[Congratulations on the host, complete the task! 】

[The task is completed as follows: 1 g of special carbon nanofibers (not named) having a Young's modulus of 2.2 tpa and a breaking strength of 83 n/m... were prepared by laboratory synthesis. 】

[Task evaluation: s+]

[Task reward: 500,000 materials learning experience, one lucky draw opportunity, 1000 points. 】

"Young's modulus 2.2tpa? I didn't expect it to be 0.1 more than expected..."

Standing in a pure white system space, watching the prompts of the task popping up on the holographic panel, Lu Zhou's eyebrows could not help but raise a trace of accident.

Of course, what surprised him even more was that Professor Wang Qingping’s project team actually took the mathematical model after his revision, and made the results before this evening – that is, now!

Taking a deep breath, Lu Zhou looked at the translucent holographic screen and said with a clear voice.

"System, open the properties panel!"

As the sound of Lu Zhou fell, the light blue 涟漪 quickly swept through the translucent holographic screen, and the updated property panel appeared in front of him.

a. Mathematics: lv10

b. Physics: lv10

c. Biochemistry: lv7 (41 million / 1.2 million)

d. Engineering: lv7 (1 million / 1.2 million)

e. Materials Science: lv8 (63,000 / 3 million)

f. Energy: lv7 (0 million / 1.2 million)

g. Informatics: lv7 (100,000 / 1.2 million)

Points: 35335

Material science has risen from lv7 to lv8, and the upper limit of experience has tripled. From one million to three million, it has started a difficult climb.

"The next step is the lottery." Finally, I confirmed the property panel. Lu Zhou removed the line of sight from above and selected the button for the lottery.

The wheel starts to turn.

As his forefinger touched for the second time, the high-speed rotating wheel continued to turn for a few dozen cycles according to inertia before slowly stopping.

There was no surprise, no accidents.

After all, it is just a common task. A group of 30 energetic pharmacies is also considered to be within the expectations of Lu Zhou. Maybe the system also hopes that he will work harder, even though he is not in a hurry.

Turning off the lottery interface, Lu Zhou continued to look at a blank taskbar.

Because of the s+ evaluation, the next task should not be an accident.

I selected the icon of the taskbar and looked at the task interface presented in front of me. Lu Zhou stretched out the index finger and touched it on the virtual button.

Soon, a circle of light blue scorpion spread out along the position of his index finger.

Immediately after a new task panel, it came to his eyes.

[Reward task is open! 】

[Requirement: Free publication of a "heavyweight" academic paper. 】

[Reward: Calculate experience points and points rewards based on the comprehensive influence of the paper. 】

Feel free to publish a paper?

Comprehensive influence?

Seeing the moment of this task, Lu Zhou first gave a slight glimpse, and then a clear smile appeared on his face.

This is really a maiden drop into the eye of the needle, clever!

The study of the implicit density functional method is not considered "heavyweight". He is not very clear, but the theoretical research on computational materials is definitely nuclear weapon-level, and it is no exaggeration to say that the calculation materials for the entire carbon composite material can be made. The study has risen to a new level.

It seems that this time I can play a cbo...


The next day.

Lu Zhou sent a sample to his home, then locked himself in the study and began to compile the implicit density functional method he completed yesterday.

Just when he had just edited the paper and linked the preprint to the arxiv website, the doorbell sounded outside the yard.

At the same time, a bunch of bubbles popped up in the lower right corner of the computer.

Xiao Ai: [Master, there are guests outside. (??▽?)】

Probably able to guess who came to visit himself, Lu Zhou sighed softly and pushed the chair to stand up.

"I know, open a door for him... By the way, send two more cups of tea to the coffee table in the living room."

Xiao Ai: [Good master! (??????)??]

The drone flew out of the kitchen and the electronic lock on the door was opened at the same time.

Just as the two cups of tea were served on the coffee table, Lu Zhou, who was put on a dress, went downstairs to the downstairs, just to see that Director Li was already sitting on the sofa in the living room.

"Lu Academician, haha, hello."

"……Hello there."

Sure enough, I guessed it.

Hearing the familiar "you", and then on the pile of smiling expressions, Lu Zhou has guessed the purpose of this guy's visit to himself, but he did not say anything, but sat down in a big way. On the sofa opposite him.

"Say, this is another anecdote."

Director Li was embarrassed and smiled and said coldly.

"You said this, I can't come to see you without anything?"

Lu Zhou: "..."

Seeing Lu Zhou’s faceless expression, Director Li immediately knew that his intentions had been seen through, so he coughed up and concealed his embarrassment, and continued to say with a cheeky face.

"That... I really don't want you to say, I really have something to hope you can do."

Lu Zhou: "What is busy?"

"In fact, it is not entirely for me. This matter has something to do with you," Li said, taking a sigh and sighing. "I didn't show your blueprint to Academician Yuan. The old man said that he didn't believe that you could get the Lagrangian space base out of it! I said to him for a long time, he agreed to sign the letter. You don't know, that situation at the time. How hard it is, how much ideological work I did with him..."

Looking at the guy who was screaming at the west, Lu Zhou quickly interrupted his long story and said, "You have something to say directly. It’s all right to turn around. I’ve been fainted by you. fast."

Director Li smiled embarrassedly. "I don't explain the cause and effect clearly, save you from saying that... I set, set what you are coming."

Lu Zhou: "...the routine."

Director Li: "The right thing is the one you said old, what do you say, I set you up, when did I pass you?"

Lu Zhou: "...?"

"To sum, in short, the process of things is like this!" Forcibly returning the topic to the right track, Director Li continued, "I made a bet with Yuan Laotou, he casually pointed a part on the drawing, as long as you can If the material needed for the part is made, he will be convinced of your plan!"

Lu Zhou curiously asked: "If he is not convinced?"


This question is to ask Secretary Li to live.

What if you are not convinced?


I really can't help him.

Whether it is the Lagrange Point Space Base or the Mars Scientific Research Station project, it is a document that has been black and white, and it is also the one that has been stamped in Chang'an Street.

Even if you are not convinced...

As a central enterprise, the two aviation groups still have to cooperate with him to complete the deployment of the national strategy.

What's more, the so-called dissatisfaction was originally compiled by myself...

After a long while, Director Li coughed and said, "The work of the masses still has to be done well. If you have the ability to let him be convinced, or let him take it better, the Hangke Group will cooperate with it. Is your job not? Of course, if you really don't have that ability, it doesn't matter."

"You don't have to use the law," looked at the old man sitting across the sofa. Lu Zhou smiled and said, "Tell me directly, what the ‘he’ means is.”

"This is good to say, the technical standard of that material I bring with you, you first sigh." Hearing Lu Zhou said so, Director Li did not say that he had pulled out the a4 paper that was folded into a small box and handed it over. Lu Zhou's hand.

When he took the boat and unfolded the paperwork, Director Li immediately reached out and took the teacup and drank the tea, and moistened some dry scorpions.

When I wrote the story of the bet of Yuan Lao, I really said that he was dry.

In fact, at that time, Academician Yuan Lao did not have anything to be convinced. It can even be said that most of the stories in the story were fictional.

The conscience of the original story is still a bit painful, but when he thinks about the importance of this material before and after the academician Yuan Lao, his conscience will not hurt at all.

After all, everything is for the big picture.

Big deal was discovered, and an apology is over.

Just as Director Li himself did his own ideological work, Lu Zhou had already read the piece of paper in his hand and folded it back and threw it on the coffee table.

"How?" Looking at the action of Lu Zhou, Director Li suddenly sat down and looked at him with enthusiasm and asked, "Can you do it?"

"no problem."


Seeing that Lu Zhou was so refreshed, he promised to come down. Director Li sneaked down. For a time, he was a little uncomfortable. He couldn’t help but wonder if he had got it wrong.

"Of course it is true," Lu said with a look of surprised expression. Lu Zhou smiled. "You wait here for a while, I am going upstairs to get something."

As he said, he stood up with his hands on the sofa armrest and turned to the stairs.

Without waiting for a long time, Lu Zhou quickly returned to the living room, and also had a palm-sized sealed plastic bag with a pile of black powdery substance.

Just as Director Li was going to ask, what was the thing he was holding in his hand, Lu Zhou threw the plastic bag on the coffee table and re-sitting on the sofa opposite him.

"This is what you want, take it."

What are you doing?

Staring at the sealed plastic bag with unidentified black powder on the coffee table, I saw it for a long time, and I didn’t see any mystery from it. Director Li asked Lu Zhou in a foggy way.

"this is……"

"Super Fiber No. 1, English name superfiber-1, abbreviation sf-1... or how to call it," looked at the stunned Director Li, Lu Zhou said with a smile, "in short, that is the one you want." thing."

At the moment of hearing this sentence, Director Li was slightly stunned and quieted for a few seconds with the air that seemed to be frozen.

When he finally realized that Lu Zhou was expressing what he meant...

The director Li, who was on the plastic bag with black powder, was stupid!

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