Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1291: Influence of Z-particle transition effect on space-time curvature

The phone hangs up.

Gently spit out the turbidity in the chest, put down the phone's land boat, and turned his eyes to the thick stack of draft paper on the table, his face could not help but a smile of relief.

"Thirty-one days... This is probably the longest time since I have been in this period of time." Looking at the calendar on the phone lock screen, Lu Zhou sent out such emotions.

How long has this feeling been gone?

It’s almost impossible to remember him all the time.

Since the mathematics level has broken through lv10, most of the computational problems have lost meaning for him. Many times when he sees a mathematical formula, even with mathematical intuition, he can quickly lock several possibilities for the next one. Think about the expansion that helps.

For others, the high-dimensional space that consumes almost all brain cells and the abstract differential manifolds are just as simple and clear as the blocks in the hands of children.

However, this time, the situation is somewhat different.

Very rarely, when he wrote the first line of calculations, the intuition about mathematics did not tell him which direction to go in the first place. The messy clues are like tangled wool, making it difficult to understand the clues.

As he continued to change his approach and continue to explore the depths of the maze, more and more difficulties and traps began to show the tip of the iceberg in front of him.

More than once, Lu Zhou doubted whether his own guess was just an unreasonable brain hole.

However, in the end, he did not give up until he found a suitable differential manifold on the complex plane, converted it into algebraic form by algebraic geometry unified theory, and introduced it into the function expression corresponding to the high-dimensional space. Finally pushed the last door before the end of the maze...

“A very typical high-level topology problem, like the Poincaré conjecture...”

The pen in his hand turned around and looked at the contents of the draft paper. Lu Zhou smiled shallowly and continued to speak to himself.

"But it is much more difficult than Poincaré to speculate on this purely mathematical problem, and it involves far more than just a few differential manifolds or some sort of high-dimensional space."

"Fortunately, this is one of the areas I am best at."

One of the first problems he solved was the existence of the solution to the ns equation.

At that time, he constructed a differential manifold called a manifold, which directly pushed down the huge wall called “more complicated” in front of fluid dynamics engineers.

Up to now, he has used this weapon to kill a lot of dragons that guard the treasure.

Now, in the same way, he once again killed a monster that blocks the mystery between human civilization and the deepest part of the universe.

And this monster can be much more vicious than the average dragon.

The treasures guarded by it are far more expensive than the average millennium problem...

"...Time and space tells how matter moves, and matter tells how time and space bend."

"The particles in the n-dimensional do not move to the n-1 dimension without any reason, and once this transition occurs, it must be moved not only by the material on the string, but also by opening a channel between the string and the string."

"And this channel can be defined mathematically."

Looking at the formula that almost filled a whole piece of paper and destined to change the future destiny of human civilization, Lu Zhou’s mouth evoked a triumphant smile.

"...the next step is to enter it on the computer."

This kind of happy thing, if only he knows it, is too boring.

It took about two hours, and Lu Zhou reorganized the proof process on the draft paper and then carefully entered them into the computer in the format of the paper.

"Z particle transition effect on space-time curvature"

Finally, the title of the paper was drafted, and Lu Zhou, who finished the editing work of the paper, finally uploaded the paper to arxiv, leaning back on the chair and stretching a little sour shoulder.

"...and then, it’s experimentally proving my guess."

Although the physics community may not be able to accept his "brain hole" immediately, as the chairman of imcrc, he has absolute authority on how to waste next year's funding.

Especially after the last z particle incident, almost no one can challenge his authority. Even if all board members vote against it, the vast majority of imcrc physicists will definitely stand on his side.

"Let me think about... deploying a 'z particle clock' on the sync track and the moon's orbit. No, wait a moment, the distance between the moon and the earth's orbit seems to be a bit too short, or change to Mars orbit. ""

The consignment work and the “Z particle clock” order can be digested internally by the cooperation unit of the Lunar Track Construction Committee.

For the whole experiment, Lu Zhou has a complete blueprint in his heart.

There is only one thing he wants to do now.

That is to share the joy of my heart to his most beloved person...

"Xiao Ai, send a message for me and Wang Peng, let him come downstairs to pick me up."

[Yes, master. (`)


When Lu Zhou went out, it was already 10 o'clock in the evening. When he sat on the purple electric max that was parked downstairs, the snow had already floated in the sky.

I looked at the snow shining under the street lamp and Wang Peng, who started the car, asked the sentence casually.

"Is it so late?"

Lu Zhou thought for a moment and said, "Is it before eleven?"

"It won't be that long, and the estimate is enough at half past ten."

"Let's go."

About twenty minutes drive, a purple coupe stopped at the door of the luxury community in the core area of ​​the high-tech park.

After passing the face recognition access control at the gatekeeper, the boat with the umbrella walked into the community, stood on the elevator, came to the familiar door and gently pressed the doorbell.

Soon, he heard the footsteps behind the door, and then the familiar voice floated.


"it's me."

With a warm breeze, the door slammed open, and the face filled with joy and surprise appeared behind the door.

"How come you suddenly came to me? Don't say anything in advance... I, I didn't clean up, you wait."

Suddenly realized that I was wearing a sleepy sputum, no makeup and no hair, Chen Yushan subconsciously wanted to close the door.

Fortunately, Lu Zhou’s eyes were fast, and he stepped into the door first, and Khan said.

"...Do you want to put me outside to die?"

Although there is central air conditioning outside, it is still a bit difficult to freeze people, but when she changes her clothes and changes her makeup, Lu Zhou feels that she can stand and fall asleep.

When he heard Lu Zhou’s words, Chen Yushan noticed the snow that had not melted on his shoulders at the moment. His cheeks were a little embarrassed and whispered.

"I am going to sleep, knowing that it is snowing outside... Come in."

After entering the house, Lu Zhou put on slippers and walked to the sofa in the living room to sit down.

Chen Yushan, who came out of the kitchen, came out with two cups of hot milk and placed it on the coffee table.

"It’s cold outside, come and drink something hot. Say, your retreat is over?”

I tried it with my lips and felt the right temperature. Lu Zhou took a light drink.

As the warmth poured into the spleen and stomach, he felt that it was not just the cold of his body, but even the exhaustion of his own eyebrows, and it was scattered a lot.

"Well, it's over."

"It seems that you have any major discoveries." Sitting with his hands on his chin and sitting across the boat, the beautiful face looks as if it will shine, sparkling with a heart-rending light.

"I was discovered by you," and on the face of Ying Yingying, Lu Zhou’s face floated with a smile, suddenly thought of something, and continued, "I want to give you a present on Valentine's Day."

When I heard about Valentine's Day gifts, Chen Yushan was excited and asked curiously: "What gift?"

Lu Zhou smiled mysteriously.

"Now tell you there is no feeling of surprise."

"You will naturally know when you wait for Valentine's Day."

The snow outside the window grew bigger and bigger, gently hiding the residual temperature on the treetops, and also hiding the lights that leaked out of the window.

Under the circumstance, only the sporadic street lights and headlights, and the invisible serenade, quietly trace the outline of the night.

As usual, today's night is no different from yesterday.

The only difference is probably that.

Because of a paper that suddenly hangs out on arxiv, many physicists living in the Eastern Hemisphere may have to sleep in the toss and turn...

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