Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1219: Reveal the existence of the void

Perso Fernando is a bridge builder from California and a loyal fan of Galette Miro – or a believer.

To be honest, because he did not receive higher education, he could not fully understand the theory of Professor Garrett Miro.

But fortunately, the great "first mover" Professor Miro, who cares about these ignorant mortals, tells the complicated and incomprehensible theories in a more informal way.

Thanks to this, even a person like him can hear the voice from the supreme being from the depths of the vast universe.

It is for this reason that after learning about the death of Professor Miro, he was as shocked as the other spiritual believers in the universe, and he was filled with anger.

They believe that imcrc persecuted him, that the narrow materialists, and the physicists and vested interests murdered him and concealed his death as suicide.

In fact, there are indeed many doubts about his death. For example, he answered the question of "believers" on the blog two hours before he committed suicide, and even ordered a ham pizza. It is hard to imagine such a cheerful and intelligent one. Young people will end their lives in this way.

It is also these doubts that give the conspiracy theory a space for fermentation.

Driven by the sense of justice, beliefs and emotions, Fernando took the flight to Shanghai and walked to the building of imcrc, standing with the brothers and sisters and sisters on the front line to save human civilization.

It is different from those who misunderstand people.

They are not standing here because of money, but they really believe that those stupid physicists may destroy the world. In fact, this is not the first time he has done so.

A long time ago, he did a "great" thing, that is, he traveled to Switzerland at his own expense and sneaked into the underground tunnel of the Hadron Collider, causing the experiment that would have been planned to stop.

Although he was sued by cern afterwards and was permanently closed by the Swiss and French customs, he did not regret it.

One is that he regards this as an honor.

Second, an environmental organization that opposes the collider experiment has contracted all the litigation costs of his innocence defense.

But this time, they seem to have kicked the iron board...

Just after they had just occupied the street for less than five minutes, they gathered more police forces than the protesters nearby, and they were easily dispelled by a series of means such as encircling and splitting.

Before he was caught, he seemed to faintly hear something difficult to understand such as "second class," "don't grab," and "have a share."

However, because I didn't understand Mandarin, I was still not sure what the words meant until I was brought into the imcrc headquarters by several special police officers.

And many of the most violent people were concentrated together and brought into a small room to make a transcript, just as he was preparing to reassure the policeman’s request to the policeman who made the transcript, the door of the room. Suddenly pushed away, a young Chinese man came in and curiously looked up and down at him.

Do not like this feeling of being looked at, Fernando narrowed his eyes.

However, at this time, he suddenly felt that this person was familiar, and the pupil subconsciously enlarged a few points.

"...Lu Zhou?"

Hearing the lame pronunciation, Lu Zhou smiled.

"I didn't expect you to know me."

Fernando gnashed his teeth and said: "You sinners who betray human beings are burned and I know."

Lu Zhou smiled and didn't care about his curse. He scanned the transcript on the table and said with interest.

"Perso Fernando, a native of California. I guess, you are probably... the bishop of the universe?"

Fernando smiled coldly and raised his chin proudly.

"Bishop? That is what the old faith of the obscurity will exist. We don't need that kind of thing to go back together, and we don't need anyone's leadership!"

Listening to him with a blank expression, he said something difficult to understand, Lu Zhou nodded.

"Are you finished?"

Fernando hated.

"Tell it out!"

Lu Zhou: "Come with me."

Fernando squatted and subconsciously.


Lu Zhou did not explain, just said simply.

"You will know when you come."


In fact, neither the materialist nor the idealist discuss the superficial gods, nor do they care whether there is any mysterious energy like magic.

Just like the two physicists and idealists, there is no conflict between Garrett Miro. He is both a scholar of high energy physics and a creator of "conscious determinism."

And all the differences between materialism and idealism are only about consciousness and matter, which is the priority...

It must be said that Garrett Miro is indeed a very good physicist and a very smart guy.

Lu Zhou admits that although at first he thought that this guy's head didn't look too smart, he actually underestimated him.

The most sensible thing he did was probably to divide his academic theory and philosophical thinking into two parts and to target different groups.

Through a general academic discussion, he developed a handful of supporters of "cosmetic animism" in imcrc.

At the same time, he developed a group of "Spirit of the Universe" sects in the form of religion through popular science methods and Internet tools - whether he realized that this is a religion, but in fact many people have Put aside the theoretical core of "the universe is spiritual" and worship the "spirit of the universe" as something like God.

Although the “cosmeticism” and the “faith of the universe” are very different things, they are unexpectedly able to complement each other to some extent.

The former provides theoretical weapons, while the latter provides strong execution.

It doesn't even sound like religion, it feels a bit ***...

It is precisely because of this that almost the day after his death, protests of different scales broke out all over the world except China.

Especially in Western Europe, it is simply the hardest hit.

Whether it is cern or the fusion power station in Cadarache, it has been affected to varying degrees by this matter.

As if overnight, the spirit of the universe taught a new religion that was not found in a church that was not even in the right place. It suddenly inspired the potential of terror and developed into a large and action-oriented group.

It’s like having an invisible hand, pushing it forward in the back...

In fact, aside from the protests around the world, the core of their ideas alone, there are not too many extreme places.

Lu Zhou carefully studied the notes left by Professor Miro.

In this holy relic that will probably become the "Spirit of the Universe" sect, Garrett Miro, who is the forerunner, regards the concept of "human solidarity" as the highest ideal, and believes that the consciousness of all mankind should be unified. It is possible to communicate the greatest existence of the "virtual world" - "the supreme consciousness that creates everything and defines the universe."

As for the virtual world.

According to Professor Garrett Miro's description in that note, it is actually the so-called void.

At least Lu Zhou felt that although Professor Miro said that he did not want to, he still "learned" some of his theory about "extra strings".

In describing the virtual world, he portrayed the universe as a box, and put the great existence, the spirit of the universe, outside the box, thinking that "consciousness" determines the "substance" within the box.

In this sense, in addition to his physicist's identity, he is also an idealist.

To be honest, looking at the fanatics of the believers, Lu Zhou’s heart is a little bit smirking.

At least as far as he knows, in addition to human civilization, there should be many other civilizations in the same echelon.

Regardless of whether the "great consciousness" exists or not, and hope to integrate the consciousness of all mankind, we can communicate the "spirit of the universe" that lies on the extra string, and it is too much to play.

After all, human existence is too small compared to the vast universe.

That point of view is also insignificant...

Standing in the lecture hall, Lu Zhou looked at the crowded meeting place, and looked at the time on the watch, and could not help but feel a little emotion.

In five minutes, the report will begin.

He is very clear about what kind of things he is about to demonstrate, and how it will affect the direction of the entire physics community and even human civilization. Even he has doubts more than once, whether it is too hurried.

He still clearly remembers that a "person" who claimed to be an observer warned him that it was not a good thing to face the void, and there were too many "unknown" things.

But in any case, this is the best chance.

Something in the void is actively waving to the universe.

If you miss this time, you don't know how many generations you have to wait for before you can uncover the veil over the box.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou extended his hand and gently picked up the marker from the desk, and placed it on the palm of his hand.

He will be here.

To the world,

Reveal the existence of the void!

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