Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1239: With an annual salary of 5 million, do you want to come to Star Technology to work?

The building of Star Technology is downstairs.

Wang Wei, who walked down from the Mercedes-Benz, reached out and gently adjusted his tie. He looked up at the tall building and took a deep breath.

Soon, he will meet a person who is extremely important to the Shunfeng Group.

Although this person is neither a national politician nor a business tycoon, his heart does not have a semi-easy feeling, but instead gives birth to a tension that has not been seen for a long time.

Because that person is not a political dignitary who is not arrogant, but his status is not lower than the former two. Even if the two are added together, it is difficult to compare with him.

There is no reason for him.

If it is not a great man who has been pushed to the cusp of the times, the limit that a politician can achieve is simply to continue the prosperity of a country or region, and the bottleneck of businessmen is even narrower, and it is possible to achieve a trillion market value for a company. Basically, it is already the limit that can be achieved as an entrepreneur.

But he is different.

Maybe he is not the richest in the world, and he has never entered the center of power, but even with the change of time, his name will last forever and become a symbol to stay in this world.

As Time magazine commented on him - he is the wealth of the entire human civilization, his glory is the pinnacle of the human mind.

With this faint respect, he took a step toward the ladder in front of him, but at this time, a voice came from behind his back.

"Friends, five million a year, do you want to come to Star Technology to work?"

Hearing the sound coming from behind, Wang Wei immediately looked back and saw a young man looking at himself with a smile.

In a flash, he recognized the identity of the man. Wang Wei first squatted slightly, and then his face showed a hearty smile.

"Okay, no problem! The annual salary of five million is three times higher than my current salary. The academician of the army is so fascinating. Where does Wang dare to quit? Just want to ask before entering the job, can you change the annual salary for this half? Into the shares, sent to me in the form of a year-end award. After all, this year's salary is too high, the tax paid is distressing!"

Lu Zhou was originally planning to make a joke. As a result, he did not expect that he would agree to it, but he did not want to continue to tease him, so he smiled and said.

"This is not good, Mr. Wang is also a billionaire, and he also remembers my share."

Wang Wei sighed and said: "The academician of the army said that he laughed, and did not say that the 100 billion yuan in front of you is nothing. The shares of your Star Technology, I am afraid that only those who do not care about the money will not be remembered. ”

For Wang Wei’s statement, Lu Zhou did not answer the words, but revealed a friendly smile.

Speaking of fate, this thing is really amazing.

He still remembers that when he was still studying undergraduate, Mr. Wang, who was already worth tens of billions at that time, had given him an annual salary of 500,000 yuan, and let him give up his studies to work for him in Shenzhen, but Lu Zhou He did not accept his offer, but completed his own studies in a step-by-step manner. He went abroad to teach and eventually returned to China to raise the banner of the Chinese academic community.

It’s been almost ten years now.

Mr. Wang is still a billion-dollar person, but he has changed from the poor student to the business card of the Chinese academic interface to the world.

Think about it, it’s really a feeling.

In fact, to be honest, although the annual salary of 500,000 may not seem like a lot in today's 2023, it was not a small number when it was nine years ago. Especially for a student who has just read a sophomore year and is still worried about living expenses, this is almost a condition that cannot be refused.

Lu Zhou admits that if he did not see a broader future from the system, he might have accepted the offer and embarked on a path of “enterprise by industry”.

According to this life trajectory, perhaps he has already embarked on a path that is completely different from the present...

Did not stay at the door, the two of them chilled a few words, they walked together to the inside of the building, at the reception of the ceremonial staff came to the ready VIP reception room.

The secretarial sister who was in charge of the reception poured tea on the two, then turned away from the reception room and took the door.

After taking a sip of hot tea and moistening the sangzi, Wang Wei looked at the decoration in the reception room and said with emotion.

"It is said that the reception room is a business card of a company. From this decoration, I can see that the academician of the army is a tasteful person."

Upon hearing this compliment, Lu Zhou smiled embarrassedly.

In fact, he did not intervene in the decoration of the group building. After all, he did not come here often. However, his emotional intelligence is not to dismantle other people's stations on such a fine-grained issue, so he also received this praise.

"thank you."

"This is not a compliment," Wang Wei smiled. The tone suddenly brought a few emotions. "It’s really embarrassing to say it. In fact, nine years ago, I felt that your future development is definitely not simple. I still want to. Looking at whether you can use the annual salary of 500,000, but still did not expect, I still underestimated your potential."

"Although I can't be a partner in my work, I don't lose money in doing business." Lu Zhou smiled and said softly. "It's better to go to lunch when you are cold. Let's go straight to the point. I listen." My ceo said, you have encountered any technical problems that cannot be solved?"

"This is the case," Wang Wei nodded and continued. "In fact, we have been studying your paper since this time."

Lu Zhou thought for a while and said, "Which one are you referring to?"

He sent a lot of papers. If he said so, he really couldn’t remember which one Wang said.

"It's about the UAV logistics system." Here, Wang Wei sighed softly. "Speaking, the engineers at our institute spent several years, according to your paper. The blueprint for the study, but still did not see much results. We are now looking for your help, but also think of other better ways."

The original is the paper.

When I heard Wang Wei mention this matter, Lu Zhou’s heart was a little bit dumbfounding.

If he remembers correctly, the ten papers should be what he has invested in the water magazine to complete the system tasks.

Although it took him 25 points to redeem it, but in addition to a few developed half of the algorithm, what substantive problems have not been fixed, really if you can still study according to the program, then that It’s weird!

"...that's just something that I made in my school days. It can't be used as a reference for the research results."

As soon as he heard the words of Lu Zhou, Wang Wei said quickly.

"You are too modest in the academician of the land! But tell you the truth, researching drone logistics is not entirely out of your papers, but we have always invested this concept as a research and development direction."

"After all, the cost of hiring a courier is about 10,000 yuan, and the price of a drone can be even less than 8,000 yuan. And in terms of efficiency, the flexibility of the drone in space, It's easy to cross the area where people and vehicles take a lot of time to reach. In contrast, we only need to pay cheap electricity and basic maintenance costs for drones."

"We are currently planning to launch an unmanned distribution pilot in Shenzhen, and even have already greeted the local government. However, the current situation is that our research and development work is in a bottleneck."

After thinking about it for a while, Lu Zhou said: "Can you elaborate?"

Wang Wei nodded and continued.

"The problems we encountered are mainly reflected in two points, one is safety and the other is distribution efficiency. To put it bluntly, it is necessary to take into account both the safety of the goods and the safety of pedestrians, and also to adapt to the dynamic traffic. Especially like In areas with high population density such as first-tier cities, the airspace is strictly controlled."

"The bottom of our business with the municipal government is to ensure zero pedestrian accident rate during the half-year trial operation period. That is to say, only one traffic accident can not extend our license. If this half year, there is one When the drone or cargo fell from the sky and reached the people, the license for the entire drone distribution pilot was directly revoked."

Lu Zhou nodded.

"This is a bit difficult."

"It’s hard to do," Wang Wei said with a bitter smile. He continued, "The test is too late to pass, and the director of our institute told me that if he does not lower the standard, he will soon know what to do." It is."

In fact, drone distribution is not a new thing. In some remote areas where inconvenient personnel and vehicles arrive, Shunfeng Group tried to put the drone into the distribution chain a few years ago.

However, this technology has not been promoted because of the costly problem.

That is to say, in recent years, the breakthrough of nuclear fusion technology has completely liberated production capacity, lowered the price of many industrial products, and reduced the cost of electricity to a negligible level, which made it possible to fully promote this technology.

However, although this is said, when the application of this technology was extended from the remote mountainous areas to the city, they still encountered many problems.

After all, in densely populated cities, especially in densely populated areas, it is too dangerous to fly drones in the sky. If they fall off one by one and get to a person or a car, they will be fined if they are compensated.

Not to mention some passers-by who are of very poor quality. It is also possible to lose a minimum of awe, because the delivery target is a drone, and actively use the slingshot, stone and other things to shoot down the drone and take the courier away.

Therefore, they now need a solution that perfectly controls the avant-garde concept of “UAV Logistics”. After seeing the news of the completion of the Xinghai No. 1 Quantum Supercomputing Center, Wang Wei moved his mind to cooperate with Star Science and Technology. Especially when he thought that Lu Zhou had studied the UAV logistics system, this thought became more and more serious. Strong.

After patiently listening to what Wang Wei said, Lu Zhou’s index finger was lightly clicked on the table. After thinking for a moment, he said, “I probably know your question.”

Upon hearing this sentence, Wang Wei immediately began to feel the spirit and sat down. However, when he thought that Lu Zhou would publish a high opinion, he was stunned by his next sentence.

"...To be honest, this is actually not a very big problem."

"No, isn't it a big problem?" An unbelievable expression on his face, Wang Wei asked quickly. "What is the answer?"

"It is literal."

After a moment of pause, Lu Zhou continued.

"In fact, the use of drones in the field of logistics... Jinling High-tech Park has already done this in pilot factories, but it has not been promoted for reasons of cost and safety."

“For example, we use the “Worker Bee” logistics drone distribution system, which provides cloud computing services by Xinghai No.1. The maximum safety load of a single drone is about 10kg, which is mainly used to complete a single product part with an automated logistics vehicle. Working between workshops."

Said, Lu Zhou looked at the table below and stood up from the chair.

"It is so light, I guess you can't understand what I am talking about."

"That's it, now there is just time."

"If you are interested, I will take you to see it."

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