Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1377: Concealed reports

"... Recently, during the scientific expedition to Mars, the manned landing office of our country suffered a sudden dust storm, causing a researcher to lose contact during the mission."

"After being informed of the situation, the ground command center immediately organized rescue operations and used a number of equipment, including low-earth orbit optical observation systems and unmanned reconnaissance vehicles, to launch emergency rescue work for missing persons."

"The entire rescue operation lasted five hours and twenty-seven minutes, and eventually lost the missing person."

"According to the person in charge of the Mars Scientific Research Base, the researcher entered the nearby mountainous area to avoid sand storms. Due to the special geomorphology and geographical environment of Mars, the attenuation coefficient of electromagnetic signals was large, which caused a great impact on the normal use of communication and positioning equipment. , Which caused a serious security accident ... "

"More details are under investigation."

"CCTV reporter, report for you."

Lunar Scientific Research Station.

Sitting in the public canteen watching the news on the LCD screen, Sun Liyang who was eating was frowned.

"I don't know if it's my illusion."

"What illusion?"

"It always feels like this news is gimmicky."

break off both ends?

Raising his eyebrows with interest, Tao Muye stopped the chopsticks in his hand.

"Do you mean, there is more hidden information undisclosed?"

"Yes," Nodded his head, and Sun Liyang simply said, "You have been trained."

"Everyone here accepted it."

"The third item in the safety manual, I remember very clearly, in the event of a space accident caused by force majeure, non-essential situations should be waited for rescue in place."

"Maybe it's necessary."

"Does the sandstorm on Mars count?"

Hesitant to this question, Tao Muye shook his head.

"I don't know ... After all, I haven't been there."

"I always feel a little far-fetched."

With the extremely low pressure on Mars, sandstorms are not a very big threat at all.

In order to avoid the sand storm, he hid into the nearby mountains, and then lost communication due to the hematite veins in the mountains. It was as if a person jumped into the river next to him to avoid rain. Planetary geologist.

This is no longer a joke about his own life, how come he died.

Although Sun Lieyang also understood that life was full of accidents, he intuitively told him that something must have been hidden inside.

"Take care of him, even if there are other hidden feelings in taking 10,000 steps back, it's not something we should know. Don't worry about eating melon," said Tao Muye with a smile again. The people over there were afraid of a cold sweat at the moment, but fortunately someone found it, or else the plan might be cold just after taking two steps. "

Although still a little concerned, Sun Liyang also agreed with Dr. Tao. Even if there is something hidden in it, it has nothing to do with the researchers on the moon.

Looking at Dr. Sun who picked up chopsticks for dinner again, Tao Muye smiled and switched the subject.

"Speaking of you, how is your second-generation controllable fusion research doing? A little progress has not been made."

Sun Liyang replied casually.

"Yes, everything is in the dream."



Originally in Lu Zhou's plan, the unified theory of algebra and geometry was his ending in the field of pure mathematics.

At least before brushing the whole subject level to lv10, unless he encounters some particularly interesting problems, he probably won't refocus his work on mathematics.

One is to leave opportunities for latecomers.

Secondly, he was really too busy.

Except for mathematical physics which is already full, there are as many as five disciplines that he needs to handle, and these disciplines are all those with a long R & D cycle and large randomness, focusing on application fields.

Especially when the research involves specific application scenarios, this is not something that can be solved by sitting in the study with a pen and just counting it casually.

However, life is always full of surprises.

Just like he never thought that he would be related to the void again in this form ...

"How come you suddenly came to see me."

School of Mathematics, Jinling University,

Looking at Lu Zhou, who was walking into his office, Professor Perelman, who was sitting at his desk writing something, stopped the pen in his hand and cast a glance at him for inquiry.

"I can't think of a question clearly. I heard you are still here, so come here ..." Lu Zhou walked in from outside the door, glanced around the slightly messy office, and chuckled with a smile, "Speaking, you Not going back to St. Petersburg? "

"I'll probably stay here for a while before Hodge's conjecture is resolved," answered the question succinctly, and Perelman turned his pen. "I'm more curious than these insignificant things What is the problem that bothers you. May I first ask if it is mathematical? "

"It's mathematical."

Going to the sofa and sitting down, Lu Zhou smiled to the assistant who came to the tea and nodded his head. Then he looked at the mist rising from the cup and let out his voice.

The pen in his hand fell to the table.

Perelman frowned.

"Abc guess ... why are you interested in that thing?"

"Because of curiosity," Lu Zhou thought for a while, said vaguely, "and some real reasons."

"Is it related to the working meeting of Jinling University some time ago?"

"Working meeting?"

"Well, I was listening to other mathematics professors here," Perelman frowned, and continued. "You seem to be concentrating on conquering the ABC conjecture recently. It seems that you have also spent 100 million yuan or more on research funding. As a reward? In fact, IMHO, this kind of problem cannot be solved by more people and more money. "

Is there such a thing?

Lu Zhou froze, and then suddenly laughed.

"I'm not quite sure about this, maybe someone has done extra work ... But this conjecture is really important to us. Do you have any good ideas?"

Perelman: "I've seen Mochizuki's new paper."

"I've also seen ... so what?"

"Then you should know what I want to say," Perelman murmured, and continued, "If Riemann's conjecture is Everest in mathematics, then the abc conjecture is a cloud floating next to Everest. There is no doubt that it is a mathematical problem that can be described in a very concise mathematical language, but not like a problem that mathematics can solve. "

"Professor Wang Yue's work is equivalent to creating a special mathematical language parallel to mathematics itself ... Anyway, his far Abel geometry is such a thing in my opinion."

"To put it bluntly, the biggest difficulty in solving this problem is that no one in today's mathematics community has really done more than" useful "research on this problem. If you really want to study this problem, you even have to ask Redefining addition and subtraction is like redefining the entire math. "

"Will it be easier for aliens to solve such problems ..." Perelman murmured, "Of course, this is just my guess."

This sentence made Lu Zhou's nerves tensely.

But he soon realized that Perelman just said it casually, not like he knew the inside story.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou's expression could not help becoming a bit subtle.

Somewhat difficult.

At present, senior management is still discussing whether to disclose the "fifth type of contact". If it is finally disclosed, will today's conversation make the old friend feel that he is telling him what he is saying?

But thinking about it, Lu Zhou quickly left the matter behind.

For such mathematics-savvy scholars, even if they understand the inside story, they will probably not be interested.

"Redefine the language of mathematics like redefining addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division?" Lu Zhou stood up from the sofa with a thoughtful expression on his face. "I'll go back and think about it."

Without making any retention, Perelman nodded and said.

"If I have any new ideas, I will talk to you again."

"In fact, than I think, I suggest that you discuss this issue with Mochizuki Shinichi or Schultz, they seem to have a more research on this issue."

Lu Zhou nodded.

"I will think about it."

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