Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1253: Land and moon control!

Space Ground Command Center.

At this moment, a group of people stood in the dark.

Among them, Director Li of the Science and Technology Bureau, Hou Guang, director of the Institute of Aerospace Research at Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies, and Yuan Huanmin, the chief engineer of the Aerospace Group, and Lu Zhou, who had just arrived from Shangjing...

And, a special old man.

At this important moment concerning the aerospace industry, and even the future of the country, almost all the tops of the lunar orbital construction committee have appeared here.

On the large screen on the front of the control room, there is a pair of eyes full of expectations and complex feelings, just like the closed door of the delivery room.

However, it is not the baby that is born behind it.

It is something called hope.

"It doesn't matter if it fails, we can still try it slowly."

Hearing the sound coming from the side, Lu Zhou shook his head gently.

"It is impossible to fail."

Not only the people all over the country are waiting for results, but the eyes of the whole world are gathered here.

He can even bet that the media like bbc and cnn must have written two press releases. One of them corresponds to the result of success, while the other corresponds to the failure.

Which of the press releases will be published on the headlines tomorrow will depend entirely on their results today.

When I heard Lu’s confident speech, the old man smiled and nodded.

"It is natural to be successful once, and I will only make a conclusion with you. Space is a century-old undertaking, and the future is the benefit. This marathon about the future, we won and can afford it."

“But to say, building a city on the moon... is it really feasible?”

Upon hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou immediately understood the thoughts of the old man at the moment.

Obviously, the celebration program called "We", or the audience who infected the audience, also brought his emotions.

For this problem, Lu Zhou seriously thought for a while.

It took about half a minute or so before he replied.

"From a practical point of view, there is such a need. From a technical point of view, there are difficulties, but it is not completely hopeless."

In fact, the moon is not a perfect colonial candidate, too low gravity, large temperature differences, no protection from the atmosphere and magnetic fields. However, at present, it is the new continent in which the most promising earth civilization has reached and benefited from its development.

It exists like the island of Tesera on the Atlantic Ocean. Although it is small in size and not rich in property, it has become a springboard for the Renaissance from Europe to the New World.

With the breakthrough of controllable fusion technology, the earth civilization has entered the second half of the early days of the space age, and got tickets to the distant world. However, to travel to more distant places, Earth civilization also needs a springboard.

Obviously, the moon has such potential.

It is a natural "port" and a test field.

If they can overcome the harsh lunar environment and go further afield, there should be no major problems.

It seems that I got the answer that met the expectations from Lu Zhou. The old man nodded his head and his hands were behind him.

"Then I am relieved... How long does it take to start?"

Lu Zhou glanced at the time on the watch and replied.

"It's already starting!"

While talking, the hour hand has come to a punctuality.

The uniformed staff in the command room were like gears that were tightened with clockwork, and they were busy in an orderly manner.

The units quickly completed the final inspection of the equipment. As all normal responses came from the moon, the commander of the ground command center finally issued a “start loading” command.

With the release of this order, on the moon more than 300,000 kilometers away, an experimental cargo compartment shaped like a bullet will be installed on the launching track with the efforts of the staff of the lunar scientific research station.

The entire cargo hold has a total weight of six tons and is filled with biological research samples such as moon-rock, collected from the moon, space crops and seeds harvested from planting units, and dr-111 active substances.

If the goods are brought back to Earth by the original method, the cost per kilogram is at least 200,000 yuan.

And if it is possible to replace the chemical propeller-driven return capsule with a virtually zero-cost superconducting track, the cargo will be accurately launched directly from the lunar surface to the earth-moon transfer orbit, and then the bridge will be reciprocated along a specific orbit. These goods are collected and concentrated back, and the cost per kilogram of goods can even be compressed to less than 2,000 yuan.

This may sound a little ridiculous, but it is.

If this project can be achieved, at least a thousand yuan worth of 镝, 铽, and more than 10,000 yuan per ton of thin minerals, which are related to the high-tech industry, can be obtained from the moon. .

If this project can be achieved, this will undoubtedly become a milestone in the history of aerospace.

Now all the preparations are in place.

Everything is on the strings!

As the green light on the large screen of the landing lights up, everyone standing in the command room involuntarily pinches the fists, waiting for the countdown that determines the fate.










The powerful voice was like the gunshot of the starting gun.

After a one-second delay, under the lunar land 300,000 kilometers away, a slight tremor suddenly sounded, and along the strong moon-rock, climbed up the astronauts’ boots standing next to the launch track. bottom.

The accumulated electric energy was released in an instant, and it merged into a plasma like a solid in a vacuum titanium pipe, wrapped in a horrible thrust, pushing the silver "bullet" forward.

For a moment, the white awning seemed to pierce the space and distort the light!

The tens of kilometers of track is crossed in less than a minute!

From the surface of the moon suddenly shot to the cargo compartment of the sky, like a projectile from the muzzle, along with the rolling moonlight dust, and rushed to the vast starry sky.

The angle of view gradually lengthened and the camera was switched to the Moon Palace.

Under the gaze of everyone, the silver-white bullet is like one of the thousands of stars, with a green beacon shining from the top of the moon, and a long arc from the side of the moon. Going in the direction of the earth-moon transfer orbit...

Has been half successful!

However, everyone in the ground command center does not dare to take any care.

The first half of the launch mission is responsible for the main month, while the second half of the merge, docking and final return is completely guided by the ground command center.

Their battlefield is just beginning!

“The cargo compartment control system is connected successfully and the instrument is being tested...”

"The instrument parameters are all right! Access to the active navigation system!"

“The navigation system started successfully! The cargo bay speed is 2.77km/s. It is approaching the Yanqiao No. 3 cargo spacecraft. The relative distance is 507 kilometers. It is expected to contact after 183 seconds!”

In the radar, the arcs of the two pale yellow curves intersect together, and the two flashing green dots move slowly along the two arcs and slowly approach each other.

As they get closer and closer, everyone standing in the command room, the heartbeat begins to accelerate.

A lot of young research dogs with psychological qualities, repeatedly taking deep breaths, trying to control the heart rate of disorder. While some old engineers are experienced, the situation at the moment is not very optimistic. Some people have even found out the prepared pills from their pockets, ready to swallow one.

Not nervous is impossible.

There is only one chance!

It’s a failure to be a success!

It’s not a win to use the cannon to hit the cargo hold into the sky. It’s only a real success if you can pick up the cargo hold that hits the sky. Otherwise, no matter how big they can get back to the cargo hold, it is not a real victory.

When two flashing green dots, the distance between each other dropped from km to m, almost everyone's heart mentioned the eyes of the blind, and the subconsciously held the breath.

This quarter of a second is as long as a century.

Without any slight noise, the two flashing green dots on the screen, under the gaze of countless expectations, are like a combination of water and water.

Everything is so natural.

There were no cases of fragmentation.

So that even some...


However, it was such a simple result. At the moment when the distance was zero, the deafening cheers were like the ignited detonator, which exploded in the entire command room.


"We have succeeded!"

"Oh... finally, finally...gtmd, we really did it!"




Excitement and joy filled everyone's chest and filled everyone's eyes.

Director Li excitedly squeezed his fists.

Academician Yuan Huanmin chewed tears in his eyes, and his dry lips trembled gently, not knowing what to say.

The engineers of countless Hangke Group and the researchers of the Institute of Aerospace Research of Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies have all sent out excited exclamations.

Even the old man standing beside Lu Zhou couldn’t help but wave his right fist and shouted "Good!"

Years and even decades of hard work have all been given real meaning at this moment.

Just today, they conquered the moon!

Bathed in the thunderous cheers, Lu Zhou is like a sculpture, standing motionless in the center of the command room. The ecstasy that almost overflowed from the chest, for a time, actually caused him to lose his words...

Through the noisy voice, Lu Zhou faintly heard from the earphones worn on the head, the communication that was announced from the Yanqiao No. 3 cargo ship.

“This is the Baoqiao No. 3 cargo ship, and the parcel has been successfully recycled.”

"We will bring back gifts from the moon in three days."

"Please remember to take the wind for us!"

In fact, for him, this announcement about victory seems to be somewhat redundant.

Because in the moment when the two green dots meet, the black dice that suddenly blurred because of the excitement, has gradually printed a light blue dialog box.

When I saw the moment when the line of text appeared, Lu Zhou did not know how to describe the emotion in his heart at the moment.

How long has it been?

From the first space plane successfully into the orbit, to the first time in China, the manned landing on the moon, and then to the full catch of the Moon Palace and the Moon Hadron Collider, and the subsequent world-induced boiling...

All the hardships and sweats are connected in tandem at this moment.

This long-awaited task chain has finally reached the end of his last.

["Land and Moon Control" task chain]

【carry out! 】

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