Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1379: Five hundred pages of proof

early morning.

A car was parked downstairs at the Experimental Building of King's University.

The driver who helped himself remove the suitcase from the trunk said thank you, and Han Mengqi, who was dragging the suitcase, went upstairs. But just as she was about to open the door and walk into the office, she was pulled by a hand reaching out.


Han Mengqi asked puzzledly, looking at his master brother with a surprised look.

"What's matter?"

Glancing at the closed door of the office, Ji Mo said solemnly.

"Master has been in the retreat for two days. Let's not disturb him."

"Two days ?!" Han Mengqi was shocked, and asked his eyes widened. "He, he stayed in the office for two days? What about eating? Didn't he come out for dinner?"

"I still ate the food," Ji Mo said embarrassed. "I brought it to the cafeteria to help him ... this is not the case, I just delivered breakfast, and I plan to go to the library to study for myself ... would you like to go together?"

"Oh, it's ok to eat ..." Han Mengqi breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly stared, "Yes, who allows you to call Master?"

Ji Mo: "...?"

Realizing that his reaction was sudden, Han Mengqi, who had come back to God, coughed and explained, "I mean, here is the school, and you are still studying for undergraduate, so that other students can't hear it."

In my heart, it seemed to make sense to say this. Jimmer suddenly scratched his head in embarrassment, confessed: "Ah ... sorry, I didn't think about it."

Seeing that the young master changed his face when he knew what was wrong, Han Mengqi nodded with satisfaction.

"You can change your mistakes, and be good at it ... don't do that next time."

Throwing down this sentence, she put her right hand on the office doorknob, and carefully opened the door and walked in.

Shut the office door and look at the bags under Lu Zhou's face. Han Mengqi, inexplicably distressed, whispered.

"Master ... I'm back."

The pen in his hand stopped, and Lu Zhou grew a sigh of relief, and put the stack of thick papers aside, watching Han Mengqi standing at the door with a smile.

"Meng Qi? Are you back already?"

Han Mengqi nodded his head and said hum.

"The plane I just got off."

"Why didn't you call me when I got off the plane? I'd better let Wang Peng pick you up ... By the way, why did you bring all your suitcases, didn't you go home?"

"I'll go back soon."

Seeing that she had something to say, Lu Zhou probably guessed what she wanted to ask, so she said with a smile.

"How is this trip to North America going well?"

"Very smooth ..." Han Mengqi nodded, and then added in a low voice, "I also received a prize by the way."

It's OK to receive a prize by the way.

Deserves to be his apprentice.

Lu Zhou smiled embarrassedly when he heard this seemingly familiar speech.

"Oh? What award?"

"Young Scholar Progress Award ..."

In fact, in addition to the award given to her by the International Federation of Materials Research Societies, there are a series of things including going to the White House to attend a dinner, meeting the president of the American Society of Materials Science, and so on.

This series of dazzling operations has made her a little “transparent” in the field of materials science, in addition to the Young Scholars' Progress Award, a little flattered.

In fact, the reason why she kept running to Jinda after returning home, in addition to sharing the good news of her award to her master for the first time, she still had questions about her belly.

However, I did not expect to see such a worrying look as soon as I entered the door ...

"Master ..."

"what happened?"

Han Mengqi said worriedly, "I heard you haven't slept for two days."

"Two days?" Lu Zhou frowned slightly, looking at the stack of more than 500 pages of papers on the table, and frowned. "It's been so long ..."

Han Mengqi: "I think you'd better take a break."

"It's okay, it's only been two days, and I haven't reached my highest record yet," Lu Zhou smiled, and continued, "I'll take a break when I get back an email."

"Mail? If you don't say the content, let me help you back."

After yawning, Lu Zhou waved his hand and picked up the breakfast at the corner of the table.

"No, I wrote the e-mail myself. This thing is not clear for a while and a half. If I let you edit it, I'm afraid it will be dark until you understand what I want to express."

"What the **** is the problem ..."

"Abc guess."

"... abc conjecture ?!" After hearing Lu Zhou's concise answer, Han Mengqi froze instantly. She was a little dissatisfied before, and the whole man said aggressively, "How did you ... suddenly study this problem?"

If she remembered correctly, her master should be busy carrying people on the fire project.

And he seems to have said more than once that he would not study pure mathematics in recent years ...

"Life is always full of accidents ... I didn't expect it," Lu Zhou coughed. "In short, because of some special reasons, I'm studying this now. Don't worry about it here, hurry back and put your luggage , Take a good rest and reverse the jet lag and report here again. "

Han Mengqi, who was blasted out of the office by Lu Zhou, carrying her suitcase, stood aggressively in the hallway outside the office.

After hesitating, she finally took out her cell phone, opened her address book, and dialed a number.

The phone rang twice and it was connected.

The familiar voice came quickly from there.

"Mengqi? Are you back already? I am about to call you."

"Well, the plane I just got off ... that, sister, come to Jinda's side quickly."

"Jinda? What's wrong with Jinda?"

"Brother-in-law, it seems that he hasn't slept for two days ... I'm a little worried that he won't be able to carry it. In short, if you don't have time to come, at least call and advise him."

"Did not sleep for two days ?! Are you with him now? I'll be right there!"

A voice came up from the office chair, and the phone hung up quickly.

With a sigh of relief, Han Mengqi shoved the phone back into his pocket.

Looking back at the office, she said a silent sentence in her heart.

Master, apprentice can only help you get here!

But don't die suddenly ...


Sudden death is impossible.

It's only been two days without sleep.

If Lu Zhou remembers correctly, the highest record for staying up late is that he has not slept for seven consecutive days, and then slept for two or three consecutive days before regaining sleep.

At that time, it seemed that when I was in Princeton, I was studying Goldbach's conjecture or the existence of solutions to the ns equation. Lu Zhou couldn't remember it well, after all, staying up late was a common occurrence for him.

He only remembered the most powerful one. It felt like he was floating in the clouds. He couldn't tell whether he was in the sky or underground.

But it was this feeling of extreme concentration that allowed him to completely break through the bottleneck and sublimate to a completely new field. Although he also knew that he was far away from the "fairy world" at that time ...

"Hey, years are not forgiving, and I'm starting to get old ... I can't toss as much as I did in my twenties."

After having eaten, I gradually felt a sense of drowsiness coming to the heart of the boat, extracted a tube of energy medicine from the system space, unscrewed the bottle cap and swallowed slowly.

A ray of mint-like coolness spread down the throat to the front of the brain. After hitting a spirit, he soon felt that the fatigue that covered the whole body was like the tide, and completely faded from his body.

Regaining his spirits, Lu Zhou picked up the stack of papers from the corner of the table, turned to the last few pages where he had marked himself, turned on the computer and started editing the mail.

If he had some doubts about Satoshi Nakamoto's identity before, now he can basically be certain that 80% of this guy is Mochizuki Shinichi himself. (Note 1)

This paper on the proof of abc conjecture is clearly a revised version of the paper published by Mochizuki Shinichi on the Internet.

Because it is an unpublished version, neither the abstract nor the title, Lu Zhou reacted after seeing more than 20 pages. This paper is a bit familiar, and it is basically certain when seeing more than 30 pages. This is the "far Abelian geometry" and the "interstellar theory" that only a few people in the legend understand.

In fact, Mochizuki Shinichi proved that the core idea of ​​the abc conjecture is very simple. That is to turn this abstract problem into a more abstract elliptic curve, that is, a special kind of two-dimensional cubic equation.

This transformation process is not difficult to understand. You just need to associate the same image of each "abc equation" with the elliptic curve where the x-axis intersects a, b, and the origin. After undergoing this transformation, proving the abc conjecture is equivalent to proving that the two quantities of the constructed elliptic curve have a certain inequality relationship.

This operation that transforms algebraic problems into geometric problems can make it change from a simple number theory problem to a review problem related to geometry, calculus and other fields, so that more mathematical tools can be used to solve the problem. in.

In terms of this proof of thinking alone, this set of operations is actually very classic. At that time, Wiles also used a similar method to prove the core part of Fermat's Last Theorem.

Unfortunately, although the idea of ​​the proof is remarkable, when this idea was transformed into a 500-page long paper, everything became less friendly.

Many people even evaluate that it is more difficult to fully understand what "far Abel geometry" and "interstellar theory" are talking about than solving the abc conjecture itself.

The famous number theorist Professor Carrigali even bluntly stated that this was a "complete disaster".

In Lu Zhou's impression, it was probably a few years ago that Schultz and his partner had visited Djing and had a discussion with Mochizuki Shinichi on the issue, but the final result became a There was a dispute between the two sides.

Schultz complained that he was standing on a never-ending Escher ladder, while Mochizuki insisted that he "know nothing at all" and "even the basic definitions are wrong".

As for Lu Zhou ...

His opinion is the same as Schultz's.

[I have read the paper. 】

[Although it has been modified compared with the previous version, in my opinion there are still large loopholes. Especially the part of inference 3.12, if you want to understand the relationship between the volume of the set, you must at least establish a relationship between the measurement standards of the volume in each different space. However, in the mapping you give, "Rulers" are partially compatible with each other ...]

【……In summary. 】

[Your proof is wrong. 】-

(Note 1: Mochizuki Shinichi has denied this in an interview. This is just a stalk that is more famous in the mathematical world. Don't take the plot seriously. In addition, don't forget to compare Professor Lu with mathematics, physics and chemistry ~)

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