On the Moon Palace, hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, an aeroplane shaped like a bird approached this towering space fortress slowly.

The alloy round pipe acting as a gangway protrudes from the Moon Palace, inserts the open connection port on the side of the Xiaguang nose, and tows the Xiaguang that has closed the power system to enter the port successfully.

The alloy tube began to fill with air.

With the alloy door panels open on both sides, six astronauts in space suits grabbed the handrails on both sides of the corridor, slowly drifted across the gangway and entered the buffer room of the Moon Palace.

Stopping in the buffer room, looking at the moon beams outside the porthole, there was a fascination in his eyes.

"I have heard on Earth that standing on the Moon Palace can see the collider of imcrc and the Guanghan Special Economic Zone."

"I can't see you standing here," said Captain Xu Zhenghong, who was responsible for sending the five astronauts to the moon next to Liang Youcheng. He smiled slightly, "but it may be possible to wait another hour."

"Have you been to Guanghan?"

"Have been there twice."

"What does it feel like there."

"It's developing fast!" Looking at the moon outside the porthole, Xu Zhenghong recalled after a while, and said, "I remember the first time I went, it was transporting supplies to it. At that time, there was nothing on it, only one. A lone scientific research station and a few scientific researchers stationed there. My deputy and I even wondered whether they could stick to that thing. "

Liang Youcheng asked, "What about another time?"

"Another time was to return 4.27 tons of lunar ore, 50 kg of wheat, corn, potatoes, and some biological reagents and scientific specimens produced from the moon to the earth ... I remember them very well, because I counted those goods myself . "

With that said, a smile appeared on Xu Zhenghong's face, "The current Guanghan Special Economic Zone can not only rely on the moon ice under the ground to independently produce fresh water, oxygen, cultivate space crops in independent planting units, but even It produces rare earth minerals that are scarce on the planet. I heard that there is still a space hotel that is open for booking by ordinary tourists, but it is more expensive now. "

"I really want to go there and have a chance."

"There will be a chance," Xu Zhenghong said with a smile. "You seem to be rotating every three years. When you return to work from Mars next time, I will probably pick you up. I will take you to Guanghan City. turn."

Liang Youcheng smiled and raised his fist.

"That's fine, don't come by you."

"How is that?" Xu Zhenghong smiled and stretched his fist, and touched him, "The eldest husband said nothing, it is difficult to chase the horse. At that time, you must be careful over there, don't have any accidents."

"Relax," Liang Youcheng said with a slight smile on his chest, "I promise five when I go, and five when I return."


The engagement storm did not last long.

Such things as gossip have always been like wind for a while. Everyone is tired of it.

After waiting for two days, several stars will marry and break up, and Wei will save Zhao. Soon, netizens ran from one hot spot to the next, and went to eat other melons.

Wait until later, as the "Day of Departure" is getting closer, compared with the lifelong events of all human beings, Professor Lu's lifelong events are obviously worthless to mention.

The last day of March.

Under the much anticipated expectation, the colonists of the manned ascension plan finally came to the public's sight.

For various reasons, the ascension plan office had not previously announced the identity of the colonists who had traveled to Mars.

It was not until five people successfully reached the Moon Palace, which was hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, that they were about to land on the colonial ship Xu Fu, and they were given a complete shot and their names and photos were announced.

What is surprising is that in the "Boarding Road Map" and the Manned Boarding Plan previously published by the Office of the Manned Boarding Plan, both the first set of colonizers drawn and mentioned in written text, are There are only three.

Even because of this matter, there are still many people talking on the Internet. The manned landing office is actually imitating the "New Virginia" plan of Nasa.

However, the number of first landings in the original plan has changed from three to five.

This sudden change, whether for netizens who are concerned about the ascension plan, or for nasa, is unavoidably somewhat surprising.

After all, taking an extra person to Mars is more than just adding a seat to the spacecraft. This not only requires the artificial ecosystem deployed on the surface of Mars to have a stronger carrying capacity, but also means that the colony ship needs to consider two more supplies when carrying supplies.

Technically, this is not an easy task.

What's more, coupled with the manned ascension itself is a thing with its own eye-catching attributes, and its natural political attributes make it difficult to not integrate with the current international situation.

It was only a few years ago that nasa folded his horror on that fiery red planet, and almost brought dangerous Martian bacteria back to Earth, causing a serious ecological crisis. Even now there is an astronaut who travels to the moon Did not wake up in the scientific station.

Considering that there were exactly three astronauts sitting on the bfs spacecraft that Nasa sent to Mars, China now suddenly announced that it had adjusted the number of people on the fire from the original plan from three to five. It is really difficult for special measures to prevent people from having strange associations.

Many people regard it as a provocation by North China in North America in the aerospace field.

What's more, it even reads that this is a high-profile announcement by China that they have won the whole race on humanity's future.

The result would be completely unexpected to Lu Zhou, and even made him cry and laugh.

Testifying in the void, he had never thought of such childish things.

At the time, three people were placed on the ship only to take into account one master, one pair and one substitute. The three people were just able to do most of the initial exploration work.

Now it is temporarily changed to five people, and the timetable for the manned ascent plan is arranged within a month. It is also based on the consideration of system rewards. If conditions permit, it will be more experience.

As a result, those international relations experts did not expect that a group of netizens who were watching the bustling and interpreted so many meanings. Not to mention Lu Zhou's aggressive face, Director Li and Director Chang both had unexpected expressions after they learned the situation.

Because there are too many people holding on to this detail, in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, the Manned Ascension Plan Office had to hold a press conference to publicly respond to and clarify these false rumors.

However, no one thought that it was okay not to clarify. On the contrary, people even felt that there must be some secrets in it.


The official account of the news reproduced the live interview report at the press conference.

In the comment section below the tweet, the fryer has been thoroughly fried.

"This is the provocation of Chiguo!"

"How dare they ... how dare they do it!"

"We should restart the manned ascent plan immediately!"

"Yes! They sent five people, and then we sent ten people up!"


Of course, there are also a lot of rational voices in the emotional excitement.

In addition to those who are holding back the re-launching of the manned fire plan, there are also many people who are opposed to the relaunching of the manned fire plan, thinking that the White House should focus more on the gates of deep space and the distant moon On the settlement plan, first catch up with the Chinese people's footsteps on the moon, before it's too late.

In fact, it is true.

So far, Nasa has not completely cleaned up the mess left by the last ascent plan, nor has it slowed down from the failure of the New Virginia.

Whether or not limited resources are focused on the exploration and development of the moon, this is not a good time to restart the manned ascent plan.

But if you let it go like this, it will undoubtedly be a heavy blow to the current White House support and national cohesion.

Space is the pride of Americans.

And this pride has been maintained for half a century.

In any case, this is not something that can be gently picked up and dropped down.

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