Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1316: Strength is the greatest guarantee of peace

These days of news pushed Lu Zhou to the cusp.

The founder of the Alien Colonial Fund, the most expensive Valentine's Day gift in history... No matter which title is published alone, it is full of gimmicks.

However, perhaps because of the fact that this name has long been taken for granted, Lu Zhou himself does not have much feeling about the comments surrounding him and the 10 billion fund.

Unlike the "counterfeit goods" that are only hyped and squandered, he is really planning to make this a long-term business.

Although 10 billion is not a very large number, even if you can't buy a building in Shangjing City, you can't compare it with this world-class project. But the money is not in the bank, but part of it is used. The investment is value-added, while the other part is used to invest in high-growth aerospace companies with potential and to reward groups or individuals who have made outstanding research progress in the aerospace field.

Just as Professor Paul Krugman commented on him, although the name of the beneficiary is currently only filled in by one person, it benefits far more than one person, but the entire human destiny community.

While advancing the advancement of aerospace technology and moving towards the ultimate goal of interstellar colonization, as long as it can maintain an annualized income of more than 2 points above inflation, this money will become a huge sum in a hundred years as an alien system. The colonial start-up funds, invested in the wave of the new maritime era, with the people who have dreams of the new world go to the unoccupied galaxies, spreading the fire of human civilization to a world beyond 12 light years.

And this is the future he painted or promised to her on Valentine's Day.

On the star that nobody cares about, leave the legends that belong to them...

“I always feel that you have something to worry about.”

Looking at Lu Zhou, who was looking at his face with full face, Chen Yushan nodded with a heavy heart.

"There is a point."

"Can you tell me?"

"It's not a secret... I just, I'm a little worried about Xiaoyan," Chen Yushan, holding her arms under her arm and kneeling on her knees, sighed softly. "Before she didn't participate in any commercial business, it was fine... ...but now, she can't be considered an outsider anymore. It's okay to continue studying at Princeton."

This kind of worry is not unreasonable. Some bad things happened many years ago.

In the face of the sister's concerns, Lu Zhou gave an answer after a moment.

"At this point, I can't say that Princeton is a special case. It can become an ivory tower outside the completely independent world... But the safety of a small cockroach is actually unnecessary."

Obviously not satisfied with this answer.

Chen Yushan was a little dissatisfied with a white glance, and said a few words.

"That's your sister, you can't worry about her if you are a big brother?"

As an only child, she always hopes to have a younger sister or a younger brother, but it is obviously impossible for her father to be in the business. And when the second child is released, there is no chance to regenerate.

Although I didn't think that one day in the future, Xiaoyan really became her sister, but she was very happy with this result.

It is for this reason that she is particularly worried about the dangers that Xiaoyan will encounter.

However, looking at Lu Zhou’s face without any slight nervousness, she always felt that she was stupid when she was worried about it, so she was even more dissatisfied.

Read the expression on Chen Yushan's face, Lu Zhou smiled and said.

"It’s not that I am not worried about being a big brother, but I really have nothing to worry about."

"Why? Is anyone in the dark -"

"There is no such thing, and it is not necessary," Lu Zhou shook his head and said, "I don't have to worry about it, just because it is different now than it was a few years ago."

The nuclear power plant in Los Angeles has been completed, and the lifeline of the entire western power system is not completely controlled by East Asian power, but at least China's energy system in the western part of North America still has a lot of influence.

Unless it is a diplomatic crisis that completely tears the face, the United States will not take the risk to take the initiative to provoke. In the absence of a complete evolution into a military conflict, once the country withdraws the technicians and cores of the nuclear power plant, the cost of electricity throughout Los Angeles has to rise by an order of magnitude.

This is not as simple as luxury.

Once many of the backward energy industries have been eliminated, even if they are prepared for the crisis, it is almost impossible to fully recover to the previous level.

And if it has evolved into a military conflict, it has forcibly detained the core and technicians...

The Pentagon and the White House have to look at it. Do they have the courage to face the sword of Damocles hanging over their heads.

"The strong national strength is the greatest guarantee for the personal safety of our overseas compatriots, so I am not worried about the dangers that Otaru will encounter."

“She can do whatever she likes research and academic activities, and it is very safe wherever she is... Telling jokes, especially in North America, the United States is even more worried than we are about some misunderstandings. ”

Chen Yushan: "You are a big heart."

"It’s not a big heart, but I believe that strength is the greatest guarantee of peace," Lu Zhou said with a smile, whispering, "I have the confidence to keep the current advantage and keep all those who are holding us calm, and this Will suffice."

At this time, the phone ringing suddenly rang.

Lu Zhou looked at the screen of the mobile phone. I thought it was called by Li, but I didn't expect the caller to display the name of Luo Shixiong. Then I pressed the button to turn the phone to the ear.


"it's me!"

"I know it is you, is there anything?"

Luo Wenxuan: "... Are you forgetting something important?"

Lu Zhou: "...?"

Seeing Lu Zhou did not speak, Luo Wenxuan knew that he really gave the right guess, so he sighed and reminded.

"The century-old physics conference... don't you say that it is postponed to the Lantern Festival? Now the Lantern Festival has passed..."

Upon hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou instantly slammed his head and thought about it.

"Oh, I was too busy recently, I finished it..." I smiled embarrassedly. Lu Zhou coughed and sat up from the sofa. "Don't worry, I will come here tomorrow." ""

"I guess you didn't even send out invitations to major research institutions."

"This is all right, I can write it now."

"...I still write it," Luo Wenxuan said with a headache. "You can sign it."

"Alright, then it's done."

Say it early, is there such a convenient way, do you still need to drag it to the present?

After communicating the work arrangements, Lu Zhou hung up the phone, and then some embarrassed to look at the sister sitting opposite.

"There is something working, I have to deal with it now."

“Need to go out?”

"That's not necessary, it's ok in the study."

Chen Yushan smiled and said: "Let's go, do you want something to drink?"

Lu Zhou: "Coffee is good... actually I can come by myself."

"I still come, you are going to be busy with your things better... By the way, give me a chance to take care of you."

Feeling a slight fever on the cheeks, before the feeling became obvious, Lu Zhou hurriedly threw a "oh" and turned around, and quickly walked away in the direction of the second floor.

The figure of the landing boat disappeared at the corner of the stairs. Chen Yushan stood up from the sofa and walked on the slippers to the kitchen.

However, just as she was about to step into the kitchen, the sound of the cockroach floated out of the kitchen, and then she saw a small drone drove, "squatting" a cup of coffee from the top of her head. In the past, after chasing Lu Zhou’s ass, he flew upstairs.

I don't know if it was her illusion. When the drone got out of the kitchen, she saw a line from the led screen...

Yan text?


Suddenly watching the drone disappeared at the corner of the stairs, Chen Yushan, who was on the door frame, snorted for a long time, only then snorted with a sigh of relief.

"So smart?"


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