Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1328: Break through the sky bonus!


"The trough!!!"

"One billion?!"

"Bunker! Have you ever had such a high bonus in the physics community?"

"Don't talk about the physics community, this special thing is that you can't find it in the academic world!"

It is difficult to create such a large interest in the short-term time in the physics field, which is a far-reaching discipline, even if it is a condensed matter physics with relatively close relationship with applied science.

Although there are some rich people who have escaped from the low-level tastes, and occasionally donate some money to support the research of basic science, such a large handwriting is still unheard of.

Even at the exchange rate many years ago, a billion rbn is a very expensive figure.

Not to mention that the fusion power stations in St. Petersburg, Kadalashe and Los Angeles have been completed one after another. The cross-regional power grid traverses the Asian continent, and the rmb exchange rate continues to strengthen under the support of the energy network. The exchange rate has not been the same in the past.

The amount of gold in this one hundred million can be imagined as high.

The boiling atmosphere almost turned over the ceiling, and the atmosphere in the exhibition hall outside the conference hall and in the poster exhibition area was even more intense. It was like a volcano erupting, which ignited people’s excitement and hardship. Confidence in the mood and a lingering eagerness in my heart.

Even though many people still barely maintained the gentleman's demeanor, they were still surprised by this big hand, and even a somewhat unspeakable scream.

Standing in the conference room, Lu Zhou did not see the situation in the lobby of the exhibition center. However, from the reaction of many scholars in the conference hall, the effect of this one hundred million was achieved.

Smiling slightly, Lu Zhou cleared his throat and continued to speak.

"Next, Professor Witten will announce the second question of the century."

"There is Professor Edward Witten from Princeton coming to power!"

Professor Edward Witten, who stood next to him, nodded. Lu Zhou gave up the microphone in his hand and then walked down the stage.

The meeting of the century is still going on.

But there is no doubt that the limelight of the audience has been taken away by someone.

And it was taken away from the beginning.

The situation at the conference site was quickly spread around the world through the Internet. Those scholars who were also paying attention to this century-old physics conference and the people who were eating melons were scared by this one hundred million bonus.

A material science laboratory at Stanford University.

A group of men and women who watched live broadcasts in front of the computer immediately made an exclamation.

"One hundred million! Shet, how many cold electron microscopes can I buy?"

"Dog! These physicists are so rich!"

"Is it okay to switch to physics now?"

"Get it! Go now! But to speak up, this big unified theory... can someone really get this one hundred million?"

"I don't know physics very well, but I know this stuff, but even Einstein can't solve the problem! It's too hard to solve it!"

"And I can't say... It's not just that Einstein can't make it."

"How to say?"

"Do you want to... If Lu Zhou knows the answer, will he offer a reward of one billion for others to think about? The theory of unified power is made by him. No one is closer to the big unified theory than him, and no one knows better than him. How difficult is this problem..."

"Where, how do you say that, there is almost no solution!"

Outside a classroom in Oxford, a bbc reporter with a microphone hurriedly stopped a physics professor who had just finished class and asked the old man.

“Hello, are you concerned about the ongoing Centennial Physics Conference?”

The professor said with a slap in the face.

"I have been concerned, although I was planning to pay attention after class."

"……What does it mean?"

"Five minutes before class, there was a scream in the back of the classroom. I thought that there was an earthquake. The result was a bonus of 100 million yuan!" The professor said that he couldn’t help but say, " These little sister-in-law, they don’t even think about it, what is the relationship between the bonus and the high prize?"

Reporter Khan said: "Okay... then how do you think about this one hundred million bonus."

The professor said impatiently. "There is nothing to look at, this is a bonus that no one can receive."

“Would you consider adjusting your research direction?”

"I won't think about it."


"There is no reason, who wants to study and study it... if they think they have hope to get this bonus!"

Just when the entire college circle is talking about a hundred million bonuses, the opening ceremony of the 100-year physics conference is still going on. The next ninety-nine-century questions are in the famous physics singers such as Witten, Welzek, etc. Under the relay, one by one revealed.

Among them are the popular physics frontiers such as the “seeking super-particles predicted by super-symmetry theory” announced by Professor Witten and the famous astrophysics physicist James Peebles’ “Exploring the Causes of the Missing of Supernova Ruins”. .

There are also phenomena such as "the mechanism of sonoluminescence" and "the mechanism of the instability of the spiral wave in the reaction-diffusion system" and "the multi-body qed problem in the atomic system". These seem to be not very popular but significant physics. problem.

These propositions cover almost a range of fields, from theoretical physics to astrophysics to condensed matter physics, and cover the 100 most important branches of physics that are the hottest, most important, and hopeful to achieve results in this century. .

Although there are also millions of rewards, as well as sponsorship from the world's richest and scientific research groups, stimulating people's eyes and adrenal glands, but in the end there is no award for the amount of more than 100 million rmb.

In the course of the entire conference, in addition to those interested physicists, the most exciting thing is to count the reporters who are carrying cameras and microphones.

Although they are still standing at the conference, they will have a good draft in the belly of the news headlines tomorrow.

Many people have even prepared for the run, and now they are waiting for Lu Zhou to come out of this conference hall and throw the problems in their stomachs.

However, their expectations are doomed to be frustrated.

Even if you go to the dark, don’t even think about visiting Professor Lu...

Turning off the wearable facial holographic projection system, Lu Zhou took a pale silver necklace from his neck, stuffed it into his pocket, and then walked out of the empty bathroom.

Since he had drawn the prize from the system, he never worried that the reporter would block this kind of thing halfway.

At this time, the ringtone of the phone in the pocket suddenly rang.

Needless to guess, Lu Zhou knows who called it, so he pulled out the phone and pressed the button.


"Where are you?!"

No accident, the voice of Luo’s brother, who was in a hurry, immediately passed over from the phone.

Lu Zhou: "It's already out, what's wrong?"

Luo Wenxuan was shocked.

"How do you slip in the trough? After a while, the end of the century is announced, and there is a speech at the opening ceremony waiting for you to read."

Lu Zhou: "Is that not your responsibility?"

Upon hearing this shabu-shabu's speech, Luo Wenxuan felt a bit faint, and immediately asked the question that most concerned him.

"What about the interview after the meeting?"

Upon hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou was embarrassed to smile.

" have worked hard."

Luo Wenxuan: "..."

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