Few people in the world can win two Nobel Prizes at the same time.

Because this means at least the recognition of the vast majority of scholars in both science classes.

After entering the 21st century, the field and branch direction of the discipline have been subdivided to a greater extent than many scholars' hair, and there is a "world-class problem" on each branch. This kind of thing is almost no longer It may have happened.

Not to mention that the research work has been recognized by the vast majority of scholars in both fields. Those who are queuing for the awards have already gone to the 90s...

Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies.

Director Carson, who stood in front of the Dean’s office, had a awkward expression on his face. The receptionist standing next to him thought that he had a problem with his own expression, so he slowed down again and once again reminded him in English.

"The academician's office is here."

"I know, thank you."

There was a sigh of anger in his eyes, but it was just a flash. Director Carson closed his eyes and took a deep breath, reaching out and holding the cold doorknob.


The door opened.

Looking at the man sitting behind the desk, he tried to squeeze a big smile on his face and walked into the office.

"Congratulations! I heard that you won another Nobel Prize! This time is physics?"

Lu Zhou: "Yes."

"Great! The last person who won the Nobel Prize in two different fields as the sole winner is Mrs. Curie. This is a century ago."

In saying this, Director Carson clearly ignored Linus Pauling’s Peace Prize. But in fact, it is also true that the Peace Prize is not necessary.

After hearing this obvious compliment, Lu Zhou smiled and gently nodded.

"Thank you."

During the visit to China, I took a full day to run from Shangjing. The purpose of Director Carson is obviously not just to send him a few compliments across the Pacific.

Just like the old man surnamed Li, every time he asks him to help him, he will unconsciously change his name to "you". This kind of up-and-coming is very diligent, and most of them are intended to ask for embarrassing demands.

Therefore, he is not in a hurry.

After simply responding to Director Carson and instructing the secretary to pour him tea, Lu Zhou just looked at him on the sofa with a smile, waiting quietly for him to open.

"...I actually thought about a lot of possibilities before coming."


"Yes," Secretary Carson sighed in the face of Lu Zhou's inquiries. "Although I am reluctant to admit it, this competition is indeed that we lost."

Lu Zhou’s face showed a surprised expression.

Looking at Lu Zhou, who did not speak, Director Carson continued.

"...The aerospace strength of your country is strong enough. Even if it takes 50 years, it will be difficult for us to replicate the results you have achieved on the moon. I am very curious...what extent will you meet? ""

Lu Zhou smiled and said: "Satisfaction is impossible. Even if our moon palace is enough, it is still very small compared to the universe."

"And, how far we can go in this field is about the future of all of us."

Director Carson: "I want to know about this future, whether it includes other countries."

Lu Zhou: "Of course, but I don't particularly want to discuss this issue. Mr. Carson, you are a politician, and I am a scholar. The issues we focus on are different, and the understanding of the future is different. You The focus may be on aerospace, a high value-added industry. The concern may be how much employment it can bring, how much voice you get in Congress, but for a scholar... we don't care."

Director Carson frowned and quickly let go, and he continued to ask as usual.

"What are you concerned about?"

Lu Zhou said softly.

"That's a long story."


The community activity room of the Jinling University Library.

Sitting at the long table, Han Mengqi looked at the script in his hand and his brow squinted slightly. Especially after reading the last few pages, she finally put down the script in her hand and gave her own evaluation.

"I always feel that there seems to be something missing in this script."

Hearing the speech of the party, the female screenwriter sitting on the other side of the long table quickly stood up and came close to the past and asked seriously.

"...what is missing?"

"About the part of feelings."

"Emotions? Can you say more in detail?"

"Hmm..." seems to be a bit confusing. Shouldn't it be said that Han Mengqi was upset for a while, and finally decided to say, "Accurately, it's about love."

"Love?" The female screenwriter snorted a little, and then smiled and said, "Although there may be some traffic stars in the show, this film can not be sold as a favorite."

On the one hand, it is to take care of the audience of all ages. After all, there may be many parents taking the children to the cinema to watch the movie. If the emotional clues are the main line, it may cause the teenagers to have confusion that does not belong to this age group.

As for the other, it is also loyal to history.

According to his academic oral memory, he did not talk about his love in college. And according to interviews with several of his classmates, class teachers, roommates, the library basically occupied most of his spare time.

"But there must be something... or else, I always feel something less." Some bitterly bite the lip. After a while, Han Mengqi continued to say with a hot cheek. "And I feel... my sister is Like him."

After hearing this sentence, the face of the female screenwriter immediately showed a serious expression, took the script and looked it over again, thinking for a while before continuing.

"In fact, this thing you said... We have discussed it in the scriptwriter group. We even interviewed the parties specifically and produced a questionnaire for the parties to fill out."

Han Mengqi was surprised and stunned.

"You... have you interviewed the parties?"

"That is for sure. After all, this is a documentary. Even if it is art processing, it must be based on reality." The female screenwriter smiled and continued, "We even filled in the results of the interview and the questionnaire. The situation was discussed several times. At the beginning we were also entangled in the emotional problems between them for a long time, but in the end..."

"At last?"

Although I feel that this feeling is a little weird, Han Mengqi couldn't help but ask for it.

“In the end, we all agreed that the feelings between them may be more reflected in a mutual growth and watch. In fact, indeed, they have realized their own life value and become a better self. I feel that there may still be some distance between this feeling and love. In other words, can you imagine the pictures of their love?"

The picture of sitting in the library together is imaginable.

But the picture of falling in love...

Han Mengqi is not sure if he can't imagine it, or he is a little unwilling to think about it.

"But... I still don't believe that boys and girls have a pure friendship."

The female writer suddenly asked.

"Does Miss Han have a close relationship with boys?"

Han Mengqi's face is slightly red.

“Why did you suddenly ask this?”

"Because I was suddenly curious, I hope I didn't offend you."

Looking at the apology in the eyes of the female writer, Han Mengqi quickly said it.

"It's okay, I don't really understand anything about this. Maybe you are right, maybe... Sister, her feelings for Master really belong to another."

Some embarrassed to scratch her cheeks, she hesitated for a long time, continue to say.

"Or, she must have confessed."

With the strong character of my cousin, I will definitely do this.

Looking at the tangled Han Mengqi, the female writer suddenly said.

"Or, let's play this role."

Han Mengqi stunned, and should not believe in pointing to himself.


"Yeah!" Scratched hard, the female screenwriter grabbed Han Mengqi's hands, and the eyes seemed to be shining. "I suddenly felt that only you can fully interpret the essence of this character!"

"I will propose it with the director! Let him give you a chance to audition! Please! Go and try it!"

Play Shan sister? !

Suddenly looking at the excited female writer, Han Mengqi never thought that it would become like this.


Gently swallowed, she had intended to refuse, and somehow God made a bad start.

"That... I will try it."

At the moment she said this, she regretted it.

However, she regretted regret, but she did not make any remarks.

Anyway, just try a mirror, and ultimately it is not necessary to choose.

So comforting himself in the heart, Han Mengqi forcibly convinced himself.

However, even she did not realize that, in addition to the subconscious resistance, her heart was faintly giving birth to a glimpse of what should not have been...

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