Commerce certainly cannot agree to such a merger.

Even countries that practice free trade are unlikely to agree that foreign companies can borrow billions of dollars from their banks and then use them to acquire companies in their own countries.

Once this merger is successful, it will mean the outflow of a series of assets including technology, talents, market share, etc., and no benefits for the people of the country can be obtained.

Not to mention that the sub company itself stands in the monopoly of the industry, allowing such companies to be acquired by overseas companies. The approved person must have been kicked by the brain.

However, the current situation is clearly not the general case.

The acquisition of Sub by East Asia Communications cannot be simply regarded as a business, but the result of compromise after the political game.

If the acquisition fails, the sub company does not have the technology and ability to lay quantum cables, and finally waits for their ending and only bankruptcy.

And if the acquisition is successful, it means that East Asia Telecom's fiber optic cable will be able to enter North America faster, which means that Sub will have the hope to enter the global submarine quantum cable project.

Even if East Asia communication is unlikely to transfer the technology of quantum submarine cable to them, they can also buy equipment from the factory in Huaguo and engage in a slightly lower level of pipeline laying...

Jinling is happy with the technology park.

Star Sky Technology Headquarters Building.

After reading the report sent by the investment management manager, Chen Yushan nodded with satisfaction and put it on the side after signing the name.

"...I have already understood the basic situation, just follow this financing plan."

Star Technology holds a 30% stake in East Asia Communications. Although it does not interfere with its specific operations, such a large financing case must be signed and approved by Star Technology.

I picked up the signed document from Table Mountain. After the manager stepped back two steps, he suddenly thought of something and said.

"Right, there is one more thing..."

Chen Yushan: "Let's talk."

The manager of the strategic investment department proposed: "... Why don't we take this opportunity to find more money from Morgan Bank? Now is a good opportunity to short the US stocks. We can make a fortune at this opportunity."

"It’s too late, the previous bad news has been completely released. Now the US stocks are at the bottom of relative value. And..." Shake his head, Chen Yushan paused for a moment and continued, "Now is not the best time to borrow dollars."

The manager subconsciously asked: "Why?"

Chen Yushan: "After this financial turmoil, Manhattan Island is gradually losing its status as a world financial center. In order to prevent the outflow of domestic assets, the Fed may release more dollars to the market by lowering reserves and interest rates."

"What do you mean... the Fed may take a proactive depreciation strategy?"

Chen Yushan nodded. "Yes, it is a one-off, large-scale depreciation."

Although the Fed’s control over the exchange rate is not as strong as that of the Central Bank of China, it is achievable to manipulate the exchange rate in an indirect way, and the performance will be more secret.

Through a one-time large-scale active depreciation, foreign capital outflows can be effectively prevented.

However, this kind of behavior is very risky, even a little bit of drinking and quenching thirst.

The method of active depreciation can prevent capital from being set aside in the short term, but the long-term weakening is the credit and competitiveness of the domestic currency in the international market.

Especially in the case that the future economic situation is difficult to be good, it will also lay a hidden danger for large-scale foreign investment.

After all, no one is stupid.

If the future expectations are gray, no capital will be willing to stay...

Looking at the manager of the strategic investment department who still has something to say, Chen Yushan continued.

"Don't think too much, we are technology companies, not investment banks. It is enough to hold low-risk bonds with idle funds. There is no need to go to the water."

"……I know."

As the manager of the Strategic Investment Department left, the office returned to quiet.

Chen Yushan turned the ballpoint pen in her hand and was preparing to continue the unfinished work today.

However, at this time, she suddenly thought of the things that were mentioned in the call to the Hong Kong Development Zone in the morning, and then turned her eyes to the mobile phone on the corner of the table.

Staring at the phone on the table for a moment, Chen Yushan suddenly seemed to practice talking, and whispered a few words such as "hey" and "dry".

Finally, with her efforts, the voice sounded a little softer.

There was a faint smile on her face. She picked up the phone and dialed a number. After waiting for the call to be connected, she said.

"Hey? What are you doing?"

At this moment, standing in the laboratory of the Institute of Advanced Studies, holding the mobile phone's Lu Zhou while looking at the string on the computer screen in front of him, while returning.

" doing a very interesting experiment, what happened?"

Interesting experiment?

Although curiosity is what it is, since she is busy, she is not too embarrassed to bother him too much, so she goes straight to the point.

"A few days later, Xinghai No. 1 is going to be completed. The Trial Development Zone Management Committee invites you to cut the ribbon in the past. When do you have time to go?"

Cut the ribbon?

After hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou pondered for a while and said.

"Should... be free."

There is no time to say it is not good, but recently he just happened to go to Shanghai.

Anyway, it doesn't take much time, and the ribbon cutting is also a good way to go.

Chen Yushan: "That line, I will help you arrange it."

"Well, trouble."

call ended.

Throwing the phone on the table, Chen Yushan took a sigh of relief and fanned his face against his face.

"... whoever hits the temperature of the air conditioner so high is really hot."

Speaking to himself, Chen Yushan took the remote control from the desk drawer and lowered the temperature of the central air conditioner by two degrees.

Feeling that the temperature in the office gradually cooled down, she took a deep breath, then patted her cheeks and resumed the state of work, and continued to handle the work at hand...


On the other side, Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Zhou re-directed his sight to the strangely shaped device.

At this time, a string of text popped up on the screen of the phone he was holding in his hand.

Xiao Ai: [Master! The debugging of the program is completely ok, and it can be started at any time. (?????)]

Lu Zhou nodded.

"Let's get started."

Xiao Ai: [Received! (??????)??]

At the moment of the order, I saw only the strangely shaped device, and the signal light embedded on the surface lit up. A white silver ring, which was quickly placed at the top, lit a light blue arc in a slight earthquake.

Then, as a vertical ray of light blooms upwards, a string of light particles that resemble a solid float in the air, intertwined according to a certain law.

Under the combination of these light particles, a 3x3x3 cube was formed first, and then it became a model of Xiaguang, constantly switching its form.

At this moment, even a layman who is ignorant of the imaging principle will certainly exclaim the name of the device.

Holographic projection!

And still the kind of naked eyes!

This gadget was inspired by Lu Zhou's "wearable facial holographic projection system" obtained from the last lottery, and then developed according to the research results of some Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies in recent years.

In fact, to be honest, when I first came into contact with this thing, Lu Zhou thought that it was a very bad black technology. However, after in-depth study, I discovered that it was just like that.

The specific principle is very simple. Actively excited water droplets with a diameter of 1 to 100 nm are thrown into the air by high-frequency vibration, and a sol state is formed in a space where air is dispersed. According to the Tyndall effect, a beam of a specific wavelength is emitted from a plurality of angles, and a light-scattering characteristic of the sol is utilized to generate a stereoscopic image.

At first, Lu Zhou thought it was an optical problem.

In fact it is also true.

However, after in-depth research, he discovered that this is actually a programming problem.

After the emission light, the diameter of the dispersed particles, and the accuracy of the vapor phase sol concentration meet the required standards, the remaining problem is how to program each method to make each beam enter the sol area at a specific angle and intensity to form him. The image you need.

This involves very complex programming problems.

Even with the help of Xiao Ai, he took a lot of time to complete.

About ten minutes in the past.

After 20 sets of preset images were switched, the whole set of equipment successfully completed the test of all the items. As a prototype in a laboratory, its performance has reached the expectations of a researcher.

The rest is constantly debugging.

"Not bad."

Watching the light particles gradually dissipate, Lu Zhou nodded, but quickly shook it.


"Not perfect enough."

Due to the sensitivity of the device, the picture is somewhat distorted when switching, especially for some complex holographic structures, which are difficult to express finely.

At least with his imaginary holographic projection technology, there is still a big gap.

Maybe if the technology is a bit more mature, the situation may be better.

As for interactive holographic technology...

It may have to wait for a while.

Xiao Ai: [But Xiao Ai thinks that it is already very good. (;'⌒`)

Lu Zhou: "Maybe... what is this?"

The equipment for the experiment was not closed, only the light particles floating on the disc were found, and a height of the arm of the adult was calculated in the air...

Beautiful girl hand model?

Floating in the mist, there is really a feeling of being in the fairyland.

It’s just that Lu Zhou still didn’t understand it. This guy is still playing around.

As if to see through his confusion, the elf's general virtual corner turned around in the air, while facing him, a semi-transparent dialog appeared next to the hair.

[According to the pinch-face data of the 320,000 players of the Indigo Empire, the most popular face and figure ratio parameters were analyzed by the fuzzy calculation method. There is no doubt that if it is in the drama, this must be the most popular super popular character! (??????)??]

Because of the gameplay, the player's role in the Indigo Empire is to customize the skin tone. After all, this kind of thing like blue skin, when you look at it in an exotic way, you will drift into blue, and you will still lose the sense of substitution.

In addition to this, there are some optimizations in detail.

In short, the characters played by the players are like the 3D characters who have opened the beauty. They are not incompatible with the game style, and they can also have aesthetic habits.


Lu Zhou fixed his mind and asked.


Xiao Ai: [I am! (?><*?)]

Lu Zhou: "..."

This guy……

The head should not be broken.

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