Jinling Space Launch Center.

The recent atmosphere is a bit lively.

The first group of space residents who went to the Guanghan City Special Zone had already stayed here a month ago. Most of them are after 90, and some are after 80. Regardless of age, if the doctor's degree is the lowest, if it is not, then it must be a senior engineer.

Standing in the dormitory of the launching base, Tao Muye held a can of coffee in his hand and sat on the concrete block on the side of the road, drinking coffee while thinking about his heart.

At this time, a man also walked out of the dormitory building, just in time to achieve it with him, so he also came over here.


The first group to go to the moon was only two people, one is an engineer and the other is a researcher. If you ask this question, it is probably the default and the latter.

Looking at the man who spoke to himself, Tao Muye nodded.

"Yes, and you?"

"Like you," the man with the flat head smiled and said after the cigarette, "What are you doing?"


"Is there anyone else here?"

"Cultivate the land."

"Cultivate the land?"

“Accurately speaking, research seeds.”

"It sounds a bit interesting."

"Probably not the meaning you think."

"Haha, you look at the face, I didn't expect it to be quite funny. Is the legendary boring? But I am serious," took a deep breath of cigarettes, and the man with the flat head touched the smoke. The box, grinning and laughing, "Come one?"

"I don't smoke."

"There is actually a doctor who does not smoke. I seriously doubt your academic level," the man smiled and took his roots and put it on his ear. "When you rushed the paper, is it refreshing?"

Tao Muye shook the canned coffee in his hand.

"Rely on this."

"Coffee...good things, but it is irritating or weak for me. I have to rush out a 20,000-word essay within 72 hours and get into the old guy’s eyes. There isn’t a pack of cigarettes a day. Can't beat it."

"Your tutor is?"

"Sheng Xianfu."

When I said this, in the eyes of the flat-headed man, a clear pride was raised. Although the mouth hurts the instructor, it is clear that he is quite respectful of the professor.

After hearing the name of Sheng Xianfu, Tao Muye’s face also showed a trace of gloom.

Academician Sheng, one of the leaders in the field of nuclear fusion engineering, was once a competent team of the fusion project team led by Academician Lu. After the completion of Pangudu, he entered the controllable fusion miniaturization project team and later transferred to 585. Director's post.

After the second-generation fusion project was listed as a hundred-year plan, the current one is mainly led by the 585 academicians, the academician Wang Zengguang of the Nuclear Industry Group, and the academician Li Jiangang of the Xiangyang Institute of Materials.

The instructor is actually a scholar.

Wouldn't that be the "rumor" of the academician of the army?

This identity is not easy.

Seeing that the man with the canned coffee did not speak for a long time, the flat-headed man continued.

"What about your mentor?"

"It's a big druid."

"Great Druid? Niubi! But when you say it, you have introduced the tutor to you, and haven't introduced yourself yet," the man with the flat head grinned and extended his right hand. "Sun Hunting, Just graduated last year, the second generation of controllable nuclear fusion."

“Tao Muye, researching the space breeding technology of cash crops such as cotton and coffee beans... It’s a new and not new direction.” The hand that stretched out was simply shook, and Tao Muye glanced at him. “This kind of Is it okay to say things everywhere?"

"It’s not a secret," shook his hand with a cigarette butt, and Sun Hunting said with a smile. "This kind of century-old plan is all about cannon fodder. You didn't see Professor Lu, who is not interested in participating? The second generation is controllable. The technology of fusion and the generation of controllable fusion is not the same. We use the energy directly. Look at it, no one hundred years, this research project does not want to see the results."

Tao Muye rarely smiled.

a hundred years……

So far away things can't be seen by ordinary people.

"What if you have a fellow academician?"

"The probability is still ignored."

Although the personality is not the same, but it is an accidental chat. However, just as the two were talking, a shrill alarm suddenly broke through the silent night sky.

Wrinkled, Sun Hunting stood up from the ground and patted his pants.

"what's going on?"

Tao Muye looked at a moment, and said after a moment.

"I don't know... maybe it's a nearby garrison?"


"The orbital airborne brigade, they are at the other end of the base."

The empty cans in the hand were accurately thrown into the trash can next to them. Tao Muye patted his hands and stood up from the ground. "We still don't talk about this topic, what we learned in the safety class. Let's go, let's also Hurry up to the dormitory, you will be inevitably called to ask Dong to ask West."

At the same time, at the same time as the alarm sounded, a soldier wearing a black-painted mechanical exoskeleton ran to the Xiaguang, which had been stopped on the runway.

Under the temporary combat shed next to the side, three squad leaders wearing an exoskeleton and a platoon leader with their hands behind them stood in front of a staff member wearing a military green combat uniform.

"Three-minute combat meeting"

"We are fast-resisting troops, and the battle meeting is on the road."

The heavy footsteps interrupted the staff half-speaking. The highly armed Li Gaoliang unlocked the exoskeleton mask and the two fists hammered the conference table.

"1 row with me, this action, I personally led the team!"

The staff frowned and reminded: "Please pay attention to your current identity."

"I have saved this life from his life. What kind of identity do you ask me? The orbital airborne brigade only talks about fists and does not talk about identity!" Li Gaoliang took back his hand from the desk and glanced at the station. The other four fully armed fighters at the table, "Action!"


Boarding all within one minute.

Prepare for takeoff within two minutes.

A light blue arc is ejected from behind the Hall thruster, pulling an arc that extends from the runway to the sky.

Feeling the violent tremor from the back gradually reduced, Li Gaoliang sitting in the airborne cabin locked the helmet mask and looked at the rising height data. Estimated that the time is almost coming, he skillfully connected to the command channel through the voice control system, cleared the voice, and sang with a clean voice.

"Combat briefing!"

"Ossberg's cargo ship was 17° east longitude and 55° north latitude was hijacked by unidentified armed elements. We have already contacted the Baltic shipping company and confirmed this. After consultation, the other party agreed to launch a preemptive strike against the cargo ship. The premise is to ensure the personal safety of the 20 crew members on the cargo ship. The British side has sent the Royal Air Force from the nearest military base, and the Danish side has also sent rescue vessels from the nearest port."

"Our mission is simple, land, pull the trigger. As far as possible to ensure the safety of the hostage on board, surgical treatment of the deck!"

One of the team leaders asked.

“Do you need to leave a few live mouths to interrogate?”

"That was the last thing to consider."

The safety of the Swedish royal family has nothing to do with them, but Professor Lu is different.

In the event that his life safety is at risk or threatened, they retain all power to exercise the necessary force in any Ownership or Ownership.

During the speech, the sound of the separation of the cabin came along the bulkhead, and then the red signal light in the cabin began to light up.

The Xiaguang, which sailed in low orbit, has reached the top of northern Europe.

Jumping from the height of more than two hundred kilometers, although you can't see the scenery outside the window, but gradually returning to the gravitational pull of the feet and the adrenaline rushing, it is quite a test of courage.

"Last check the ‘safety belt’, don’t breathe when you don’t go down!”

"Check it out!"

"Very good! 1 row is getting into orbit and the airborne program is starting!"

Like the baby who cut the umbilical cord, the three airborne cabins followed the t-rail, ejected away from the cargo compartment of the Xiaguang, and began to fall toward the blue planet.

"Old rules, the slogan of our brigade!"

The uniformity of the buzz and the courage of the past, echoed in the communication channel.

"Steel is our footprint!"

At this time, someone took a bitch.

"Sir, our landing point is at sea!"

Li Gaoliang laughed twice and shouted loudly.

"Then go on the waves!"

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