Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1318: Third segment of memory


The underground laboratory of the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies sat on a bedboard next to the computer, and Lu Zhou suddenly sneezed without warning.

It seems that it was scared by this sneeze, and the drone with a small TV flew over from the side.

[Master, have you caught a cold? Need Xiao Ai to help you check your body? Qaq

"No, I am very good," he said, licking some red-red noses. Lu Zhou whispered to himself, "I guess it was remembered by someone... let's continue."

【Ok. q(???`)

Although there was still some concern, Lu Zhou’s order was absolute. The drone floating next to it flew back and replaced it with a robot attached to the wall, handing a black-painted virtual reality helmet. In front of Lu Zhou.

He reached out and took the streamlined helmet. The boat took it seriously and then lay it back on the soft mattress.

The current technology is getting more and more advanced. He vaguely remembers that the phantom system was just on the line, and the vr helmets and motorcycle helmets launched by major manufacturers were cumbersome.

Now, Warwick, Rice and other companies have already launched their own ultra-thin high-end products. After wearing them, they don’t feel uncomfortable lying on the pillows. They don’t even feel a metal shell on their heads.

The start time of the nerve access device was set, and the Lu Zhou, who closed his eyes, silently recited the "system" in his heart, and soon entered a pure white space...


The memory starts smoothly.

When Lu Zhou opened his eyes again, the entrance was already a grassland.

However, it is very different from the grasslands on earth.

The grass here is blue, just like the endless ocean, shaking the waist of the waist in the wind passing by. It is in stark contrast with the blue of the horizon, but the sky is like a burning flame, exuding a breathtaking energy.

At the same time, on the far side of the skyline, a fiery red gas planet that is many times larger than a distant star, occupies one-third of the sky.

As if waiting for something, the person standing on the grassland did not move, just quietly looking at everything in his sight, as if to engrave the beauty before the twilight in his mind. The same...

The limbs could not move, but the facial features were normal. It was like a low-spirited body boat attached to the body. It took only half a second to figure out the situation.

This terrestrial planet at your own feet should be a satellite of a gaseous planet.

From the view of the fold-free terrain, the geological activities of this generation should be infrequent or the geological activities of the entire planet tend to be stable. In addition, the ecosystem on this planet should be much simpler than the Earth, and there is no trace of artificial development.

Just then, the wind on the prairie suddenly smashed.

Feeling the strong wind blowing in the face, "Lu Zhou" could not help but close his eyes.

And almost at the same time, just in the moment when he closed his eyes, a memory that did not belong to him, like a flood of floods poured into his mind.

The torn picture flashed and stood in the ancient Roman-style ring arena. He defeated a terrible opponent with his iron blade.

The blood splashed and the picture continued to flash.

A man who looked like a referee stood in front of him and lifted his hands in the cheers of the audience and announced his victory.

Then, the picture was another turn, this time not in the arena, but in a wide hall.

A man dressed like a servant, puts a stone with a green glow on his forehead, chanting a language that cannot be translated even by the observer civilization, and then puts the stone on him. Spread out the palm of your hand.

From that piece of fragmentation, Lu Zhou probably figured out what the “things” of the master of this memory are, and some “story backgrounds” that occurred before this memory.

First of all, from the most critical point, this memory does not belong to the indigo civilization, but belongs to a group of people who read the sound like "Parker".

They are covered with fluff and are generally between one meter and one meter high. They have flexible claws and strong feet and upright ears. They live like a large cat walking upright without a tail.

Because the mother star lacked metal minerals, they spent quite a long time before they entered the industrial age from the Iron Age. During this long period of time, they even achieved the unity of civilization in the Iron Age.

Entering the industrial age with a single civilization, even an advantage for them is a disadvantage.

The advantage lies in the fact that the internal conflicts in civilization have basically ended in the cold weapon era, and the long feudal era has injected a great unified concept and a power/authoritarian trend for civilization, even if there have been several regime changes and rises and falls during the period. The evolution, and the resulting turmoil, are also smooth and excessive in small-scale local conflicts.

It can be said that the industrial machinery of Parker Civilization has never really entered the military field.

Although the gene for the use of force is included in their civilization, this gene is "transcribed" in a completely different form from human civilization.

For example, compared to negotiations, they are more inclined to solve problems through the original cold weapon duel.

They tend to advertise honors compared to the principle of using morality as a constraint.

For another example, the short life expectancy makes them look down on life and death, believing in reincarnation and the afterlife... even if their science never really proves these two things.

At the same time, when Lu Zhou read the memory fragments, he noticed that there were huge priestly classes and aristocratic classes in the Parker civilization.

As a spiritual leader of the cleric class, a profession called a prophet plays an even more important role than the king in the rise and fall of the entire civilization.

Idealism and authoritarianism, the level of science and technology is probably in the middle and early stages of the interstellar era, and the development of ideas and the powerful and autistic indigo empire are two very different.

Under the support of high cultural identity and the concept of great unity, they seem to have no expansionary punishment. Even before mastering the communication means of superluminal speed, the colony maintains an unimaginable unity with the parent star.

And compared to building homes, biological habits tend to live alone, preferring to migrate towards distant and empty livable planets, and do everything possible to occupy more land, even if they are undeveloped wilderness.

Just like the indigo people like to breathe the air filled with metal in the world, these cat-like parkers can spend a whole day on the empty prairie.

For example, the grassland planet under his feet is one of the hundreds of colonial planets of Parker civilization.

As for the body that Lu Zhou is now in, it is a warrior who reads the sound like "Nova". Just a few days ago, he defeated his opponent in a duel in the name of a gamble. A glorious **** of choice.

As mentioned earlier, in the historical process of Parker civilization, the prophet played an important role, and the person chosen by God was the right hand of the prophet.

Through a special ritual called "Psychic Ritual", the Prophet "predicts the future" and tells the "best arrangement" to the "descendant" who is the only insider and orders him to perform his mission.

In fact, when reading this memory, Lu Zhou quite doubted the rigor of this ritual, and whether this kind of thing can really be predicted by this unreliable method in the future.

However, Parker Civilization seems to be convinced of this.

Even though there are only a few times in their history, the chosen ones have followed the teachings of the prophets and made the "right things" that benefit the world.

From this perspective, these fluffy guys seem to know less about the lessons of history than humans.

However, as far as the level of technology is concerned, these furry guys seem to be more advanced than human civilization. Lu Zhou has nothing to vomit. Their position is...

At this time, footsteps came from behind.

Parker, who opened his eyes, turned and looked back. He saw a soft beam of light falling from the clouds, and a silhouette of the figure slowly descended on the blue grassland.

Gravitational rays?


Or... some technology that he doesn't know.

For the time being, I don’t care what kind of magical techniques these Parkers used to travel back and forth between the high orbit and the planet’s surface. Lu Zhou followed Nou’s line of sight and looked at the hair that was “walking” from the beam. Parker, who is aging, tries to find clues about this guy from scattered pieces of memory.

However, strange things have happened.

In Lu Zhou or Nou's memory, although there is a rather lengthy section about the old man's memory, he did not appear his name.

Just when Lu Zhou was surprised at this strange situation, the old "cat man" suddenly spoke.

"Congratulations, the warrior named Noua."

Gong Qian lowered his head, Noua said.

"Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me, everything is the will of the spirit of the universe."

The old man smiled and looked at the face of the young man in front of him. He gently pointed his head and said, "Under its guidance, the most brave of our civilization came to me. To be honest, for a long time. A long time ago, I had shaken the psionic rituals and gods, but now I am extremely convinced that this is the best arrangement."

Noua did not speak, just maintaining a courteous attitude, waiting for the old man in front to tell the prophecy of the chosen one.

This is almost a convention.

However, this time, the old man did not seem to intend to say a lot of words. After he had looked at him for a long time, he used only a very vague description to summarize the whole prophecy, and then he said that the best is the one who chose the god. s arrangement".

"The natural disaster is approaching, no one is spared, a flame from the side to the holy place... Your mission is to go to the center of this galaxy and find the way out of our civilization."

Surprised by the amazing prophecy, Nou briefly stunned for two seconds and immediately asked in a hurry.

"How can I find it?"


The dry paws pressed on Nou's lips. The old man interrupted Nou's question and looked at him with meaningful eyes. He continued, "When you get there, you will naturally know what to do... that is only Belongs to your mission."

Perhaps it was the words of the old man, or the obedience caused by piety. Nou nodded silently and did not speak again.

The young man in front of him looked into his own words, and the old man’s face showed a smile of approval.

"The spacecraft and luggage are ready."

"May you be able to find the hope in the middle of this galaxy."

Speaking of this, the old man suddenly stopped talking.

After a brief silence for a while, he put on a tone of relief and continued.

"...returning 10,000 steps, even if you don't find it, you don't have to feel guilty about it."

"Your genes, your blood, your bones, your culture, and your language, everything is proof of our existence. You carry all of us, even if the great holy place is finally swept here. The collapse of the universe has fallen, and we are not going to succumb to this life in the long years."

"The Holy Land is falling? How is it possible! That natural disaster... Did you see anything? No... I should not ask this question."

Mumming and whispering, Nou suddenly raised his head and gently placed his right fist on his left chest. He looked firmly at the old man in front of him and promised, "I will definitely reach the center of this galaxy." Find a way to resolve the crisis!"

Hearing this vow, the old man just smiled softly.

"Don't be so confident, this is a journey of hundreds of thousands of light years, not just from the threat of the universe itself, you may encounter many passengers who are also inspired by the universe. There is no shortage of them stronger than ours. And not all travellers have good thoughts, and it is not an easy task to live."

"But I believe in you."

The murky pupil was filled with kindness.

Just like watching your own child, the old man carefully looks at him as if he wants to remember this last side forever.

The same is true of Noua, the two are so obedient, let the wind on the grassland blew gently, playing the prelude to this farewell.

This goes, I don't know how many years to reach the end.

And even if you reach the end, you will not have the chance to return here.

Silently accepting the immersion of the parting atmosphere, Lu Zhou did not bring it into the plot.

Therefore, his attention at this moment has been completely robbed of the prophecy about natural disasters.

However, just as Lu Zhou was thinking about the clues about natural disasters, suddenly he found the turbid pupil, but he did not know when to take a sharp touch.

That sharpness is not easy to detect, but its existence is so conspicuous and full of violations.

Like a sharp blade, it pierces deep into the bone marrow.

There is some confusion about the transformation of the plot.

Just as Lu Zhou thought about why the old man suddenly looked at the "descendant" with a sharp gaze, a strange feeling suddenly climbed onto his scalp.

It is difficult to specifically describe what this feeling is and where it comes from.

Once again, the old man was on the line of sight. Just as Lu Zhou tried to read some clues from his eyes, a terrible thought suddenly flashed from his mind, and he suddenly responded.

The old man...

Look at "self"!

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