Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1288: Gravitational fluctuation formula of Z particles

After a week of sailing, the nickname successfully "landed" at the Moon Palace.

The colonists who landed at the port conducted the last physical examination in the space station, and after three days of basic course training, they began to arrive in the lunar form in batches on the landing cabin.

In the past few days, more than 50% of the news on TV and on the Internet has been related to the eating and drinking of those colonists. Even some variety shows have come to the heat.

Lu Zhou is also known from Director Liu. Recently, many TV stations have rushed to Jinling. They have taken a variety show at the Space Launch Center or the Astronaut Training Base. For the sake of it, don't be too embarrassed.

Although Lu Zhou is not very interested in variety shows, it is also beneficial to be able to make more people interested in aerospace through the mass media channels.

Although only a few people have the opportunity to board space, with the advancement of technology, space travel will sooner or later become a benefit to the general public.

As the first colonists successfully settled in the city of Guanghan, it is not only the domestic people who are eating melons, but also the foreign people who are eating melons are full of curiosity about these "spacemen".

What everyone did not think is that this trend has actually spread from the scientific and technological circles to the cultural world, and even the domestic and aerospace-related cultural products have also moved to the world, even the Hollywood across the Pacific has been affected.

As for the military conflicts that took place in western Somalia, little attention has been paid.

Only the intelligence personnel of various countries are madly licking their heads for this matter, and some arms companies and military security companies are annoyed by the loss of such a large market.

Although many North American media have tried to sizzle the military operations in China, causing regional turmoil and civilian casualties to create hot news, but there is no direct evidence to prove the degree of Chinese participation in this battle.

Adding to the end of the campaign is too fast. When the New York Times team of reporters finally arrived at the front line and prepared to shoot a group of documentaries with the theme of "war scars", the post-war reconstruction work has begun. Two days.

This made the American journalists who are expecting to become the second Iraqi country to be disappointed. They can only return with their cameras...

Imcrc headquarters.

In the public coffee shop.

Looking at the news on the screen of the mobile phone, Luo Wenxuan, who is the secretary general, said with emotion.

"No one thought that a reckless person had done a reckless thing and finally changed the fate of a country... What do you think?"

The news is a black-and-white photo. The name is a long list of essays. The first few words are transliterated to be a guy named Marath.

Although Lu Zhou did not know him, he was said to be the pirate who planned to attack the cruise ship he was riding.

Not only that, it is said that this guy is a famous warlord in the local area. He occasionally directs his guest pirates. He has robbed and kidnapped many ships from Asia.

Among them, naturally, many ships belong to China.

According to the Ethiopian military, the demon, once feared by countless Somalis, was found next to a feeding trough in a ranch.

Judging from the bullet-like caliber of his horse, he should have been attacked by a colony-attack drone before he died.

"I have not been to Africa."

Luo Wenxuan: "?"

"I mean, I don't care."

After looking at the battlefield being rebuilt in the news, the boat that took back the line of sight paused for a while and said casually.

"However, I am very happy to hear such news."

Luo Wenxuan smiled and asked: "Because your research is used in the right place?"

"That's right... but things that don't matter are set aside, I hope you can see this."

Said, Lu Zhou threw a document on Luo's brother's cell phone, blocking his view of the screen.

When I saw this document, Luo Wenxuan apparently stunned, and a curious expression appeared on his face.

"this is?"

"The gravitational fluctuation formula of z-particles," the index finger gently clicked on the footer of the document. Lu Zhouyan said succinctly, "I recommend you read it again."

Since the last time he left his home, Professor Wei Hong and Professor Davik, who returned to Shanghai, began to study the gravitational fluctuation formula of z-particles according to the research ideas he provided.

According to the division of labor between the two, the latter is responsible for the physical one, while the former is responsible for the mathematical solution.

To be honest, when I saw this paper, Lu Zhou’s heart was actually quite unexpected. The professor Wei actually took the formula out in less than a month.

In his original prediction, two people wanted to get the project, and it took two months.

I didn't expect imcrc's team to have such a very talented physicist, but he had never found it before.

Although there is no comparability with mathematics who is already full of mathematics, but seeing more and more potential young physicists stand out on the imcrc platform, Lu Zhou’s heart is quite gratifying.

“The gravitational fluctuation formula of z-particles?” captured several familiar keywords. Luo Wenxuan touched his chin and said with interest, “I like to pay attention to similar research, but this is not me—”

"It's not your research direction. Do you want to say this right?" Lu Zhou sipped his coffee and interrupted him. "If you want to get the Nobel Prize, you should learn to know more about yourself. Have a good time."

"Okay... I will be careful."

On the strictness of Lu Zhou, he made a helpless expression. Luo Wenxuan eventually resisted the temperament. It took about half an hour to read the paper in his hand from beginning to end.

This does not matter.

After reading it, his eyes could not be moved.

Captured a flash of accident in his pupil, watching Luo Shixiong who put the paper down, Lu Zhou smiled and said.

“Do you think it’s incredible?”

"Yes... quite incredible," the unpredictable color of the accident, Luo Wenxuan couldn't believe to look at Lu Zhou, "If this is true, we will be able to reveal how the gravitational field passes through the dimension... you determine this The study was done by Wei Hong and Davik? I have never heard of them."

"That's because you lack a pair of eyes that are good at discovering," Lu said with a sentence. "I hope that you can make more efforts in this area."

Luo Wenxuan eagerly asked: "These don't talk about it... How do you read this research?"

The more classic add model in high-energy physics gives a very classic explanation of why gravity is so small compared to other interactions, because gravitation can spread in extra dimensions, so most The "gravitational lines" are leaking into the extra dimension, making the gravitational pull in the three-dimensional space seem weak.

In this theoretical framework, our universe is like a “wall” stuck in an extra dimension space. The electrons, protons, photons and all other particles in the standard model cannot enter the extra dimension, only the gravitational field lines can extend into this Additional dimensions.

However, although the add model is classic enough, it is still only a phenomenological model derived from experimental data and calculations. It cannot be said that it is absolutely correct.

So far, human civilization still has not mastered an observation method, which can prove that the gravitational field line can pass through this wall and enter the extra dimension.

However, now, everything has turned around...

"You have already guessed, why bother asking me?" Lu Zhou’s face showed a smile on his face. The fingers crossed on the table and continued. "As you can see, we can get a powerful tool to come. Study how gravity causes bending in time and space to study how space is curved, or even... what is gravity?

"This is something that Einstein didn't fully understand."

Luo Wenxuan was silent for a while, said with a smile.

"It sounds very difficult to sound..."

"It's hard to be sure. If it's not difficult, no one will solve this problem until now," Lu said suddenly. "In fact, I think this topic is very suitable for you, and today. The reason why I came here to find you is to hope that you will participate in this topic."

"Hey?" Luo Wenxuan squatted, then slammed straight, almost didn't fall off the chair. "Can you be... is it me?"

"Because you are the secretary-general of imcrc, and one of the next directors I have trained..." I said this sentence without hesitation. Lu Zhou paused for a moment and continued, "How to make imcrc physics Scientists value this research. How to ensure that the research resources needed for this project are met to the maximum extent. This is the most effective method. As a preparation for the future, you can learn something."

Luo Wenxuan couldn't help it: "Then you might as well put yourself in."

"Because I can't finish everything..." The index finger gently touched the coffee cup on the table, and Lu Zhou sighed softly. "And, I have other more important things to do."

Light pen

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