Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1388: Think carefully about the hidden dangers

Unexpected Lu Zhou.

As the most academically pure group in all disciplines, he originally thought that his teammates would more or less feel some kind of mind or show similar emotions, but after he confessed all of this, he unexpectedly and easily Be forgiven.

"Actually ... you don't have to apologize completely." With his mouth open, Schultz considered the words and said, "In solving this conjecture, you played at least 50% ... or 6%. The role of ten. I think it's not just me, Professor Perelman and Mochizuki, who should agree with this. "

Although his face was still full of aggressive expressions, compared to at least a minute ago, he seemed to have recovered from the sluggishness.

At this moment, after hearing Schultz's monologue, even if the amount of information is not enough to digest this huge amount of information, Mochizuki Shinichi still nodded in coordination.

"... On this point, I agree with Professor Schultz. It is a genius idea to use the refinement of Baker's theorem as an entry point, and the mathematical language you construct."

Standing next to the two, Perelman, who was not very rich in facial expressions, nodded and said concisely.

"I don't care, but it would be better to explain in advance."

Hearing this sentence, Lu Zhou made a helpless expression.

"I also think, but before this, the level of confidentiality of this matter has been top secret. Even now, most of it is only part of the inside information. I have been studying the problems of abc conjecture during this time, and have not paid attention to these things. "

"Speaking of which, I'm still a little foggy," Schulz's tone was filled with incredibly complex expressions on his face, not knowing what to do, "God, this stuff I've only seen it in Hollywood movies. Speaking of it, does it really exist? Are you sure this is not a April Fool's joke? "

Lu Zhou said with an awkward expression.

"April Fool's Day has passed ... no matter what is happening on Mars now, I can at least be sure that this is definitely not a April Fool's joke."

Perelman remained expressionless, and aliens were not concerned about aliens. It was Mochizuki Shinichi who was standing next to him, and after returning to God completely, his eyes began to glow with excitement.

Seeing his shoulders trembling, he reached out and took off his glasses.


Lu Zhou: "... It's almost?"

Nodding hard, Professor Mochizuki continued in excitement.

"... It's so cool!"


Isn't it cool? Lu Zhou isn't sure.

But one thing he can be sure of is that the whole world was shocked by the news that came to China in these days through press conferences.

Human civilization is not the only one in the universe!

Although this has been the speculation of many astronomers and science fiction writers, and has been recognized by many ordinary people, it was not until the day when the first contact took place that this speculation changed from unfounded delusions to Facts can be found.

Not only that, especially after the recording of the first five categories of contacts by Hua Guo, it also set off a boiling wave around the world.

abc conjecture!

Aliens actually use the abc conjecture as the threshold for dialogue? !!

what does this mean……

Even abc guesses that this level of problem can't be solved. Isn't even intelligent creature worthy of it?

Regardless of whether it is a scarf or Twitter, popular searches have been unoccupied by terms related to Mars civilization, and at least three-digit comments have been written below any related news.

This is the first time that human civilization has contacted civilizations other than the earth, and it is the only contact so far that has received effective feedback. The imagination of aliens, which has been suppressed for nearly half a century, seems to have found a vent at this moment, just like the flash flood of a dyke.

"Do n’t answer, this is definitely a trap! Is it just me who knows the Dark Forest Axiom alone? If it is unlocked, then it will give us the motive to destroy us. If it is not solved, weakness is the original sin! Hey, finished, almost It is a dead end, and the two-way foil is estimated to be on the way. "

"Shock ... No wonder some people said that some time ago, the Ministry of Science and Technology of China issued a hundred million reward for the abc conjecture. It turned out to be this."

"And it's still 100 million a year! But the Department of Mathematics can't spend so much money, right? Say it is 100 million. Unless I set up a mathematics research institute myself, I feel that one million a year is also a huge expense."

"Does the big brother in math know the situation? Has this abc conjecture been solved in the end? Encyclopedia seems to say it has been solved."

"Thank you, let me conclude, no! Although many people have claimed that they have solved the abc conjecture, no proof has been recognized by the academic community so far. The most cutting-edge work in this field is mainly obtained by Professor k.gyory. An inference about the s-unit equation in the number field, this inference is very close to the abc conjecture. In addition, it is the research of the lspm group ... It is said that they have achieved a very amazing result, and Fefferman The professor's evaluation of this result is very high, but not everyone is optimistic about it. In short, continue to eat melon. "

"The Mathematics Department is new and asks, what is the lspm team?"

"Lu Zhou, Schultz, Perelman, Mochizuki New ... an acronym for four people."

"Crouch ?! Relentless!"

In addition to the normal discussion, there are various conspiracy theories.

For example, some people suspected that it was a deliberately faked clue by Hua Guo's manned landing office. After all, no one could go to Mars to confirm it anyway. The purpose was to kill the emperor to order the princes. Others are speculating that, in fact, the Martian civilization did not perish at all, but instead reached a level unimaginable by human beings. The so-called relics and clues of extraterrestrial civilization were just for the purpose of covering people's eyes.

If you're not kidding, these brains can be found out and written separately.

On the other side, it's not just hot discussions on the Internet.

Academia's views on this fifth type of contact are also full of controversy.

Professor Yuval Herali, a professor of history at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, gave an interview at the invitation of BBC.

As a high-profile and up-to-date historian, his works include the trilogy of "A Brief History of Mankind". Because of his unique narrative method and perspective, he has almost become a textbook of science fiction literature.

As for why he is not an expert studying extraterrestrial civilization or astrophysics, it is estimated that the producer of the BBC documentary thinks that, based on historical experience, the discovery of such a complete departure from common sense may be the brain of a science fiction writer. Persuasive.

Facing the camera lens and microphone of the interview, Professor Yuval said in an intriguing tone.

"Fortunately, we found the neighbors living next to us, but this was also unfortunate. Although we finally realized their existence, it is likely that they have been watching us on Mars for a long time."

Smelling the controversy, the reporter immediately raised a prepared question.

"In your opinion, are you not optimistic about Hua Guo astronauts' first contact with extraterrestrial civilizations on Mars?"

"First contact? What is the first contact? Was the first contact between humans and bacteria a major illness two million years ago, or was it discovered after a microscope?" This question was answered with three rhetorical questions, especially Professor Wall smiled uncritically and continued, "In fact, it's like we know nothing about their language, but they can even communicate with us in any language on the planet. We and them The difference may be greater than the difference between us and bacteria. "

"And even more frightening, do you think bacteria are civilization?"

"It's a problem we all have to face."


(Mathematics and physics character images are already in the design! Don't forget to compare the characters to the characters, just a little hand is fine ~)

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