Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1265: The goddess of the lake will bless you

“No girl will reject this romance...”

In order to make himself look less perverted, Lu Zhou tried not to look at the girls and husbands who danced and danced in the dance floor, but concentrated on finding the special figure in the crowd.

At this time, he suddenly felt that someone was pulling his sleeve, so he looked in the direction of the force, but he did not see the figure.

"Oh, it’s here."

A soft call came from below, Lu Zhou looked down and saw a little girl wearing a skirt, about six or seven years old, standing there, staring at him with wide eyes.

But soon, she seemed to suddenly think of something, took back her hand and sighed slowly.

"Oops, the teacher of Paradar has stunned me, an elegant lady can't use such a frivolous way to say hello."

The tone that goes up and down is like a piece of sugar in your mouth.

Looking at the little princess's embarrassing look, Lu Zhou couldn't help but smile, and looked at her with his hands on his knees, politely said.

"My Royal Highness Princess, are you lost with your parents?"

"Nothing," shook his head like a rattle. Two auger-like ponytails shook like springs. Princess Lilian prayed with a pair of talking big eyes staring at Lu Zhou and continued. "Lilyan is coming to dance."


"Yes, dear...sir, Mr. Scholar," gently put a skirt on the court, and the little princess continued to learn how to look like an adult. "Can I ask you to dance?"

Obviously, this little girl has forgotten her name again.

Looking at the board but looking at it all the time, there was no funny movement, Lu Zhou held back the smile and persuaded.

"Your parents may be worried about you. It is better to hurry to find them. I can help you contact the security guard here."

"No, they won't worry, Swedish girls will dance when they are born, and I have the right to choose my own partner."

"Well... why is it me?"

"Do you still ask?" With the big green eyes, Princess Lilyan said with conviction, "Lilyan can see that you are the protagonist here, everyone is watching you intentionally or unintentionally. I am the most beautiful lady on the dance floor, of course I have to choose the most handsome gentleman as a dance partner."


I can't help it.

Lu Zhou finally couldn't resist leaking a burst of laughter, but soon it was concealed in a series of dry coughs.

Looking at Lu Zhou, who suddenly coughed up, Li Li'an, who had never experienced social sin, thought he was caught with a cold, so he blinked and said with some worry.

"Mr. Scholar, do you need a doctor?"

"No... the lovely Princess, I don't need a doctor, but I think you have to choose a partner of the same age."

"There are no age-matched dancers here, only some naughty little devils. They just want to try their best to mess up my nephew, just to get my attention," said the little princess, sighing and sighing. "The man is really It’s stupid.”

Lu Zhou: "..."

Just as Lu Zhou was worried about the education of the royal family and began to use the sights of the security guards in the lobby, a familiar voice suddenly flew away from the distance.

"Sorry, I am late."

Looking in the direction of the sound, I saw a lady dressed in a black evening gown and painted with a delicate make-up. He walked over the crowd and walked over here.

The long black hair is in a circle behind the back of the head. The black skirt is like an obsidian with flowing light. The elegance and beauty are combined at this moment, perhaps because the appearance is too dazzling, so that it is not just around. People frequently cast a look at her appreciation, and even Lu Zhou couldn't help but stare at her for a while, and she didn't even recognize it for a while.

Being watched by Lu Zhou, Chen Yushan felt that her cheeks were slightly hot. Buried his head and stepped up to his side, reaching out and pulling his arm.

"Come with me, let's go outside the dance floor."

Lu Zhou had not had time to speak, and the voice of the protest suddenly came from below.

"Hey, he is my partner, it is very rude to take away other people's partners."

Looking at the little girl who was upset and pouting, Chen Yushan noticed that the little princess she had seen at the airport was also here.

Some overwhelmed, they cast their sights on Lu Zhou. Lu Zhou responded to her helpless eyes, then sighed, and then leaned back with her hands on her knees, looking at the grinning little girl, in a gentle tone. Said.

"Sorry, I may have to leave for a while."

“How long is it?”

"This... don't know."

"Come back soon, you owe me a dance."

"When you grow up, I will pay you back."

Finally, I got rid of this entangled little girl. Lu Zhou followed Chen Yushan and left the dance floor and walked to the rest area near the door.

Two red wines were taken from the waiter holding the tray. He handed it to Chen Yushan, who was next to him, and then gently touched the cup with her.

I tasted a bite and moistened my lips, feeling the slight twitching spread on the tongue. Chen Yushan looked at the face reflected on the red wine glass, and the corner of his mouth smirked a shallow smile.

"Are you going to dance?"

"...only the most beautiful girl is worthy of the most handsome knight."

Did not resist a leak of laughter, Chen Yushan happily looked at the face of a serious Lu Zhou, said.

"When are you going to marry a girl?"

"Actually, I haven't learned it until now," Lu Zhou shrugged his shoulders helplessly, sinking his eyes in the bright red wine, and sighed softly. "Light is this sentence, still a six-year-old. The little girl taught me."

"Speaking of it, you are really welcomed by children."

"You are based on the conclusion of how many samples."

"Just boast that you will be happy with the girl, you will be exposed..."

"Hey, hug-"

The words were not exported, and the lips were blocked by a slender index finger.

"Don't always say sorry," Lu Yu, who was slowly warming his cheeks, showed a happy smile on his face. He said, "And I still like your original style."

The original style?

what is that?

Just as Lu Zhou seriously thought about what his original style was, Chen Yushan suddenly pulled his cuffs.

"It's too noisy here, can we go out for a while?"

"Can be," Lu Zhou glanced at her evening gown. "But it doesn't matter if you wear it like this?"

"Stupid," Chen Yushan glanced at Lu Zhou. "I have a jacket, or do you think I got here?"

"That... I am waiting for you here."

"Five minutes is good! You can't be taken away by others."

In addition to the Lu Zhou sentence, Chen Yushan stepping on the high heels, squatting toward the side door of the ballroom. Lu Zhou just wanted to remind her to stop and slam, and the smudges disappeared into the crowd and disappeared.

Among the crowds.

Standing on the side of the table, Lu Bangguo whispered around and looked around.

"What about your son?"

For a moment, he suddenly saw a familiar figure in the rest area at the door. Just like waiting for someone, Lu Zhou, who is wearing a formal suit, is standing there.

Lu Bangguo’s eyes lit up and he was about to go up and call his son. The result was Fang Mei’s hand.

"Stupid! You see your son, obviously waiting for someone."

Lu Bangguo: "Are you waiting for us?"

"Do we need to wait? Isn't it enough in the hotel? There aren't enough chats in the car? Every day I hope to tie my son around, do you want to hold your grandson?"

"Think! Think!" Upon hearing this sentence, Lu Bangguo nodded again and again, and his mouth opened unconsciously. "Is this not wanting?"

Although he had already prepared himself for the ancestral ancestors, he still wanted to watch his son go home with a lovely little life.

This is almost every wish to be a father.

Especially for a traditional family, the boy's adult age at legal age is not an adult. Only when he is married, can he be a man.

Looking at the old land that was finally settled down, Fang Mei’s mouth evoked a smile and pinched his hand.

"Then honestly stay here."

"When you are not there, don't go out and join in the fun!"


The snow outside the house didn't know when it stopped, but the north wind that had passed through the pine forest and the tiles still had some cold. However, the boat that walked on the edge of the lake did not know why it felt cold.


Some hot?

This strange feeling seems to be the first time -

No, it should not be the first time.

It seems to have happened before, it seems to have been longer than that on the plane... Although it is very weak, it is so weak that he never put it in his heart.

Originally, these are also irrelevant things.

This is the case with human troublesome creatures, which are dominated by hormones and nerve signals that control heart rate and breathing, and are dominated by heart rate and breathing.

Just as he tried to figure out what the restlessness in his heart was from at the moment, a feeling of warmth suddenly broke into his pocket and held his hand.

The shoulder consciously twitched, and eventually Lu Zhou did not take his hand away, but let the warm feeling hold him and continue to lead his emotions in a direction that is not dominated by rational thinking.

Perhaps dopamine has the upper hand.

Maybe it is a mysterious psionic power that is free in the universe...

But in short, this feeling does not make him hate.

Even a little...


"What are you thinking about?"

" do you know what I am thinking."

"Your eyes tell me all."

Watched by the lake-like scorpion, Lu Zhou’s throat was moving, and when he was just about to say something, the school sister standing next to him gently moved his eyes and turned his eyes. The sky above the lake.

"Look there," the other finger pointed to the sky, and she smiled and said, "Aurora."

Looking in the direction of her index finger, the heartstring of Lu Zhou trembled gently.


The stream of charged particles from the sun touched the edge of the Earth's magnetic field, turning the deadly rays into soft colors, spreading a rainbow of night in the night sky.

The thoughts were brought to the farther distance than the universe by the beautiful aurora. The two stood by the lake and looked up for a long time.

Until a snow fluttered from the air and touched the tip of the nose, Lu Zhou returned to God.

"It comes from 15 million kilometers away."

"In order to bring beauty to the earth?"

"...I think it probably didn't think so much."

The mist melted the snow on the tip of the nose.

But more snowflakes are starting to fall.

At this time, a soft whisper, along with the white mist with temperature, gently blended into his ears.

"Remember what you promised me?"

I was afraid that Lu Zhou had forgotten, and Chen Yushan, who was full of heart, quickly added a sentence, "You said before -"

"If there is another time, don't say it is to bring you to the banquet, whatever you ask for..." interrupted her words and looked at the boat on the lake, whispered, "I said every I remember one sentence."

Although it was an unintentional statement at the time...

Chen Yushan whispered gently as he lowered his eyes.

"Can I make a wish?"

"You say it."

"I want a boyfriend."

The air is in silence.

For a time, the silence between the two is like the snow on the treetops.

Waiting for a minute in the shackles, but this minute is as long as a century.

The sly expression gradually climbed a trace of desolateness. For the first time, she tried to confide her heart, and her face gradually rose with a stubborn smile.

"Sure enough, I just started playing -"

"Boyfriend, I won't introduce you to this kind of thing."

The sight was taken back from the lake, and Lu Zhou looked at the scorpion that was as clear as the lake.

Although there is no aurora there.

There is also no magnificent scene.

But he did confirm it with his eyes, and the feeling that made his heart beat faster.

"... Can you see me?"

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