Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1273: Cleaning the battlefield (4/4)

"The hostage is safe."

"Check for surviving prisoners."

"There are two... there is no mastermind, it should be missed."

"I didn't miss it, I let it go," the index finger clicked twice on the wrist-mounted computer on the arm. Li Gaoliang said casually, reporting the situation to the command center and then looking at the station. Next to the soldiers, "The British Secret Service helicopter will arrive in 17 minutes, we will clean the deck a little."

The battle was over a few minutes ago.

Or it can't be called a battle at all, it's a one-sided slaughter. The deck was full of blood, and the militants who were killed were lying on the deck.

Although the essence of war is like this, but to others to see, how much is still some damage image.

Two pirate captives were held in the cabin. After Li Gaoliang told his subordinates to take evidence, he found the rescued captain and asked him to organize several crew members who could move around, carrying mops and buckets to smudge the deck. Simply cleaned up.

For climatic reasons, it was three minutes later than expected.

After twenty minutes of waiting, the four helicopters finally flew to the already-arranged freighter. As several strings of ropes were dropped, a group of elite men in black combat uniforms descended from the ropes.

However, although these people are indeed elite teachers who have undergone cruel training, they are still a bit thinner when they stand next to the sci-fi exoskeleton armor.

Pressing the muzzle in his hand, the tall commando commander walked to Li Gaoliang's side and loosened the mask on his face, opening his mouth.

"Now start here is taken over by our people."

Li Gaoliang glanced at him.

"This is the high seas."

"We know that this is the high seas."

Li Gaoliang said without hesitation: "I mean, you can find a cool place to stay."


The commando commander obviously wanted to say something, but forced by the huge deterrent, he finally slammed his words back, and his right hand went to the side with his headset, and asked him to go to the higher level.

Li Gaoliang ignored him and directed his men to continue his previous work, including helping the wounded to carry out simple dressings, searching for surviving prisoners, and taking photos on the spot to collect evidence.

Because the action was fast enough, the battle on the deck ended in less than half a minute, and the hostages tied here were not only a little scared, but also irritated by the irritating gases.

The British special forces who were hanging out on the side were not right or left. They didn't know what to do. They had to look at each other with big eyes and small eyes, while waiting for the command of the chaos to send new orders.

At this time, a helicopter was flying in the sky late.

Li Gaoliang looked up and blinked.

The tactical eyepieces increased the magnification and locked the logo on the helicopter fuselage.

Broadcast helicopter?


A smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, and Li Gaoliang glanced at the Royal Air Force airborne soldiers on the cabin.

These British reporters are running very fast.

Almost flying in front of their special forces...


On the helicopter.

The violent airflow blows the handsome blond hair of the reporter to the west. I saw that the man was half-body and explored. He tried to squint at the camera and shouted with all his strength.

"This is a live broadcast of bbc news!"

“We are currently flying over the ‘Ossberg’ cargo ship. The ship lost contact with the Baltic Shipping Company three hours ago and deviated from the route, moving straight along the Arctic Light Cruise.”

"Two hours ago, through multiple channels, the freighter was hijacked by pirates. The British, Danish, Swedish and Chinese parties quickly dispatched the rapid response force to carry out the rescue..."

"We can see on the deck that the Royal Air Force airborne troops have just arrived on the deck. Their professional qualities are very...etc., the battle seems to be over?! End??"

"Please wait... we are getting information from the relevant units!"

"...Oh, Shet! According to the authorities, the cargo ship is currently controlled by the Chinese Airborne Airborne Brigade...etc. What do you mean, they claim that the battle was over an hour ago?!"

"Don't you say that our special forces are starting from the nearest military base? Are they actually an hour earlier than us?!"

The boss who was squinting at the eyes, the British reporter shouted in an unbelievable tone.

"How can this be?!"


Yes, how is this possible? !

It’s not just the reporter of the bbc who can’t believe that Abra Khan, who escaped from this killing, can’t believe that it’s all true.

Those people are not people at all.

They are like monsters.

Abra Khan, who was desperately waving his arms and wearing a life jacket, had already breaststroke in the sea and did not know how far, but the fear in his heart still did not fade.

In the past ten years, he has played dozens of guerrilla warfare in the jungles and deserts of East Africa. There are no fewer than 20 international demon rescue vehicles, and dozens of plundered fishing boats.

However, even with such a wealth of combat experience, he has never seen such an opponent.

They are more difficult than the SEALs.

No, to be precise, there is no comparability between the two.

Although the seals have some advantages in terms of equipment and firepower, they have not opened up the essential gap with them. In the right place, they can also use the rich guerrilla experience to fight the arrogant Americans.

But in front of such an opponent...

He didn't even have the courage to fight back.

Finally approaching a medium-sized fishing boat, Abra Khan climbed the fishing boat with the help of several dark-skinned sailors.

At this time, a man with a shackle came to his side, grabbed his collar, staring at him with a murky look because of panic.

"The Light of the Arctic! The cruise ship, and the people on board, how are you doing now?"



There was a smoke in the muzzle.

Looking at the tarnished pupil, Marath slammed the trigger and made a few more shots before releasing the unrecognizable face and kicking him into the sea.

From the eyes of Abra Khan, he has already guessed the result of this action. The reason why he asks is that there is still a illusion in his heart.

Now it seems that it is just fantasy.

And it is still unrealistic fantasy.

Marath, whose face was full of haze, took the pistol back into his arms and turned back to greet the savage subordinates to clean the ship's board, continue to pretend to be a fishing boat and begin to return.

The operation was a heavy loss.

It seems that they can get the deposits that those people have paid in advance.

Fortunately, those deposits are also a big number.

It is more than enough to make up for his loss.

Thinking so in my heart, Marath’s mood was a little more pleasant.

However, is things so simple?

Marath didn't know that there was one eye, and they never left their heads from beginning to end...

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