Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1275: Shocking global action


On the large screen, the screen shot by the high-altitude drone is played.

In a smog, the soldiers wearing mechanical exoskeletons used the rigorous tactics to clear all the militants on the deck, without any traces of mud and water.

When the British special forces arrived from the nearest military base by helicopter, they not only completed the aftermath, but even the blood on the deck was cleaned.

The video show ends.

The entire conference room was silent.

Gently coughed, the senior military adviser of the Ministry of Defense broke the silence in the conference room, and the laser pointer in his hand clicked twice on the landing screen.

"Thirty-seven minutes."

"Shet...they cleaned the deck faster than I washed the car."

"Accurately it should be thirty..." The hands that were still on his chest were placed on the table, and the Pentagon, sitting at the conference table, was defended. His face was dark and seemed to drip out water. "I learned from them. The news that the cargo ship was hijacked by armed elements went to the top of the orbital airborne troops for a total of thirty minutes."

"One hour of global deployment is probably the most conservative estimate."

"Their strategic delivery power is stronger than we think!"

The meeting room was once again in a silence.

And this time, the silence is a little scary.

"Damn," took off the glasses on the bridge of the nose, and the tired president stretched out his index finger and squeezed his nose. He said in a tough tone, "How did they do it so fast..."

No one can answer this question.

For this orbital airborne brigade, their intelligence is almost blank.

In the end, what kind of delivery method can a pair of ironsmiths armed with teeth be sent to the central part of the Baltic Sea from Jinling, which is tens of thousands of kilometers away?

The secret of this is probably only known to the Chinese people themselves.

At this time, NASA Director Carson, who had never spoken, suddenly said, "It is possible that they have not completely left the atmosphere."

For a moment, a pair of eyes in the conference room, brushed and looked at him.

Some of them panicked with a pair of eyes, and Director Carson swallowed and continued to speak on the scalp.

"From the lowest satellite orbit directly through Russian airspace, and then throwing airborne cabins on the easternmost side of the Baltic Sea... Theoretically thirty minutes is possible."

"But even then, time is quite urgent."

"From start to landing, there is no delay in one minute, maybe it is enough."

Director Carson’s speech made the expression on everyone’s face more and more heavy.

In the face of such an invincible force, do they have any chance of winning?

There has been a lot of controversy in this conference room about the combat effectiveness of this orbital airborne force.

However, nowadays, not only the voices of all disputes have disappeared, but even the eyes of all the people in exchange have changed from the original look to the same.

It was not until this moment that they really realized what kind of opponent they were facing.

"I want to know who made the idea of ​​the cruise ship." The index finger was a little bit at the conference table. The president was gloomy and added a sentence saying, "It is best not to have a relationship with us."

The Minister of Defense saw him.

"Not cia?"

The president’s face shook his head ugly.

"I have never authorized such stupid actions! I believe that our cia director will not be so stupid, carrying me to do such stupid behavior."

If it was five years ago, it might be profitable to do so.

But now, their only gain is to kill a highly respected physicist.

As for the Institute of Advanced Studies he left and a large collection of visible and invisible scientific research, those things can not be erased by bombs or a few killers.

On the contrary, this may also cause them to get into trouble.

"Check to find out who hired the pirates."

"If necessary, we can still sell Chinese people a favor."


It’s not just the Pentagon that is in a mess.

The steel division who descended from the sky can be said to have shocked the eyes of intelligence agencies around the world.

No one thought that this crisis would be resolved in this form.

No one even thought that the steel master who was armed to the teeth looked as good as their sci-fi-like appearance, and the performance in actual combat was unambiguous.

At present, the three airborne cabins are on the cabin of the "Ossberg". Although the intelligence personnel of various countries are drooling, no one dares to rashly attack their ideas.

There is no reason for him.

At the moment, the cargo ship is being controlled by the orbital airborne brigade, and is slowly moving across the vast open sea and heading for East Asia.

After seeing the power of this orbital airborne force, no one dared to challenge them easily, and no one dared to stop them.

Even the Royal Secret Service, which had already boarded the deck, withdrew from the helicopter after the negotiations failed.

And when the intelligence agencies around the world focused their attention on the cargo ship, at the same time, in an office in Shangjing, China, a portfolio full of photos and various documents has been On a simple desk.

"The organization that attacked the academician of the army has already found out," the index finger clicked on the portfolio. An old section chief wearing a national security uniform said, like a young man sitting behind his desk, "according to our line." The intelligence personnel collected and aggregated the information, and the group of pirates should be an organization called the Foundation of the Universe."

"The Spirit of the Universe?" The first time I heard this strange name, the man sitting behind the desk showed an unexpected expression. "What is that?"

It sounds like a setting in a movie or online game, it's not like what will happen in the real world.

“It seems to be a new religion, or an organization that collects money through this new religion... It is more popular in developed countries and regions. We have not seen the traces of their activities in our country. They will be the original imcrc employee Professor Garrett Muro Be a pioneer and believe in the doctrine of cosmology."

"Maybe they have a bigger plot than to collect money, but they are very careful about their work, and they have not shown a clear political appeal. So far, they have not attracted the attention of other countries."

Having said that, the old chief's brow can't help but wrinkle.

"I just don't know why, they will suddenly stare at the academician."

Is it blaming the death of Professor Garrett Miro on the academician of the army?

But this argument is somewhat far-fetched.

The man sitting at the back of the desk thought about something different from the old section chief. After simply flipping through the information in the portfolio, he said.

"Is this theory not denied by Professor Lu?"

Hearing this sentence, the old section chief smiled.

"There are many things that have been negated by science, but who really listened to it? What's more, Professor Lu did not completely deny whether there is such a mysterious will in the universe, just to attribute it to the category of agnosticism, and to make it clear. The existence of the void, and the existence of n+1 dimension."

The man sitting behind the desk had a strange expression on his face.

"I didn't expect you to know this about physics."

The old section chief grinned and said: "You have been learning in the task force for a long time. You will always learn all kinds of things."

This is a truth.

Especially for Guoan, the cases they deal with are often more difficult than ordinary criminal cases.

There was no comment on this. After the man finished reading the file, he rested in the corner of the table and sighed softly.

"What about the case?"

"This is not our job anymore."

"How to say?"

"...The news from other departments, it is said that our satellites hung on the top of the suspected pirate organization's head for 24 hours, and found their nest along with their fishing boats."

"I am so arrogant... Is this special to adjust to the big fish?" The man sitting behind the desk couldn't help but sit up straight, his face filled with curiosity and continued, "What are the people above?" Do you inform the Interpol?"

"Interpol? They can't manage this kind of thing," the old chief smiled and his eyes became a seam. "And this little thing doesn't need to ask them. There are one hundred ways that Light Laozi can think of." Kind."

"What method are you referring to?"

"The way to step on this grasshopper."

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