Standing in a pure white space and walking to the translucent holographic panel, Lu Zhou finally saw the reassuring reminder of that line.

[Congratulations to the host, complete the urgent task "the call of the void." 】

[ discovered discovered by the mission: the road to the search for truth is not always smooth, and there is too much endlessness and mystery hidden in the vast universe. Just like the sings of the singers in the stormy waters, only those who are determined can pass the test and go to the legendary ideal country...]

[Task evaluation: s+]

[Reward: 1 million physics experience, medal of the Nether Explorer, gift from the void (s-level evaluation code), earth culture materialism tradition +10. 】

One million experience rewards are a big sum.

Looking at the pale gold light particles from the task panel to the progress bar in the property panel, Lu Zhou's face revealed the smile of the old father.

How long has this been?

He almost forgot the feeling of joy.

The reward for this mission can be described as a bumper harvest. It has already been stuck at the door of lv8. I don’t know how long the physics level is, and it is a big step towards the door of lv9.

However, what Lu Zhou did not quite understand is that the medal of the Nether Explorer is another joke.

"The last time it seems to be the Medal of the Savior of Civilization... Is there any special significance in collecting this stuff?"

It is said that the honor is much better, and the observer civilization from the void will give him a visa or honorary citizenship certificate.

The light black streamer floating in the hand is like the heart of the agitated heart. The palm of the right hand drags it, and the palm of the boat feels a touch of warmth.

This "Void Explorer" medal is very light compared to the Dignified Civilian Saver Medal. Except for a thumb-cap, the bronze button that can be placed on the chest is a real entity, the rest is like a projection of a holographic technique, beautiful and illusory, like the void itself.

It is more advanced than the holographic technology on the earth. It does not require water vapor as a medium. It does not use the Tyndall effect at all. It is like directly projecting images into reality. People just look at it and guess. How does it work?

Watching it change shape in his palm, observe the Lu Zhou for a while, put it back into the inventory, and discharge it with the Medal of the Civilian Saver.

Perhaps in the distant future, after he completely unveiled the veil of the void, he is fortunate to know the true meaning behind these medals. As for the present, still treat it as a collection and leave it alone.

In addition to the medal, the system rewards also have a special code that belongs to the s+ level evaluation.

I don't know if it is too salty fish. In Lu Zhou's impression, he seems to have been for a long time, and he has not received any evaluation of s or above.

Looking at the holographic panel, floating [Do you open the gift of the void? 】 Dialog box, Lu Zhou cleared the Qing dynasty ordered.


Almost at the moment when the voice fell, the light blue light floated out of the holographic panel and approached the landing boat by half an inch.

Looking at the lavender light that floated in front of him, flickering and fading, Lu Zhou hesitated for a moment, then took the right hand out of it, and the fingertip touched the core of the light.

Not quite the same as he expected.

It didn't happen as rude as reading the void memory, but instead a warm current wrapped his fingertips.

Slightly stunned, Lu Zhou’s face showed a strange expression.

"Subspace? Or is it... a fragment of a high dimension?"


His whole hand did not pass through the light of the group, but directly inserted into it, into a different space that was as thick as a paste. And that space is far from bottom, at least far more than the actual volume of the light particles.

Putting the whole arm in, when Lu Zhou was confused about what the void wanted to give himself, his right hand suddenly touched something hard.

Almost subconsciously, the boat was conditioned and reflected, and it was pulled out of the lavender light.

Just after his right hand was completely drawn from the light, the lavender light quickly narrowed into a point that disappeared into nothingness.

Lu Zhou also felt that the pinched fist was slightly sinking, and the hard and cold texture gradually came from the palm of his hand.

"this is……"

Spread out the palm of your hand and look at the metal tube of the size of the pen. The face of Lu Zhou gradually reveals the expression of interest.

On one side of the metal cylinder, there is a translucent glass trough with a tick mark through which a small piece of dark green liquid can be seen.

Gently swaying, watching the viscous liquid is like a gel, crawling slowly in the glass tube, and the expression of interest on the surface of the boat is getting stronger and stronger.

"Nutrition mixture? No, it should not be so garbage."

Intuition tells him what special biomass should be, or a chemical that gives the organism life a boost.

Of course, it is not excluded what is dangerous.

Only so far, the observer civilization has shown him the goodwill of neutrality. If he really wants to hang him, he will not bury this pit here.

"In short, let's get it in the lab and test it."

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou immediately withdrew from the system space, jumped up from the bedroom bed, took out the phone and called Wang Peng.

"Come down to me downstairs."

"Roger that."

After a while, the sound of the car came from outside the villa, and a bunch of lights could be seen through the window.

After going downstairs, Lu Zhouyu Xiao Ai looked at the house, then went to the cloakroom to change clothes and put on shoes to go out.

When he came to the side of the road through the open courtyard door, the purple electric new energy car had stopped under the street light.

When the boat opened the door, Wang Peng, who was back in the car, started the car and asked casually.

"Will you go to the institute so late?"

“Well,” he took out the mobile phone and connected the database of the Institute of Advanced Studies. He consulted the Lu Zhou, which was arranged under the various biological laboratories, and replied casually, “because there is something I can’t wait to figure out.”

Can't wait to figure things out?

Although I was very curious about what it was, I thought that I couldn’t help but listen to it. So Wang Peng didn’t say anything and concentrated on driving to the parking lot of the Institute of Advanced Studies.

Turning off the engine, he turned his gaze to Lu Zhou.

“Need me waiting for you here?”

While unfastening the seat belt, Lu Zhou replied: "No, you should go back first."

Wang Peng: "Are you sure you don't? I don't really care."

"OK," Lu Zhou nodded and looked at the direction of the Institute. "Today I am planning to stay here for one night. It is estimated that I will not go back."

Light pen

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