Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1310: I am not interested in the Nobel Prize.

What Luo Wenxuan worried about did not happen.

In this private occasion, no one will take too much teasing between friends.

In fact, as the secretary of imcrc, his contribution is still quite remarkable.

On this point, Lu Zhou also used a solemn tone in the official speech of the banquet, and expressed his highest gratitude to those individuals and collectives who made outstanding contributions to the verification of imcrc and hyperspace theory. .

"...Since the millennium, all the major achievements we have made in the field of physics are inseparable from the power of cooperation. Without so many outstanding people, our work will be difficult to achieve, and even impossible."

“Thanks to all those who have contributed to this noble cause, whether it is complicated or seemingly insignificant work, I believe that there must be some kind of value that has not yet been discovered, but must exist behind it. And one day Whether it is tomorrow or a farther future than tomorrow, it will be excavated and absorbed by our civilization."

“Although fame and fortune is not our pursuit in this field, if we want to commemorate this moment worth celebrating, I hope that the names of all of us will be engraved on it!”

Applause was heard in the banquet hall.

Driven by applause, the atmosphere at the scene was pushed to the peak.

People clink glasses to each other to celebrate the moment when it is destined to go down in history.

Standing at the end of the crowd, Academician Lu, who had a gray hair, raised his cuffs and gently rubbed his eyes. At this time, Professor Li Rongen from the Physics Institute of Jinling University went to the side of the old man and smiled and said.

"Have you ever thought about it?"

After looking at the acquaintance, Academician Lu quickly put his hand down and said with a serious cough.

"Thought about what?"

“Thought that my students have grown to the height of today.”

Looking at Professor Li Rongen with a smile on his face, Academician Lu was silent for a while and suddenly sighed.

With a voice of emotion, he said.

"I used to think that the development of this kid is definitely not simple. I just tried my best to fool him into my study. I never thought so much..."

The eyes fell on the stage, looking at the young face, Lu’s face suddenly showed a smile of gratification.

"I didn't expect him to be less than 30 years old. I have already fulfilled all my expectations for his life."


Not only did Academician Lu fail to think that most people did not think of it.

This has just won a Nobel Prize medal, even for half a year, and immediately gave birth to a Nobel Prize.

And unlike other Nobel Prize-winning results, its weight has surpassed the discovery of Higgs particles and z-particles, and even surpassed the sum of the two.

It is for this reason that the Nobel Prize Committee has fallen into a rather embarrassing situation.

You said that if he gave this Nobel Prize to him, he would only take him a physics award last year. So many people are still lined up behind, and many people have killed themselves and have not been discharged. It is really impossible to say.

Moreover, according to the practice of the physics community, if last year was the award for theoretical physics, then this year's awards will be awarded to the condensed state. The award of theoretical physics for two consecutive years is not too restrictive.

But if you don't give it to him, who can say that he is more qualified than the hyperspace theory to win the prize?

Even if Higgs particles don't dare to say this, they are more important than hyperspace theory.

After all, the discovery of this scalar boson was only a hole in the standard model, saving a crumbling building. The discovery of hyperspace theory is equivalent to directly refreshing people's understanding of the high-dimensional world and the concept of space-time.

With this special physical property, humans even have the hope that the mass of matter can achieve the superluminal speed at low speed.

It is said that it is open-minded, it is quite modest.

However, Lu Zhou did not judge the Nobel Prize.

In the media interview after the banquet, when the reporter of BBC handed the microphone to him and asked him if Hyperspace Theory would bring him the second Nobel Prize in physics in his life, Lu Zhou hardly thought about it. I answered this question with a serious tone.

"It would be better to leave the nine million krona bonuses and medals to those who need it more. You don't have to think about me. In fact, I don't need more honors to prove anything."

When this sentence was spoken, the reporters around him suddenly spread a horrified voice.

The bbc reporter who had previously asked questions thought that he had got it wrong and couldn’t help but ask.

"Is you serious? You know, the Nobel Committee judges may see this news, and if there is any misunderstanding, it may be-"

“Do you think I am like a jokeie?”

Facing the microphones and lenses of countless interviews, Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Of course I am serious, and I very much hope that they can think more about some outstanding young people, and their research needs more. Recognition and sponsorship. In fact, if they don't plan to do this, I will consider setting up an award to do it."

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly boiled.

If this sentence is said by others, it will sound a bit arrogant.

But from the mouth of Lu Zhou, no one would think that he was arrogant, and even felt that he was too modest.

If he wants to compete for the next Nobel Prize, there is almost no suspense, the Norbe Prize Committee will award him the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics.

After all, this is a discovery that will change the course of human history. Since the theory of relativity, no theory has been outstanding to this extent.

But now, after Lu Zhou made such a "waiver declaration," the selection committee responsible for the award, at least, can lose a few hair.

If Lu Zhou does not participate in the selection, Professor Wei Hong and Professor Davik, who will find the “gravity fluctuation formula of z-particles”, will undoubtedly become a popular candidate for the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics, and the most promising is to divide the nine-million krona. Bonus.

After all, the importance of this formula was recognized by Lu Zhou, and the conclusions in that paper appeared in the form of citations in Lu Zhou's paper on "superspace theory."

If you can't award the "hyperspace theory itself", awarding other work in this direction is also an indirect recognition.

The only pity is the brother Luo.

If he joins the research project earlier, the prize of 9 million krona may also have him.

But unfortunately, the time he joined was really too late, and he had not had enough time to make any particularly significant research results. He looked at the potential of the whole research direction and all of them were dug by one person. It is.

The reporters at the scene, as well as the nearby physicists, were all shocked by the generous speech of Lu Zhou. The relevant news was like a wing, flying along the network cable. all around the world.

And it’s passed on, it’s changed...

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