Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1241: The prototype of the future industry

If you see the factory of Zhongshan Xincai, Wang Wei’s heart is just shocking. Then after seeing the next scene, he can no longer use words to describe the shock in his heart.

According to Lu Zhou's tips, he chose the type of product he needed on the tablet, as well as a series of parameters such as load, size, size, design style, etc., then the two went to the dining restaurant by car.

At the time of lunch, when he followed the Luzhou back to the factory, the prototype of the drone that he "customized" on the flat plate had already stopped in front of him.

Yes, it is the kind of prototype that can fly.

Even without two hours, the drone has turned from a "thought" to a reality. If he is not standing next to him, he is a world-famous university student. He can't help but doubt. This is actually the Star Sky Technology has already been prepared, just to make the impact of the eye-catching effect, only to get such a bells and whistles. "customized program".

Looking at Wang Wei, who had been completely surprised and stood there without saying a word, Lu Zhou smiled and looked at the unique logistics drone, explaining.

"Biyati's battery, Oe's electric drive, Warwick's carbon core, Zhongshan new material's electrode, blade material... All parts orders are completed in the background of Xinghai No. 1 server, and delivered through automated logistics system. It’s not surprising to go to the assembly center in the park and assemble it with two pairs of industrial-grade robotic arms.”

Wang Wei was silent for a while before he nodded.

" very surprised."

Not to mention it is a surprise.

He couldn't even imagine how it was done in just two hours.

Even if the relationship between Star Technology and major manufacturers is sufficient, and the best salesman is sent to discuss cooperation, it will take a lot of time to build the entire production chain from scratch.

In any case, this is not a task that can be completed in two hours.

Seeing the surprise on Wang Wei’s face, Lu Zhou smiled and said with a smile.

"I understand the surprise in your heart. In fact, since the birth of the concept of industry, the effective allocation of resources and the docking of resources are the two major bottlenecks that restrict the development of productivity."

“A dairy company wants to produce a box of canned milk. He must first confirm the demand from the market, and then use the industry experience or social relations from the entire industrial system to select suitable canneries and pastures. Signing a contract to form a simple industrial chain."

"This process we call it resource docking."

“Although the description is very simple, in fact, this link contains many hidden costs that we can see and see. For example, the interpersonal relationship of the business owner, the interests of management, and even the regulation of regional policies. Etc. Usually, we can't determine whether an industrial chain is efficient. We can only screen it through the market, let the relatively efficient part survive, and the relatively inefficient part of the bankruptcy."

“With this model, we are able to ensure that social resources are maximized and flow to where they can be used as efficiently as possible.”

"So the question is, why a monopoly giant that operates both farms, self-operated canneries, and dairy products is often more competitive in the market than those that only play a single link in the industry chain. Greater market competitiveness?"

Wang Wei did not think for a long time when he heard the problem that Lu Zhou suddenly threw.

In fact, the answer is obvious.

“Because they can control the cost of each production link and complete the docking of production resources within the enterprise, the cost of this part is reduced to a minimum. If the whole industry chain is longer, the more they monopolize, the theoretical their The efficiency is higher."

Lu Zhou smiled and nodded.

"Basically this is the case."

“In fact, the biggest improvement of the smart industry over traditional industries lies in this. Any link with artificial participation is uncertain and inefficient, including the docking of resources.”

“So, we use ai instead of labor to efficiently configure this part of the resources.”

“Two years ago, Jinling High-tech Park was playing this big game to create an intelligent manufacturing system. We established a separate quality standard system and distributed production tasks for each production unit included in the system through a computer. Ai builds the entire industry chain, not artificial."

"The first to use this system was the aerospace plane. The crowd was confused at the time. Why can we build an aerospace plane out of thin air without a factory?"

“In fact, the aircraft was not built by us. It was just assembled in our equipment center. The parts needed for assembly were all standardized by the order and automatically assigned by the computer to the factory that could complete it. We were in one day. Inside, it decided what to produce, and then the next day the industrial machine began to work for our needs."

Wang Wei, who looked more and more shocked on his face, said Lu Zhou with a smile.

"I want to give this drone as a gift to Mr. Wang."

"I don't know if Mr. Wang minds?"

“How would you mind?”

From the shock, he gradually returned to the gods. Wang Wei looked at Lu Zhou and said with a solemn expression on his face. "This valuable gift, I accepted it on behalf of the Shunfeng Group!"


From Jinling back to Shenzhen, Wang Wei has been thinking about these days.

Everything I saw when I visited Jinling High-tech Park that day, I was deeply shocked by him.

It was not until that moment that he really felt that the whole Jinling was happy that the technology park was really strong.

Xinghai No.1 is like a brain.

The brain established a set of production standards and incorporated every factory that meets this set of standards into the production system called “smart industry”.

Under the control of this brain, every factory in the park that is included in this “intelligence system” is like a muscle cell that is connected by a complete network of nervous systems.

Although there is no equity link, they are not affiliated with a unified group, but the overall strength they have erupted is enough to rival any monopoly giant in the world in terms of efficiency and cost.

Somehow, Wang Wei’s heart suddenly produced a strange association.

Maybe in the near future, everyone can open a factory.

Of course, this factory may not exist at all, just an abstract concept.

An ordinary person, as long as they have basic design knowledge, through the customization of diy, the standardized parts can be assembled together to create a product that meets their needs. Just like the input parameters to the 3d printer, the entire intelligent industrial system is like a large 3D printer, and the service is the whole society.

Everything is done in the entire intelligent manufacturing network. There is no need for a running-in process. All individuals operate in an efficient and transparent system, seamlessly connecting capacity to demand.

A prototype of the future industry seems to be forming.

If it can really grow and mature, it may not only be eliminated by middlemen, but people's creativity will be completely liberated...not just in the hands of a few big capitalists.

The labor force will become cheaper and cheaper, knowledge and creativity will become more and more valuable, and all the needs of society can be accurately satisfied and more satisfied from this "voting machine".

Although these things have nothing to do with his Shunfeng Group, Wang Wei’s mind is alive.

Although he has already seen the prototype of this future industrial system, at present, Star Technology seems to have not received individual users, but only realized the docking between factories and factories in the park.

His Shunfeng Group's strong strength in the field of logistics can completely fill this market gap and connect this intelligent manufacturing system with users.

Thinking of it, his breath could not help but rushed.

It’s like a gold mine, right in front of him...

After returning to the group, he immediately found the vice president of the group and ordered it.

"Immediately contact the people at Star Technology, the intelligent logistics network, I plan to package them for them."

The deputy general said: "Do you have to discuss it?"

Wang Wei said in a deep voice: "I will convince the board of directors. You can do it as I said."

"...but the cooperation with Xinkezhi."

"The cooperation with Star Technology is more important," the face flashed a bit of entanglement, but Wang Wei made a decision, "As for the new branch to make it... pay the liquidated damages to them."

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