Under the gorgeous fireworks.

The family stood at the gate of the gymnasium, and an old man in a gray vest looked east and west, his mouth constantly screaming.

"What about people? You still can't come."

When he was separated yesterday, he made an appointment with the old land he knew on the high-speed rail. When he met at the entrance of the gymnasium, he waited here for a while and didn’t see anyone...

Or, people are everywhere.

"Old man, let's check the ticket!"

Liu Peizhong still refused to leave, but he also tried to help his staff to look at it. Then he looked at his wife and shouted, "wait a second time... my friend, I will be here soon."

"Go to your xxx! You and your brother of different surnames!"

Finally, he was bothered by his own family. His wife dropped such a sentence and went to the gym.

Standing next to the two old men, the slightly young man's face was full of dumbfounding expressions, and quickly let his wife and daughter take the son to catch up with her mother-in-law, don't be dispersed by the crowd, and they came to Dad. In front of me, I was persuaded by bitterness.

"Dad, can't wait any longer, the flow of people is so big, let's not go away and be driven out by the security guard here."

"Yes, Liu Shu," stood on the other side of the old man. A stylish white-collar woman put down the mobile phone and said with a sigh. "Can we just watch a celebration? Is it necessary to have a big holiday? Tell me about what object...I won’t be able to introduce it tomorrow?”

Even if it is a blind date, there is no blind date in this place?

If this is a blind face, I am afraid that even the person next to it will not know.

"You do not understand!"

"I don't know what you mean?"

Liu Peizhong hesitated under the eyes and finally sighed and said.

"This one introduced to you... is a bit unusual."

The female white-collar turned her eyes.

"The silly son of the landlord's family is still the younger son of the coal boss's family? Here is Shangjing, how can it be unusual?"

"To pick up his old mother's license plate, it is Jing a..."

"Brother, I think it is not good to let people go, we are still waiting!"

Looking at the cousin who suddenly turned his face, the man standing next to him was dumbfounded.

Lying in the trough, is it realistic?


Jing a...

The man wood was down.

"That, that line, let's wait a minute."

I don't know when it started, the fireworks have already bloomed in the air.

Although they still want to wait, the people who watched the turmoil and the stadium staff who came up to maintain order, obviously have not given them the place to wait.

The crowd began to move, and Lu Zhou also entered the venue.

At first, Lao Lu was obsessed with not meeting the old friend and the prostitute he brought, but after entering the venue, he left this thing behind.

Because everything that appears in front of us is too illusory.

The arrow floating in front of it is immersed in the smoke column, as if it were real.

"This... can you touch it?" I don't know how to describe the illusory light and shadow in front of him. Lao Lu opened his mouth and didn't know who to ask. He could only point to his son.

Looking at the stern old man, Lu Zhou smiled.

"Really touch it, just a holographic image, it won't break."

In order to prevent equipment loss caused by stepping on the equipment, almost all of the holographic projection equipment is on the ceiling except for a few projection devices used to complete the picture. Like a crystal lamp hanging from the ceiling, the holographic images in the entire stadium are built from top to bottom.

There is no need to worry at all, and what is expensive.

Under the guidance of the lights, the pedestrians found their seats along their own numbers.

After the seat, Lu Bangguo, under the reminder of the staff next to him, attached a seat belt.

As the celebration has not yet begun, he looked around at the stadium, watching the crowds of people and the spectacular stadium itself, feeling with emotion.

"This bird's nest is quite beautiful... it's a pity that I haven't been here before."

Fang Mei gave him a glance: "What a pity, are you not here now?"

"It is definitely different from what I have seen in the past... Zhou Er, this celebration, how long will it take to start?"

Just when Lu Bangguo just asked this sentence, Lu Zhou was preparing to answer, and the lights on the ceiling suddenly disappeared. With this gradual darkening of the light, the original 100,000 people in the conference hall was suddenly quiet for a few decibels.

Lu Zhou lifted his head and looked at the time on the watch, his face floating with a smile of expectation.

Looking at the old man, he replied.

"It has already begun."


When the last spectator sat on the spot, the sound of music from the corners of the venue was washed away and the whole room was noisy.

The light beam from the air gradually dimmed, and the venue gradually integrated into the night. Except for the light source emitted by a few mobile phone screens, it was almost a darkness that could not reach the fingers.

In the silence of this silence, people gradually stopped shouting loudly and changed into a whisper. There was a hint of excitement in the voice, and there was still a look.

This celebration that they have been waiting for for a long time.

Finally started!

The invisible fog rose in the night, like a thick cloud, and quickly filled the interior of the stadium. It's like coloring the whole painting, it makes the darkness more viscous, and it's even more difficult to reach out.

This time, even the light source from the screen of the mobile phone was swallowed up in the artificially generated thick fog.

Only a few cockroaches turned on the flashlight, but they were quickly confiscated by the staff following the light source. After registering the identity information, these phones will be sent to the security room and will be returned after the celebration.

The darkness did not last long.

Just when people are confused, what the celebration wants to express, the little light of the stars suddenly appears to everyone. The faint red light particles, like the fireflies flying in the flowers, are like the fire of the stars of the original, dancing in the invisible fog, and sketching a small track that cannot be ignored.

More and more fireflies are flying, like a galaxy that is moving overhead.

By this spectacular and romantic scene, attention was lost. People stopped talking and began to curiously look at everything that happened around them.

The child sitting in the arms of the adult extends his right hand and wants to hold the firefly that does not exist in his hand.

The couple who are cuddling with each other, excitedly pointing at the sky in the sky, like a meteor, took the opportunity to make a wish for a lifetime together...

Everything in front of me is like a mirage in the fog, full of dreamy beauty and unreal feeling.

At this time, when everyone was not ready, suddenly all the gorgeous light particles flew into the air and gathered into a flaming color.

The flame was like a torch, exuding the energy of a magma, illuminating the thick fog wall into a repressed dark red. The rising light of the road is like the flame of boiling on the trenches, and it is like the fire of the smoke that pierces the night sky, pouring into the silent silent land.

Under the circumstance of the oppressive atmosphere, the children subconsciously stopped crying, the couples stopped your love words, the adults held their breath, the old people clenched their fists, and the pupils reflected The color seems to be evoked about the memories of the years...

Suddenly, the propeller-carrying fighter broke through the clouds, and the flames with the muzzle of the muzzle swooped down from the air. The screams in the stadium are one after another, and people can’t tell whether it’s an environmental sound, or someone’s scream.

As if at the scene of the war film, in the center of the fierce exchange of fire, people are shaking around the body, if not tied by a safety belt, most of them have already fallen to the ground.

What is astonishing is just the moment of the opening, although the crisis is far from over.

The battlefield turned into a 10,000-acre farmland, followed by a thousand acres of yellow.

In the snow and ice, people climbed to Mount Everest. On the swamp, on the frozen soil, in the mountains, people are looking forward to the industrial lifeline with their sickles and hoes moving forward without hesitation...

In the age of lack of productivity, people are the least valuable machine.

But it is also the most worthless machine, which is **** the ruins, and has opened up a world by its own hands.

There is no reason for him.

They believe that tomorrow will be better and they are convinced.

This is the only fuel that supports them in addition to carbohydrates.

Maybe they don't have any concept of automation, and there was no such thing as artificial intelligence in that era. But they still believe that there must be a day in the future, everyone can eat and wear warm, do decent work different from them, realize the value of life in things that are more worthy of time, not in the assembly line. Waste your life...

It is best to be able to feel a little bit more after eating... and this is what most of them have never experienced before.

Even if they are clear, they will not see much until the day comes.

But this is nothing.

They believe that they can't see them, their children and grandchildren will certainly see them, and tell them about the future in their dreams, without wasting their sacrifices.

The film of the era is like a lantern, and the scene flashes in front of people.

When I saw that the memories of the past came to my attention, many old people’s eyes filled with tears. The children sitting next to the adults, though ignorant in their eyes, still involuntarily pinched their fists under the infection of the atmosphere.

Until, the appearance of a car.

It was opened from the docked ship.

The whistling whistle seemed to blew the horn of the WTO, and the good times were finally in front of people, and they wanted to refuse to return to the corner. The repressed atmosphere finally faded away from the undulating music, and then the tall buildings rose up.

The Oriental Pearl, the Bird's Nest, the Expo Pavilion... and the Xiaguang, which conquered the Earth's orbit, and the Moon Palace floating above Jiuyi.

In the final scene of the celebration, an astronaut carrying a red flag walked up from the ashes of the moon, like his fathers, with powerful arms, and the red flag was heavily inserted on the moon.

The screen switches again.

The red flag is gone.

Instead, the gray wasteland under his feet has become a space city that seems to only appear in science fiction movies. The rail train suspended between the high-rise buildings and the cargo box crawling along the mine road, I don’t know where to go...

Lu Zhou noticed that the old man sitting next to himself quietly raised his arm and rubbed his eyes with his cuffs.

He did not speak, but silently removed his sight.

He knows that Daddy is a person who loves face, and this is exactly the same as himself. If he is found by his son to be weak, he will probably feel uncomfortable and can't sleep all night.



I really can't think of any words to describe, Chen Yushan sucked his nose and said with a sob.

"Greatly spectacular."

Lu Zhou smiled and gently turned his head.

"Yeah, it’s spectacular."

Although I don’t know if this celebration can be considered successful, he is not quite sure whether Starlight’s holographic projection system has started the first shot...

But the meaning of the most precious layer of this celebration is undoubtedly achieved.

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