Apartment near the University of Bonn.

Seeing Professor Schultz who was packing his luggage, Professor Stikes, who was about to invite him out for a drink, said with surprise.

"Are you ... where do you plan to go to a meeting?"

If he remembered correctly, there should be no academic conferences worth attending recently.

"No," answered the question succinctly, and Schultz chose a jacket from the closet, shoved it into the trunk, and then replied casually, "This time it is not a meeting, but an invitation from Professor Lu. I plan to Go to Hua Guo and discuss some academic matters with him. "

"Hua Guo? Professor Lu?" Stickers hesitated slightly, hesitantly, "But at the time of the Confucius Congress, Professor Lu didn't say, did he not consider studying mathematical problems for the time being?"

"He did say that, but it didn't matter," Schultz said with a smile, "his exit was a loss to the mathematics community, and now he is back in his area of ​​expertise— —Number theory, anyway, I think this is a good start. "

Stikes asked curiously, "What question can I ask?"

"Abc guess."

"It's abc guess ..."

With an incredible expression on his face, Stikes whispered, "But when you think about it, mathematical problems are probably no more challenging for him, and this is the only thing that doesn't look like modern mathematics. The problems solved can arouse his interest. "

Closing the suitcase, Schultz looked at him and asked.

"Are you going together? You are an expert in number theory."

Stix shook his head and said, "I'll forget it, I don't know him well, and he didn't invite me ... I wish you a good time there, hoping to hear from the other side of the earth Good news. "

Schultz said with a smile.

"I am very sure of that."


Just as Schultz had set off for China, far away from the Kyoto International Airport on the other side of the globe, Mochizuki Shinichi sitting in the terminal hall, burying his chin in the collar of the windbreaker and dozing.

Just then, the alarm of the mobile phone suddenly sounded, awakening him from his sleep.

"Is it already there?"

Rubbing his nose, Mochizuki, who was a little confused, was about to stand up from her chair, and suddenly her eyes fell on the TV screen on the ceiling of the terminal.

On the television, the news of the nhk television station is being shown.

Sitting in the studio, the hostess used Peugeot's voice to broadcast the latest news.

"... Recently, the China Manned Landing Office held a press conference to announce the major findings of the research project related to the Manned Landing Plan. During the meeting, a Chinese press spokesman declared that their scientific examination In an accident, the team found clastic veins suspected of being formed by biodeposition in the 120-meter-deep underground rock formation of Mars. "

On the TV screen, the footage was switched from the studio to the site of the press conference.

A formal-wearing press spokesman stood in front of the camera, facing the dense microphones and cameras in the audience, with a serious repetition of the news host's narrative in the studio.

In addition, the spokesman also disclosed.

According to carbon isotope detection analysis, these bioclastic rocks were formed about 2 to 2.5 billion years ago.

If this research is true, this discovery will not only be a strong evidence of the existence of life activities on Mars, but also more likely to reveal to humans that during the Proterozoic period of two billion years ago, when the Martian atmosphere was not blown by the solar wind What the ecosystem looks like when you run.

Prior to this, the academic community had always held two very different views on whether Mars had a complete ecosystem ...

"Cosmic people?"

Watching the news on the TV, Mochizuki murmured to himself.

That sounds interesting.


It seems to have nothing to do with myself.

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a sound of excitement.

"There are creatures on Mars?"


"I don't know when our astronauts can go up."

"It's too difficult ... nasa has failed, let alone us. Hey, if there wasn't Professor Lu, they might not be able to send people up."

"Did you say they actually saw the Martians there? They just didn't make it public."

"How is that ... anyway, this is a specimen of billions of years ago."

It seems not just interesting.

Finally, looking at the time in the lower right corner of the TV, Wang Yuexin indifferently lifted the suitcase beside the seat and walked quickly towards the boarding gate ...


Jinling University.

An office at the end of the corridor of the Institute's experimental building.

"Your working environment is much cleaner than mine," standing around Lu Zhou's office, Schultz said with envy. "I can hardly find a place to move my feet. My assistant and I The thing I complain about the most is that I don't know which piece of paper I need and which one is unnecessary ... The end result is that everything is piled there, and no one plans it at all.

Hearing this sentence and wondering if it was a compliment, Lu Zhou smiled embarrassedly.

Honestly, the reason why his office is clean is not because of how good his habits are, but simply because he hasn't been here much this year, that is, he has made more appearances in school recently.

Standing next to him, Perelman, who had just arrived here, gave Schultz an unexpected look, then murmured at Lu Zhou.

"I just said casually that I didn't expect you to actually find him."

"Are there still such an episode?" Schultz looked at Perelman unexpectedly, with a surprised expression on his face, and said with a smile, "It seems that I still have to thank you."

Perelman: "No, I said it, I just said it casually."

"Whether you say it casually, we standing here are all for the same purpose," Lu Zhou clapping his hands and looking at the two old friends, said with a smile, "So let's not waste time in the cold. It ’s time to talk with the old, and there ’s time for dinner. ”

"I agree," Schultz said in a joking tone. "I heard that Professor Lu had a new discovery in the abc conjecture, but I bought the most recent-and most expensive-flight, and immediately flew from North Rhine. Fly over. "

"I'm afraid the new findings can't be talked about, just a little bit of thought," Lu Zhou smiled embarrassedly, and continued, "This has to be from the 500-page paper of the new one of Wang Yue."

"Which article of Mochizuki Shinichi?" I did not expect Lu Zhou to use that article as an opening statement for the discussion, and Schultz raised his eyebrows gently, hesitantly, "IMHO, there is nothing to discuss, A few years ago I and my collaborators proved that it was wrong. "

"I know, including your disproving his dissertation, I have read it, and it is very well written."

After clearing his throat, Lu Zhou picked up a marker from the table, walked to the white board next to him, and paused for a while before continuing, "... It is clear that there are problems with his thesis, and the problems are not small, these There is no doubt about it. But the day before yesterday when I re-examined his thesis, I found something very interesting. "

Although he had a disapproved expression on his face, he noticed that Schulz had picked up his pen, and after thinking about it, he didn't finally say what he thought, but waited quietly for him to continue.

The same was true of Perelman, the expression on his face remained the same, just staring at the pen in the landing boat.

Intuition told him that Lu Zhou must have discovered something extraordinary before discussing Schultz from Germany, thousands of miles away.

Regardless of whether it means proof of abc's conjecture, this is worth his attention.

In addition, his intuition told him.

Once he missed a moment, even with his mathematical ability, it was difficult to say whether he could keep up with his fast-paced thinking speed ...

"Inference 3.12 is the core of the whole paper. It is undoubted that it has transformed the abc conjecture from an abstract mathematical concept to a specific inequality related to an elliptic curve."

"However, the source of the problem is also here--"

Just when Lu Zhou was talking about the most critical moment, a dramatic scene suddenly occurred.

A thunderous footstep came from the corridor outside.

Soon, after a knock on the door, the door, which had been partially hidden, was pushed open.

When I saw the two exaggerated nostrils appearing at the door, I was about to write the first row of calculations on the whiteboard, and the whole person was stunned.


Apparently someone was more surprised than him.



The two people who were looking upwards were caught there on the spot.

Gradually, the atmosphere began to become a bit subtle.

Looking at each other with big eyes and small eyes, the expressions on the faces of the two people stiffened.

Finally, he followed the footsteps of Mochizuki Shinichi and walked to the door of the office. Dean Qin, who was holding his breath in the door frame, was preparing to introduce Lu Zhou, a well-known scholar from Kyoto University, and noticed that he was standing in the office Professor Schultz and Perelman.

Thinking of the tumultuous event in mathematics some time ago, the sociable old man instantly smelled the smell of sparks in the air.

"Haha, no, I didn't expect you were all here ..."

Faced with the strange expression of Lu Zhou, Dean Qin touched the back of his head, smiled embarrassedly, and said quickly with a cough.

"This is the new one of Mochizuki ... that, you talk, I will not introduce."

As soon as the voice fell, the old man turned away without looking back.

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