Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1215: Sometimes science is not just an idea

Walk into the cafe.

Sitting down by the window, Lu Zhou signaled that Wang Peng was waiting for himself, and then looked at Professor Miro, who was sitting opposite.

"Do you want something to drink?"

"As long as it is ice."

Lu Zhou nodded, then looked at the waiter and ordered two cups of iced coffee.

Then he turned his attention to Professor Miro and asked.

"To be honest, I don't quite understand how 53% of the mass expansion is related to... the spirit of the universe in your mouth?"

"You are the first person to ask me this question," some accidentally looked at Lu Zhou, Professor Miro continued. "The first reaction of most people is that I am mad, mad. Some mysterious and unreliable theories."

"I don't have a fundamental difference between them and their views," Lu Zhou shrugged and continued. "My curiosity is purely the connection between the two."

Professor Miro did not speak immediately, but groped for a while.

This action made Wang Peng, who was standing next to him, nervous for a while, and his right hand couldn't help but put it in his purse.

However, this professor from the United States did not make a special move, but only found a note book and a signature pen from the inside pocket.

"Since you are good at math, then I will show you optimism with mathematics."

Looking at his movements with interest, Lu Zhou made a gesture of asking.

"I agree with your point of view. It may be illusory to see, but mathematics will not deceive."

Without any comments on this sentence, Professor Miro quickly wrote a line of calculations on the sticky note paper with the signature pen in his hand.


"This is the mass of the nucleus obtained by extrapolation of the chirality, m0≈880mev; 1≈-1gev-1; mπ2 is the mass square of the π meson..."

After taking over his coffee from the service, Lu Zhou said calmly.

"So? I am not coming to listen to your quantum color dynamics."

"Please don't worry, I just want to confirm the basic concepts in order to better explain my point of view."

Professor Miro cleared his throat and continued, "According to this formula, we can clearly see that most of the mass of matter visible in the universe can be pure quantum chromodynamics without introducing quark mass. Explain... except for the 7% part, which is not yet explained, they may come from outside the standard model, perhaps from statistical errors, but this is not a big problem."

Lu Zhou nodded, no expression, just waiting quietly for him to continue.

"... However, recent experiments have completely overturned all the speculations I made before. When I think that the collision of the larger energy level will reveal the secret of this part of 7%, we are strikingly discovering This 7% has disappeared."

“Not only that, even 53% of our observing systems are unable to explain the quality of the source!”

“It’s amazing, isn’t it? It’s reasonable that we’ve seen it’s less than it actually has. But the truth is, we’re seeing more than it actually has, one more Unable to be ignored!"

"Think about it, we only have to introduce a negative mass of particles to make the two sides of the equation conserved. The original perfect universe is like a plasticine, pinched in an invisible hand, arbitrary 揉pinch"

"Perfect is just a subjective judgment," Lu Zhou interrupted, and said, "I never thought the universe was perfect."

"Yeah? Haha, maybe! If I tell you, I saw the ghost, forget it. It’s too weird. It’s estimated that there is no benefit other than making you think of me as a madman."

Is not it?

Lu Zhou’s heart subconsciously produced such confusion, but it was not revealed on the face.

The line of sight stayed for a few seconds on the face of Lu Zhou, where there was not much expression change. Professor Miro suddenly lowered his head and hurriedly wrote a few lines of calculations and handwriting on paper.

After doing all this, he then carefully folded it and then stuffed it in front of Lu Zhou.

"Bold assumptions and careful verification are the advances in physics that we can sum up from history. Just as we perceive the existence of gravity from the falling apples, scientific thinking frees us from obscurity and learns to summarize The law of the development of things... and let us forget our own smallness."

"do you know?"

"This universe is like a well-designed game. Normally, it will respond to our expectations. Until one day, the parameters we entered into it finally exceeded its threshold, and it finally failed to respond to us. Expectation. All scientific theories have collapsed at this singularity, and there is no longer any law in the development of all matter."

"The collision smashing above 5tev is not only a quality balance, but also smashes the entire physics."

Lu Zhou looked at him silently.

He probably knows now, why this talented young scholar is caught in a paranoid and even maddening situation.

Physics is the study of the most general laws of matter movement and the basic structure of matter, but now their discovery reveals to them that the universe is virtually irregular.

If it is only a physical theorem that is overthrown, it is not so alarming, but obviously it touches something that is closer to the source.

It is the so-called truth itself.

This boat exploring the truth of the universe is being dragged into a swamp by an invisible hand.

Now, Lu Zhou finally understands why this matter will develop into a system that has to come out and give him the degree of [emergency tasks].

Honestly, if he didn't hear the voice from the empty side, he might be more confused than Professor Miro at this moment.

"...the universe itself is not regular. Our ignorance and insignificance make us wishful thinking that the sky we see at the bottom of the well is the whole of the sky."

"It's like, in this universe, an invisible ghost is picked up. It takes off the apple on the tree and reaches out to kill Schrödinger's cat. Let the light be a particle or a wave, and manipulate everything as you like... And we still want to explain its behavior with some lame and self-sufficient theories."

From the self-satisfaction to say something chilling, Professor Miro's blood-filled pupil gradually grew a bit.

The index finger tapped on the little note and he lowered his voice.

"This is my prediction, distinguished Professor Lu."

“The phenomenon of mass expansion in high-energy areas is irregular. We have been doing a very stupid stupid thing for the past half century.”

"After half a month we will start the experiment again, and soon you will prove that I am right."

"All this is arranged."

After finishing this sentence, Professor Miro held his hands on the table and took the pace of the six parents' unrecognized. After countless people stared at each other, they stumbled and ran away.


It can be seen that the results of that experiment have dealt a heavy blow to him.

Whether in the spiritual or physiological sense.

After the meeting with Professor Miro, Lu Zhou returned to the car and sat in the back row of the note paper in his hand, as if thinking about something.

After looking at Lu Zhou through the rearview mirror, Wang Peng hesitated for a moment and said.

"The professor is..."

"Faith collapses."

Wang Peng: "...?"

Lu Zhou: "If one day I tell you, from childhood to university mathematics, physical chemistry, and even language... everything is actually fake, how do you feel."

Although Professor Lu is not the first to ask such a strange question, he has long been used to it, but this time seems to be more difficult to understand than usual.

Wang Peng thought for a while, his face showed a subtle expression.

"I can't imagine... If you say it again, the language can't be fake."

"I just give a popular example. After all, you have not systematically studied the excessive sub-color dynamics, and you have not spent most of your life writing papers, like people revealing the natural appearance."

Sighing a little, Lu Zhou thought for a while and continued.

"I'll give you another example. Suppose one day the person you admire most, from a saint to a devil without evil, or something similar, pushes the world to the brink of destruction."

Wang Peng said almost without hesitation.

"This is impossible."

"Is it?" Lu Zhou shrugged unscrupulously. "I also think this is impossible. But you should be able to think of what kind of disaster it might mean for you if something like this happens."

"This is what happened to Professor Miro. What he always thought was impossible, and unswervingly regarded it as a creed, happened before his eyes."

“Things that have been studied in the past twenty years have turned into waste paper, and physics and life have lost their meaning.”

"In this sense, sometimes science is not just an idea."

"At the same time, it is also a belief."


Professor Miro was suspended.

This is also the doctor's advice.

In any case, his current state is not suitable for participation in the research.

In particular, he not only affected himself, but also affected other people in the project team.

Originally, Lu Zhou thought that in the face of such a situation, the young genius might be unacceptable.

However, to his surprise, after hearing the advice given by imr to receive treatment, he was unexpectedly calm, and even when he was packing and leaving the office, his face was particularly relaxed.

"Alright, I finally have time to plan the trip I have always wanted to start."

After leaving this sentence, he said goodbye to his colleagues and then left his office.

To some extent, Lu Zhou paid special attention to the situation of Professor Mitro. Interestingly, the physics professor did not leave Shanghai immediately, but still lived in the single apartment that imr prepared for him.

It seems that he is not so sure about his own guess. It seems that he is going to wait until the end of the next experiment to see if he is right.

However, this also made Lu Zhou feel even more uneasy.

Because this means that all his conclusions are made in a state of lucidity.

At the same time, Lu Zhou also noticed that during this period of suspension, Professor Miro has been updating his blog. Objective evaluation, his literary talent is really good, can show the boring physics theory in a simple and easy-to-understand form, so he also gained a lot of fans or believers.

In this way, in the turbulence of the entire physics, half a month passed.

Imr finally waited for the next experimental cycle.

This time, Lu Zhou personally stood at the ground command center.

It is not for some necessary academic purposes, he just wants to confirm with his own eyes, all this is just a strange and strange Oolong, or a real sense of subversion of physics.

The fist continued to squeeze and loosen, and squatted back and forth in the hall of the ground command center for several laps. Finally, he waited for the moment when the result came out.

The data presented on the screen also made him subconsciously blink his eyes.

That weird scene appeared again!

After the collision of the two lead ions in the high-energy zone, the quality has not lost money, but a part of it!

The sound of the ground command center was awkward. People couldn't believe that the eyes were wide open, exchanged with a stunned line of sight, whispered, nervous and even excited.

The expression on Lu Zhou’s face was still calm, but it was slightly stiff.

This is the first time he feels that the situation is so tricky.

The subconscious put his hand into his pocket and he took out the sticky note from his pocket.

Looking at the above, he whispered aloud.

"I was really guessed by you."

The extra part of the mass is no longer 0.53 lead ions.

It is 0.71.

Not just that.

The data collected by the four detectors through the unimpeded experiment is surprisingly highly consistent...

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