Professor Reston swears that, even after being influenced by Hollywood sci-fi blockbusters, he never expected to see such a shocking scene in reality one day.

I saw eight slender robotic arms stretching outward from the edge of the Moon Palace space station, like the feet of a spider, wielding flexibly between three groups of spacecraft components.

As if it was a needle lead, more and more spacecraft components were connected in series, gradually outline the outline of the colonial ship Xu Fu.

"This is impossible……"

The expression on his face was as if he had gone crazy. Professor Phil Goethe, standing next to Professor Reston, kept his lips open and closed, repeating the same words mutteringly.

"Assembling an extravehicular spacecraft with a robotic arm on the space station ... how is this possible!"

The expression on Professor Reston's face was equally shocking.

Assemble the spacecraft on the space station!

And still operate with a robotic arm!

It sounds almost like a dream story.

This is not as simple as docking a spacecraft. It is no exaggeration to say that it is even an order of magnitude more difficult than the docking of a simple spacecraft.

Without a separate power system, these spacecraft components floating in outer space are not much safer than space junk.

Think about how difficult it is to clean up high-speed space junk, and you know how impractical it is to assemble these scattered sky components with robotic arms on the space station.

A little carelessness, without controlling the speed and orbit height, may cause the space station to collide with those floating spacecraft components, and eventually lead to a severe space accident!

"Will it be holographic projection technology?" Professor Phil Goethe couldn't help but said, "I heard that they have a holographic projection technology that can be faked ... it was shown at the Bird's Nest Stadium."

"It sounds more incredible than assembling a spacecraft in space."

Professor Reston had a bitter smile on his face when he heard Professor Phil Goethe's speech.

He had heard of the holographic projection performance of the Bird's Nest, and he even watched the video shot on YouTube. Many people evaluate it as a new era of film media technology, and the pictures presented to people are almost realistic to the extent that they are fake.

However, he knew that this thing needed water vapour or the like as an imaging medium. Where did this thing come from in space.

In fact, in addition to the robotic arm that extended from the Moon Palace, there was one thing that puzzled him even more.

Is that such an arbitrary assembly method really okay?

You know, manned spacecraft have high requirements for the tightness of the cabin. Especially in the state of accelerated progress, each additional interface will increase the risk by one point.

And now ...

These Chinese people were equivalent to dismantling the entire "Xu Fu" into large parts, and even the cabin was split into two halves. Can such a casual assembly method really ensure the safety of the astronauts in the cabin?

For this, Professor Reston is quite skeptical.

However, this doubt did not stay in his heart for long.

Soon all the confusion in his heart was dispelled by the shocking scene.

Not only he saw it alone.

Everyone standing in the command room saw it.

I saw the front of one of the robotic arms on the Moon Palace suddenly flashing a series of faint white light that could not be ignored. That white light was like a dagger, sweeping from the joint of the spacecraft's shell.

At the same time, a crazy idea came out of Professor Reston's mind.


They actually installed a welding torch on the robotic arm!

Although space additive construction is not a big news, Soviet astronauts conducted the first human out-of-vehicle welding test outside the Salute 7 space station in the 1980s. Similar research has been carried out in the United States since the collapse of the Soviet Union However, this is the first time he has heard of the case of applying this technology to the assembly of a large spacecraft!

What happened on the Moon at this moment was a complete subversion of his understanding of the aerospace industry.

Where is it like assembling a spacecraft ...

It's almost like reassembling a space shuttle on the space station!

Gradually realizing the seriousness of the problem, Professor Reston immediately looked at the assistant standing next to him. Despite the stunned expression on the assistant's face, he ordered in a serious tone.

"Send the captured footage immediately to the Pentagon Space Command!"

He suddenly returned to God from surprise, the assistant nodded quickly, and then trot out to the command room.

Putting his gaze back on the big screen, Professor Reston squeezed his fist tightly, and a haze gradually formed between his eyebrows.

The space construction technology mastered by Hua Guo is likely to have exceeded their estimates.

If they can really assemble spacecraft of more than 100 tons in outer space ...

The theory is to make a bigger one.

It won't be too difficult.


In fact, compared to other cutting-edge technologies applied to this "simple" space port, plasma welding is just one of the most inconspicuous.

Just by comparison, other technologies are not so easy to be directly observed.

Even scientific researchers from various countries working on the Moon Palace know nothing about these things, let alone optical satellites more than 300,000 kilometers away.

These technical reserves are also the basis for Hua Guo to make no cover on the plan of assault.

What about being watched?

Even if something is in front of you, copying it out is not easy.

Regardless of the waves in the minds of Professor Reston and Professor Phil Goethe, foreign scientists at the moment on the Moon Palace are almost always surprised by what happened outside the porthole. To speechless.

His eyes were staring at the gradually forming colonial ship Xu Fu, Professor Pearson from the Department of Physics of Harvard University, his face filled with unspeakable shock.

He is a professor of particle physics who came here through imcrc.

Since the completion of the Lunar Hadron Collider, he has served at the Lunar Scientific Research Station and the Moon Palace.

Even though he has been wondering about all kinds of novel space technology since this time, at this moment, he still cannot control the shock that comes from the bottom of his heart.

Finally couldn't help it, he asked.

"Those robotic arms ... is anyone operating?"

"How is that possible? Who has this ability and can operate eight hands at the same time," Professor Yan Xinjue, who is standing next to him, also serving in the Moon Scientific Research Station, said with a bragging tone, "No accident Then, this thing should be controlled by artificial intelligence. Wasn't Yue Gonghao replaced the chipset of the central computer some time ago? Maybe it was the technology that was upgraded at that time ... Of course, I just guessed, what is it? It's not clear to me. "

Without concealing the envy in his expression, Professor Pearson looked away from the porthole and looked at Professor Yan Xinjue. "Your space technology is really impressive ... I really envy you."

Hearing this honest praise, Yan Xinjue smiled a little embarrassedly.

Although he is not an expert in the field of space.

But to be honest, this feeling of being looked at with envious eyes by scholars in other countries still made him quite dark ...

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