[Congratulations to the host, complete the "Land of the Moon" control task chain. 】

[Note: In this cold night, human civilization has finally taken the first step. Although this step is full of difficulties, the future must be bright. 】

[Comprehensive evaluation: s]

[The three-stage task is completed, and the final reward is completed by the branch line, and the stage comprehensive score is decided... Now the settlement begins. 】

[Engineering experience + 1.5 million, material science experience +1.2 million, biochemical experience + 1 million, informatics + 1 million, energy science experience + 1 million, physics experience +500,000, free experience reward + 1 million, points +10000......]

Happiness comes too suddenly.

A series of experience reminds that Lu Zhou will almost faint in the past, so that he has no time to pay attention to the props rewards that pop up next...

This is probably the highest system task for a single reward since he got the system.

But of course, in terms of the time span of the task, this is probably the longest task he has completed.

"...I didn't expect to experience a 99-level pleasure in this place."

Looking at the soaring experience, after a short while, Lu Zhou gave a heartfelt feeling.

Although there is no 99, but the speed of the climb of the experience slot, it really scared him.

In addition to the relatively large appetite of physics and the already full level of mathematics, almost every subject has been upgraded by at least one level, and the concept of energy science is relatively broad and comprehensive, and it is directly connected to two levels from lv4. Jumped to lv6.

Oh yes, there is informatics.

This is because the last one in the list is always the one that he has forgotten. He also jumped two levels and jumped directly from lv5 to lv7.

Looking at the physics experience that was still 99,000 yuan to fill, Lu Zhou hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to allocate all that one million experience.

Anyway, they have risen so many levels.

A sap in the back of the head is definitely inevitable.

Instead of hesitating, it is better to be a little bit better.

Considering that after the mathematics is full, the system has reached a new height in the development of its own brain domain. Lu Zhou feels that it should not wake up like a coma for two weeks as it was when the controllable fusion task chain was completed.

Moreover, now he is lying on his own.

There is no big problem with Xiao Ai looking around.

Looking at the filled experience, Lu Zhou comforted himself and refreshed the panel.

a. Mathematics: lv10

b. Physics: lv9.

Biochemistry: lv7

d. Engineering: lv7

e. Materials Science: lv7

f. Energy: lv6

g. Informatics: lv7

Points: 24335

"Is there only a step away from the full level of physics?"

His eyes stayed on the physics level for a while, looking at the three question marks behind the experience, Lu Zhou raised his right hand and touched his chin, thinking for a moment and talking to himself.

"Physics lv10 promotion conditions should be the same as math lv10, you need to complete a special promotion task."

"...I don't know what it will be."

Is the "complete hyperspace theory" leading to the speed of navigation?

Or the mystery before the big bang?

Or is it the final step in unifying the four fundamental forces?

It may be too much.

The unsolved mystery in physics is far more than the problems that physics has solved, and there are many esoteric topics, all of which have the potential to become the last promotion task.

At this moment, Lu Zhou suddenly remembered that in addition to the experience rewards, he seems to have harvested a lot of quests and main line mission rewards.

So he immediately opened the inventory and began to count his own spoils.

In general, this time the loot is quite rich.

Except for energy-saving drugs, memory-enhancing drugs and other consumables, and a lot of quirky [garbage], there are five [samples] with good scientific and technological content.

However, these things were not used for a variety of reasons, so Lu Zhou just took a look and temporarily left them in the inventory.

Until the eyes moved to the last grid of the inventory, Lu Zhou’s face showed a heartfelt smile.

“It’s a bumper harvest...”

[Golden "legend" mission card]

Yes, it is a bumper harvest!

If you don't count those experiences, I am afraid that all the "trophies" that were added before will not be as precious as this reward.

It was a pale gold card, floating quietly in the middle of the grid of the inventory.

It is like a torch that illuminates the way to the future.

"Unexpectedly, the key to opening the door to physics lv10 should be hidden behind this card."

Looking at the lines behind the pale gold card, Lu Zhou did not hesitate to extend his index finger and clicked on the card.

Just at the moment when his fingertips touched the card, the light golden light instantly burst into the sky's light feathers, transforming into countless tiny light groups, and opened a layer of pale gold light curtain in front of him.

Through the tulle-like light curtain, a translucent pale gold dialog box gradually emerged in the sight of Lu Zhou, proclaiming the revelation from the void.

However, when Lu Zhou saw the words that appeared in the dialog box, there was a dignity in his eyes.

[Task: Look in the distance]

[Task Description: Although the future sounds far away, it is now starting. 】

[Requirement: Complete a great physics theory. 】

【reward:? ? ? 】


It seems that now is not just a reward for the task.

Even the task requirements have become a mystery...


Nasa building.

In the office of the director, there was a slightly embarrassed old man.

His index finger crossed under the tip of the nose, and the drooping eyelids looked straight at the document on the table.

This is a report from the International Space Station.

Just two hours ago, they deployed the latest spacecraft observing system on the International Space Station, and finally successfully locked the No. 3 bridge running on the earth-moon transfer orbit.

The result is very pessimistic.

Of course, this is for the United States.

No accidents, after a day, Yanqiao No. 3 will successfully switch from the earth-moon transfer track to the 48-hour track.

If you are fast, it will be 12 hours. If you are slow, you may use it for another 24 hours. The cargo compartment that floats from the moon can enter the atmosphere smoothly.

As all of them have seen, this will be a milestone in the history of aerospace.

It will become a symbol.

This symbol marks the rise of a space power.

And the decline of another space power...

Carson even dared to bet that the Chinese people must have prepared a grand welcoming ceremony for this gift that spanned 300,000 kilometers.

Based on past experience, they will definitely do this.

Looking away from the report on the table, Director Carson leaned back in the office chair. The slightly squinting eyes fluttered to the ceiling, whispering to himself.

"Maybe I should choose to retire two years ago."

Standing in front of the desk, the assistant who said nothing from the beginning, hesitated for a moment, and persuaded him.

"You...do you want to disregard your career? Now only your host is in the big picture."

"When the building began to squat, it could not be moved back by a single excavator. Our development in the aerospace industry has been stagnant for too long..." Speaking of this, Director Carson suddenly silenced for a moment. Finally, I sighed softly. "But this is no way."

After all, at the end of the last century, they lost a strong competitor.

In these two decades, on the exploration of the moon, they have not made much progress, and even have gone backwards. It was not until 18 years ago that they restarted the long-stayed plan and tried to recapture what they were losing.

However, as he has always said.

When they realized that the problem was there, a lot of things were irreparable.

It’s as if no one expected that the country on the other side of the Pacific would suddenly rise.

No one even thinks that their ambition and cohesiveness in space issues are so determined.

After a long silence, the assistant hesitated to speak.

"……what should we do?"

"There is no perfect solution, only a relatively bad choice," Secretary Carson sighed, holding his hands on the table and standing up from the chair.

"Schedule me for the trip."


"Going to Beijing."

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