Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1372: Can you hear it?

The situation was critical.

There are only three options left for Fan Tong.

One is to use flesh and blood to fight the collapsed rock formations, and the other is to climb a deep pit of more than 20 meters in five seconds ...

Or, cut the rope and fall.

It took him only a second to make a decision, and immediately unlocked the waist.

In fact, his judgment was very correct.

The closed rock wall didn't leave him as long as five seconds at all. He counted up to three seconds before and after. The solid rock struck together cut off the light from overhead ...

But, at the time, it was already the best decision.

But only after half an hour, Fan Tong regretted it a bit.

Except for being able to leave a corpse, the situation he was facing now seemed no better than being crushed on a rope. He has been walking for almost half an hour, and the cave is as if there is no end, no hope can be seen.

"Fuck ... it's like a maze."

Sure enough, I should have been more secure at the time, but now it's no use to say these things.

There was a slight tremor on the ground.

It is estimated that the place where he had fallen down was buried by the collapsed rock wall. Fan Tong took a deep breath and let himself calm down as much as possible.

In order to make his mood less depressed, he tried to persuade himself that this was just a scientific research activity.

"Sandstone quartzite ... it's not hematite. I didn't expect to find such an interesting thing here."

"What is this again? Is it biomass clastic?"

This is an incredible discovery.

The frustration in his eyes was gradually replaced by a touch of excitement. Fan Tong carefully knocked a bit of rock cuttings without damaging the rock mass.

Looking at the baby in the sample bag, the excitement in his eyes became stronger.

"... If only half-life testing can be done here, so I can determine the age of the formation of this layer."

If it is not the current situation is not optimistic, there is only uninterrupted noise in the communicator, he really wants to share this joy with other scientific researchers in the base together.

Packing his tools and samples, he started to move forward along the cave.

Although doing these things did not increase the probability of his survival, at least ... in case he was killed, these valuable research materials will become a valuable scientific heritage.

Of course, if someone can collect his body ...

The road ahead is getting harder and harder.

Sometimes when he encountered a fork in the road, he had to go in and out several times to find the real entrance.

During the rest on the road, he ate some liquid food and looked at the remaining supplies. Fan Tong's mood was a little down.

Interestingly, however, he noticed a very interesting phenomenon along the way. In theory, Mars's core is cooled, but as he goes deeper into the channel, the surrounding temperature increases by about 5 degrees.

Although the surrounding environment is still cold, it gives at least a touch of comfort.

Recording these piecemeal findings, Fan Tong, who took a break, got up and moved on.

The passage ahead was getting narrower and it took a lot of effort to get through.

Just as he gradually began to doubt whether he had gone wrong, a deep pit about five steps wide suddenly appeared in front of him.

Laser ranging shows that the depth below should be about 10 to 20 meters, which is exactly the same as what he encountered just now.

He stopped at the edge of the deep pit, and Fan Tong's face appeared embarrassed.

How to do?

Go down, or step back and find another way?

If you continue to go down, your position may become deeper and deeper, and the hope that someone will collect the body for you will be even slimmer.

However, it is not a realistic thing to expect people on the other side of the base to dig themselves out of the ground more than 20 meters deep with limited conditions even if they don't fumble down.

Thinking of the forks he had passed by before, he couldn't help feeling scalp tingling.

Thinking that the situation could not be worse than it is now, in the end he made a decision with his teeth gritted, and with the multifunctional **** in his hand, he bravely slid down the deep pit in front of him.

Slide down the nearly vertical aisle.

This time, the ground touched by his feet was unexpectedly more familiar than before.


Is this really the "bottom"?

The moment Fan Fan thought about it, and stood up and looked forward, the whole person suddenly seemed to be stupid, and stunned there.

With the light from the flashlight, looking at the almost steep promenade in front of him, it took him a long time to digest the shock in his heart, and slowly squeezed out a word from his lips.


"Here ... special ... almost a bunker!"

Two-meter-high red-brown stone monuments stand on both sides of the promenade, just like the standing stone pillars in the corridor, connecting the ceiling and the ground. The complex pattern of fruit dew is on the surface of the stele. Although it is blurred enough to see that it is full, it can still see a trace of carving from above.

Everything in front cannot be explained by simple geology.

No matter from which point of view, this does not seem to be naturally occurring.

They are like artworks ...

A pile of art in ancient ruins ...

With a muttered excitement in his mouth, Fan Tong aimed the flashlight and the camera on the helmet at the row of relic-like sculptures, pressing the shutter frantically.

If it wasn't for no signal, he really wanted to report everything he saw here to the base.

All the discoveries on the previous journey were inferior to everything he found here.

There are traces of civilized activity underground on Mars!

At least it once existed!

Human civilization is not the only one in the universe!

They are not alone!

He could almost imagine what kind of sensation this earth would cause if the news was made public. The excitement of discovering the treasure made him almost want to shout out loud.

"The material is the same as the sand outside, which has basically been weathered into hematite!"

"The totem of the Martian civilization? Or is it some kind of religious ritual? Or maybe some craft ..."

"and many more……"

There was a hint of frivolity in his mouth. When he fumbled to find a stone with a relatively high degree of damage, and tried to knock off the surface oxide layer with the multifunctional **** he carried, he found that the entire interior of the stone was not at peace As he imagined, it was composed entirely of hematite.

Even the exact opposite ...

The included material is a calcium carbonate mineral that contains almost no iron.

"Calcium carbonate minerals ... No, this should be some kind of biomass fossil, and the age of its formation is probably very long. It looks older than the trilobite fossils on earth."

With a murmur in his mouth, Fan Tong carefully sampled five pieces of rock particles of equal size from the inside, and put them in a sample bag for preservation.

"... I didn't expect that one day I would have to make a cameo appearance with an archeologist."

Hematite is on the outside, and biomass fossils are on the inside. Back to the time of complete weathering, he concluded that the shell of this thing should be some kind of iron-based alloy material, and some living things are sealed inside like coffins.

His gut tells him that this place may be similar to a cemetery.

Although there are other understandings, this is undoubtedly the most likely one.

Tightening the multi-functional **** in his hands, Fan Tong continued to move forward along this hallowing breath. Although the guy in his hand couldn't bring him more sense of security, it was better than none.

Contrary to what happened before, the road ahead suddenly widened as he continued into the corridor.

Especially when he stepped into a spacious "main hall", he suddenly felt a sense of openness.

However, just as he was about to move forward, he was surprised to find that his knees were on top of an invisible wall, and he could not take a step forward.

Just as he groped on the invisible wall in front of him, a strange scene suddenly occurred.

The sign of the signal on the wrist-mounted computer suddenly changed from a cross to a full grid.

Slightly hesitated, noticed the flashing signal light, Fan Tong restarted the communication module subconsciously.

A series of noisy currents soon came from the communication channel.

Just as he looked at the signal on the computer on his wrist in disappointment, guessing that it was some kind of naturally occurring electromagnetic wave, an intermittent sound suddenly sounded from his ear without warning.


"... can you hear me?"


(Mathematics has three stars, don't forget the heart ~)

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