Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1312: Extraterrestrial colonial fund

new York.

The heart of Manhattan Island.

The rising sun on Wall Street rises as usual, but unlike the past, the orderly busyness and serenity was broken by a message unexpected to everyone.

A fast food restaurant on the corner.

Most of the people sitting here are working nearby. Although it is just a small shop with a per capita consumption of no more than $10, but because of its convenience and low price, the little-known little transparency will come here, and the famous people on this street will occasionally appear. it's here.

At the edge of the window, the two men and women in a suit and a sneaker looked at the white-collar workers who were working nearby, and ate two ribs. While eating breakfast, they talked with surprise and full of incredible tone.

"Have you heard of it?"

"...what I heard?"

"Tiancang V! The headline of the Wall Street Journal! The extraterrestrial colonial fund with a registered capital of 10 billion! God, you have missed even such a terrible news!"

Is Tiancang Wu a good thing?

The man sitting opposite was obviously not clear about the situation, but when he heard 10 billion, he was shocked by the conditioned reflex, so that the fork on his hand almost fell.

"Oh...10 billion? The colonization of extraterrestrial planets? What is the situation?"

"I was Professor Lu, who made hyperspace theory some time ago. He won the Nobel Prize in Physics last year! He registered a fund of 10 billion rmb in Shanghai, and took the 'Colonial Tiancang Five Stars' as the target! Investment The strategy is based on the heavy-duty aerospace-related industrial chain. The goal is to achieve colonization outside the stellar system within two hundred years, and to maintain the initial maintenance cost of the colony after the success of the colonial plan..."

The mouth was dry, and the white-collar man licked his tongue and continued.

"I have never heard of such a powerful investment plan... I set the 'payment time' directly after one hundred years, and it is still the most risky aerospace industry chain. And once someone else is on the top of the sky, or There is no livable planet at all, isn’t it all in vain?”

Of course, all the infestation is just an exaggeration. If the plan of the colonial Tiancang V cannot be completed, you can adjust the strategy after confirming that it is impossible, change it to a place like Colonial South Gate II, or directly use the mainstream currency at that time. Settlement redemption - that is, liquidation of funds.

Rather than saying that this is a fund, it is better to say that it is a kind of trust product. Now pay money and designate future beneficiaries. The person who came up with this stuff must be a genius. The only fly in the ointment is that this genius is probably crazy...

After sitting in the opposite side of his companion, he couldn’t help but say.

“Private a planet? Will this kind of thing be recognized?”

The white-collar worker shook his head and said.

"Who will manage it? Anyway, there is no zf in that place, and no one has ever gone there! The law of one hundred years is not allowed to be temporarily occupied in outer space. It is not a violation according to current laws. After all, it is not publicly distributed, nor does it involve propaganda to non-specific groups. Although the target is strange, it is only engaged in normal investment activities... Supervision should be relatively loose."

What's more, the professor Lu is also the number one person in China. The rules that restrict ordinary people and enterprises are not completely applicable to him.

As for a hundred years later, this fund is still not...

Then look at the capabilities of fund managers.

However, after hearing that it was not publicly released, the companion sitting opposite him slammed the table with his right fist and said with disappointment on his face.

"Not publicly released? Fuck! This guy who eats food alone!"

The white-collar eyebrows picked it up: "What? You are interested?"

"I don't feel interested... What is the use of this now? Even if I am interested, what can I do?" Shaking his head, the companion continued, "If it is the registration of someone else, I will be the fool of the early arrival." Joke, but this fund is registered by Professor Lu!"

The white-collar worker said with a smile.

"How do you know that Professor Lu is not kidding?"

The companion sitting opposite said and asked.

"Have you seen him kidding?"


Sitting in a short distance nearby, listening to the voice of the chat next door, Frien sat stunned and paused for a while until the two staff members in the suit solved the ribs in the plate and left in a hurry. Realize that the sandwich in your hand has been eaten.

It has been around for a decade in this street.

Although there is no such thing as a big name, but Fern has seen it well.

In the past, he had heard of a fund with the main business of “exploring new celestial bodies and selling asteroid naming rights”, but taking “the colonization and development rights of extrasolar planets” and “land ownership” as the target, and the registered capital is 100 million yuan. He was the first to hear about the fund.

If that Professor Lu is serious...

Somehow, he suddenly remembered the hyperspace theory that sensationalized the world some time ago.

Numerous media have evaluated it as another epoch-making theory after the era of relativity. Even the professor of high-energy physics who once went to Time magazine has stood up for this theoretical platform, saying that it has truly opened the interstellar era. The gate provides a possibility for navigation in light years.

If the professor of Lu is really moving, it is obviously because he discovered something that others did not find in advance!

A crazy thought popped up in Frien's head and was out of control.

After swallowing the last few leaves of the plate, he smashed a banknote with Franklin on the table and threw a sentence to the waiter who came to check out, "The extra is your tip." Hastily left the restaurant.

At the fastest speed, he came to the nearby newspaper stop. He rummaged through the wallet and finally found a change from the inside and threw it on the table.

"A Wall Street Journal, the latest issue!"

"It’s really time for you to come," the old man sitting in the newspaper stopped grinning and took off the last newspaper on the shelf. "This period of newspapers sells unexpectedly, only the last one."

"Thank you."

After taking the newspaper, Frien hurried back to the company's office and spread the newspaper on the table.

There is no need for him to do more searching. The red-red star with the question mark in the middle is printed on the headline of the first edition of the newspaper.

The next side of the article, a brief explanation of the content of the headline news -

[Tiancang V (Whales t star) extraterrestrial colony foundation was incorporated, the world's first billion-scale astronomical exploration fund was born! 】

In the news, not only the background of the fund’s registration, but also the known parameters of the Tiancang V, as well as the number of planets in the Tiancang five-star system and whether there may be terrestrial planets Controversy...but these are not the main points.

Since the Lu Zhou chose it, it must mean that there are such planets there, or at least not too far!

After a quick glance at the title, Frinn quickly looked at the body part.

Then, his eyes could not move, and the light of the ripples bloomed.

"Shet! It's a genius idea."

Unlike the two white-collar workers who were sitting at the window talking about the matter, in addition to the amazing power, he saw a business opportunity from behind.

A potty business opportunity that allows him to earn!

There is no doubt that this news, which appeared in the headlines of the Chinatown Daily, will definitely cause a huge sensation in the world. With people's current enthusiasm for aerospace and the future world, there will be a huge amount of money flowing into the aerospace industry with the help of this wave.

Breathing gradually rushed, but soon, Fern's eyes became alert.

Even the things he can think of, he believes that others can also think of it!

There is no time to hesitate now!

Realizing this, he quickly got up from his chair and called to his department head, and took two days off.

In the strange tone of the department head, he hang up the phone, and from the chair he hurriedly packed up the things on the table.

He only expects one thing now.

That is, your actions are fast enough.

It’s best to be in front of everyone who thinks about going with him...

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