Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1323: Then I will show you the optimism.

"The last puzzle... about the mystery of the trail of supernova, this proposition comes from the recommendation of the famous astrophysics physicist James Peebles."

Imcrc headquarters meeting room.

Standing at the round table in the conference room, Professor Whittle from the Brookhaven National Laboratory.

I saw a paper in his hand, and consciously slammed a sneak peek at the Lu Zhou, not far away, and looked a little nervous.

"The supernova remnants are the tombstones of the stars, the remains of the stars that survived the end of the evolutionary process. They are one after another in the galaxy, like the splendid fireworks in the night sky, with a deadly and charming charm..."

“However, the confusion is that according to the supernova explosion rate and the star formation rate, the supernova remnants that we can observe in the galaxy should have 20,000 to 30,000 or so, but in fact we have only observed three Less than a hundred."

“99% of the supernova remnants are like missing, leaving our vision.”

“The study of supernova remnants will have an important impact on our research in areas such as heavy elements and the evolution of galaxies. If we can find where the missing supernova remnants have gone, it may reveal a deeper physics mystery...”

Then, from the professional point of view, Professor Whittle elaborated some existing progress or conjectures in this research direction, as well as Brookhaven National Laboratory's views on the proposition.

As he said, if you can reveal the reasons for the disappearance of supernova relics, and even find where the disappearing energy and matter go, the research on astrophysics and high-energy physics will greatly promote it.

After listening to this lengthy statement, Lu Zhou thought for a moment and then tapped the mark on the notebook.

Attention has been placed on Lu Zhou from the beginning. When Professor Whittle noticed the action of Lu Zhou, the tight old face finally relaxed a little, and his heart was relieved.

Professor James Peebles is a big cow recently hacked by Brookhaven National Laboratory. His biggest concern is that Lu Zhou has sneaked a proposal from Brookhaven National Laboratory because he used to wear shoes for the past. .

However, it seems that Lu Zhou obviously does not have such interest in it. At that time, he himself is a gentleman's belly.

Although I was annoyed at the increasingly humble presence of Brookhaven National Laboratory in imcrc, there was no better way for Whittle to do so, and it was only for the time being.

Looking at Professor Whittle, who was slightly squatting back to the seat, Lu Zhou closed the notebook in his hand, pushed the arm of the chair and stood up, and cleared the throat and said.

"First time, I will come here first."

"A total of 522 puzzles were finalists, 22 more than expected."

"The final result, wait until the final vote at the meeting, there are probably two more meetings in the past few days, on Wednesday and Friday... hard work everyone."

Applause was heard in the conference room.

In the face of the standing physicists, Lu Zhou nodded lightly and announced the meeting.


After the meeting, Lu Zhou simply packed up the things on the table and returned to his office.

However, just when he had just sat down, even when he hadn't taken the chair hot, a knock at the door came, and then a young assistant rushed in from the outside.

"Mr. Chairman, there is a strange person who wants to see you."


Lu Zhou raised his eyebrows and asked curiously.


The assistant said with a smile.

"His name is Felix, who claims to be a professor from the Department of Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He claims to have been treated unfairly in imcrc and hopes to see you."

Originally, he did not want to use these small things to bother the boat, but the guy was too persistent, standing in the hall with a suitcase, how to persuade not to persuade.

However, this guy still has a bit of identity, and it is not so good to throw it out, so the front desk downstairs of the building can only call the superior to ask, and finally this thing has been passed down layer by layer.

"Professor Felix?"

I didn’t have any impression of this name. Lu Zhou frowned and thought for a while, and said.

"...If he wants to discuss some academic issues with me, tell him for me that I can take half an hour at three o'clock in the afternoon. If he just intends to bother me with some boring trivia, you Let him give him the contact information of Secretary General Luo."

"Okay, okay."

Looking at the assistant who ran away from the office, Lu Zhou did not say much, and continued to look at the minutes of the meeting.

I used a sandwich to send lunch, so I stayed in the office until about three o'clock in the afternoon. Lu Zhou came to the coffee shop downstairs and saw the self-proclaimed MIT. Mr. Felix, a professor at the university.

From his servant appearance and the suitcase at his hand, Lu Zhou was able to speculate that he should have arrived just after he left the plane.

And, most of the tickets are temporarily bought.

"Professor Felix? Nice to meet you."

Some vigilantly looked at Lu Zhou, and Professor Felix was in a hurry.

"me too."

Although he was not able to breathe when he was in North America, he even made a big temper in the hall downstairs two hours ago, but after seeing Lu Zhou himself, he couldn’t help but subconsciously lowered. Your own posture.

no way.

After all, this big man is really too strong.

From the beginning of the unified theory of power and electricity to the theory of hyperspace, the research results that shocked the world and the problems that have plagued hundreds of millions of people are as easy as breathing in front of him.

And if his own achievements, if he is with him, I am afraid that even the necessary mentions are not.

Looking at Professor Felix, who suddenly narrowed down and closed his mouth and didn't talk, Lu Zhou snorted a little and then smiled and said.

"Do you want something to drink?"

"I have ordered a cup of coffee and have not delivered it yet."

"Yes? Then give me a cup of black coffee," Lu Zhou nodded to the waiter, then looked at Professor Felix, and continued with a sigh of relief. "I am very curious, what is it that makes you so I am eager to come from distant Boston to see me."

"Because I need an explanation!" The look suddenly became excited. Professor Felix's shoulders shook. He sat up straight from the chair and stared at Lu Zhou. "Why did my papers be screened out in the primary election! ”

"This is the collective opinion of the jury. I have only fulfilled my power to cast a sacred vote. If it does not pass, it is naturally because it is not so suitable-"

"You didn't read my thesis carefully! I heard it! After you went from Jinling to Shanghai, it took only three days to understand the topics," Felix said excitedly. "Since you I didn’t plan to take our research seriously from the beginning, why should I send an invitation to me?”

Three days?

Lu Zhou smiled embarrassedly, but did not tell him that he actually only spent two days, faster than the speed of the rumors.

Looking at the excited Professor Felix on his face, he said.

"I have never been perfunctory of any paper. I can swear by my reputation. Every choice I make is based on being a scholar."

“Is it?” Felix looked straight at Lu Zhou, his face full of doubts. “Are you sure that three days is enough for you to read all the papers?”

"Of course, I even remember your paper," Lu Zhou smiled faintly. "Introduction of the heavy Fermi field triplet in the standard model to explain the source of neutrino quality. That is to say, the application of type-iiiseesaw mechanism in the study of the origin of neutrino quality, I am right?"

This is what Lu Zhou just remembered.

Although there was no impression of the name Felix, after hearing him explain his intentions, Lu Zhou immediately renamed the name and the paper he had seen a few days ago.

Lu Zhou actually remembered his own paper, Professor Felix held his breath for a moment.

But soon, he thought he was already in this coffee shop, at least waiting for him for two hours. During this time, he had time to investigate his own information and quickly pass the paper over.

"... Did you check it before you came?"

Looking at the face of this guy's apparent distrust, Lu Zhou couldn't help but be a little funny.

Checked before coming?

Sorry, he is not so busy.

"Whether it was just checked, I have actually read your paper, and in my impression... I did vote for it. As for the reason, it is natural because it really has nothing to study."

"how is this possible!"

"Don't rush to refute me," said Professor Felix, who was excited to stand up. Lu Zhou smiled and motioned that he should not be excited. He waited until he sat back in his seat and continued to speak. "Even if It’s about seeing you in the ocean and seeing me. I have to tell you why I am doing this.”

At this time, the waiter in the cafe took a cup of coffee and walked over here.

Looking at the steaming cup of coffee on the table, Lu Zhou stretched out the index finger and touched the wall, then looked at the waiter politely.

“Can you borrow a whiteboard from the office next to you? There is also a marker.”

"Good sir."

Watching the waiter leave quickly, Lu Zhou looked at Professor Foix, who was confused, and continued.

"If you say it, you must have 10,000 reasons to refute me."

"In this case, I will show you the optimism."

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