"Thousands of miles of the Long March straddled, and 400 billion galaxies began at one step! 》

Looking at the newspaper in his hand, a smile appeared on Lu Zhou's face.

This is the latest issue of Renren Daily.

On the cover of the newspaper was a picture taken on Mars.

I saw five astronauts standing on a gentle dune with their arms around each other's shoulders. Behind them was a silvery white colonial capsule and a red flag flying in the wind.

This hard-earned photo is destined to be recorded in the annals of history, becoming one of the indelible memories in the history of human civilization ...

Closing the newspaper in hand, Lu Zhou hurriedly resolved the rest of the breakfast.

Watching Xiao Ai fluttering from one side to prepare for the dinner plate, just as Lu Zhou was about to get up and go to the bathroom, the phone's ringtone rang.

After pressing the connected button, Lu Zhou put the mobile phone to his ear, but before he could say it, a trembling "Master" came over from the phone.

"It seems you have arrived safely in Boston," after hearing the gurgling in that voice, Lu Zhou probably guessed something, said with a smile, "Why didn't you call back yesterday? Your sister is worried about you."

"I ... forgot."

That kind of thing happened, where can I still call?

Swallowing, Han Mengqi asked in a tense voice, "Master, Master ... Yesterday, what happened to the convoy that met me outside the airport?"

Lu Zhou said with a smile: "The team? That's probably to show respect to us. Attend your academic conference and finish the report with peace of mind. Don't worry too much about other things. Take part in meaningful activities. Okay, call me if you're unsure. "

Although she was still a little bit nervous, when she heard her most trusted master say so, she settled down for the time being.

"Um ... okay."

I continued to talk with my apprentice about some academic conferences. I hung up on the phone, set aside the matter of the April meeting of the International Materials Research Society Alliance, got up and went to the bathroom to wash my face.

It's getting late.

He had to go to the launch center later.

If the colonization of Mars corresponds to "deep in hell", then "hell treasure hunt" is obviously implying to him that the gift from the void should be on Mars?

Or at least the clue is there.

Thinking of the previous conversation with the "observer", Lu Zhou even confirmed this speculation that something should have been placed on Mars. The only thing that worries him is that his "reptile" all-terrain survey vehicle has been thrown on Mars for almost two years, and no clue has been found after such a long time.

This made him wonder if the gift from the void was still there.

After all, billions of years can even cool the hot planet Earth's core, allowing life to be born in a chaotic atmosphere. On such a long time scale, too much can happen ...


Jinling Space Launch Center.

Let Wang Peng drive to the downstairs of the command tower, and Lu Zhou went straight to the lobby of the ground command center.

When he arrived here, today's work has begun.

Looking at Director Chang Hezhi coming to himself, Lu Zhou asked.

"How's the situation at Mars Scientific Station?"

"Everything is normal. According to the work schedule submitted by Captain Liang Youcheng, their work today is mainly laying solar panels."

Lu Zhou nodded, and while he was about to ask if there were any unusual discoveries, Director Chang suddenly said.

"Speaking of which, I have something to report to you."

"whats the matter?"

"When Dr. Fan Tong from the Mars Scientific Research Station drilled a core sample from the water source, he found that there was a very unusual fault structure near the basin 4.5 km away from the Mars Scientific Research Station. According to the speculation of this, The fault structure may have been formed by an earthquake. "

"Earthquake?" Looked at Director Chang with a strange expression, Lu Zhou asked with a frown, "I remember that the geological activity on Mars has been suspended?"

"I'm not particularly clear," Director Chang Hezhi shook his head and said with some nerves. "In short, according to him, the study of this fault structure is of great significance, and it may even subvert the academic community's research on the geological structure of Mars Inherent impression. So he made an application that he wanted to see. "

Lu Zhou: "Is the fault structure deep?"

Director Chang Hezhi shook his head and said, "It doesn't seem to be very deep. According to the records in the work log, it looks like a dozen meters."

The depth of more than ten meters is already a dangerous depth on earth.

But for Mars, there is no danger.

"Let him go and see ... By the way, say to Captain Liang, unless they plan to explore the crater or carry out other high-risk scientific research activities, such trivial matters need not be special. Please indicate. I remember that I should have given him on-site command authority before departure. Some things can be decided by himself as needed, and the record can be updated in the work log. "

Director Chang nodded solemnly.

"Okay, I'll talk to him now."

Lu Zhou nodded.

"Then let's do it for the time being."


Tens of millions of kilometers away from Mars.

The billowing dust was lifted by the wheels, and a Mars rover with tires as high as the shoulders of an adult was advancing on this endless sandy sea.

Sitting in the co-pilot seat, Ming Wenzhe, wearing a spacesuit outside the cabin, looked at the screen of the on-board positioning system and the green dot that was getting closer and asked casually.

"Are you sure it's an earthquake crack?"

Fan Tong, who was sitting in the driver's seat, nodded and said in a positive tone.

"I can guarantee it with my academic reputation."

"I'm not doubting you ... I mean, can you read it wrong? The data on the thermal radiation image clearly shows that the geological activity of Mars has been suspended, even if there is an earthquake structure, it is unlikely to be stormy. / Exposed on the surface? "

Although his specialty is bioengineering, this does not mean that he knows nothing about geology. In fact, most of the people who can be sent here are all-round talents.

Although he is not very professional in this kind of non-professional field, he still knows some.

Fan Tong: "I'm no less surprised than you, but I'm sure my judgment is not wrong. As for why, we'll know when we get past. Look, did you see the ridge in front? At the foot of the mountain in front ..."

After a pause, he corrected his statement.

"We have arrived!"

Close to the edge of the ridge, Fan Tong got out of the car with Ming Wenzhe in the co-pilot seat, removed the safety rope from the trunk, and hooked the metal lock to the waist of his spacesuit.

"Hematite is everywhere here, I don't know what the signal below is," looking around, the doctor of planetary geology looked at his teammate and continued, "If I hit the flashlight up, you will Pull me up. "

Ming Wenzhe nodded.


After discussing the plan, Fan Tong came to yesterday's position according to his memory.


Something unexpected happened.

He stopped beside the ridge, and the whole man froze there with a **** expression on his face.

He read the surprised expression on his face through the transparent mask, Ming Wenzhe glanced around the rough road, and asked with uncertain tone.

"What about that fractured structure?"

"Hell ..."

There was a mutter in his mouth, and Fan Tong did not answer, but the whole person took two quick steps forward, lying on the ground groping like crazy. However he searched, nothing was found except that the spacesuit was full of sand.

That scar-like fracture structure ...

It's like disappearing out of thin air.

"Is it wrong?"

If it were not for the thin atmosphere on Mars, he would like to ask if it was a mirage.

For the doubts of his teammates, Fan Tong shook his head firmly, stared at the flat ground in front of him, and said with an incredible tone.

"Impossible! There is nothing wrong with the decision! I took a picture and uploaded it to my work log!"

He had seen the picture before, and Ming Wenzhe could not help but hesitated.

"Is that possible ... is it the wrong place?"

Fan Tong continued to shake his head.

"Unless Xu Fu's positioning system broke down with my brain."

Hearing this sentence, Ming Wenzhe's expression appeared strange.

More than ten meters deep fault structure ...

Even if there is a sandstorm, it will not be able to erase the trace in ten days and a half months?

Not to mention that it took only one day.

This is too evil ...


(Do n’t forget to compare your heart ~ By the way, give math and physics a click, and you can have a character avatar at Samsung! Ahem, I'm just a bit curious, what do the US unions paint these characters?

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