Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1390: Crowded Paralyzed Preprint Library

abc conjecture is resolved!

This is definitely a day for history, both for the mathematical community and for the future destiny of human civilization.

As the administrator of the arxiv preprint electronic literature library, Cornell University in the United States is very honored to feel this more deeply and deeply than everyone else.

Cornell University School of Computer Engineering.

The tranquility of the morning was broken by a sudden accident.

The arxiv database, which has been running for a long time, is suddenly as if it has been subjected to a violent dos attack, and it is overwhelmed by the explosive increase in traffic.

"Damn! Is there any special holiday today? Why are you landing at this point ..."

"The number of visits has increased a hundredfold ... God, what happened last night?"

"Ghosts know! Hurry up and call Los Alamos National Laboratory and let them use the spare server!"

"Already used ... give up, there must be a problem with such a huge number of visits, absolutely not caused by normal visits!"

There was a mess in the laboratory.

Facing the paralyzed server, the invited professors tried everything, but they were still helpless.

The traffic of arxiv has always been relatively stable, one morning peak and one night peak. Most of the time, people will choose to search for the research progress of several research directions tracked by them during these two time periods.

It is for this reason that Los Alamos National Laboratory, which is responsible for operating the server, has allocated additional server resources for arxiv. However, it was unexpected that the plan could not keep up with the changes.

The extra backup server resource is a waste of money. The surge in traffic instantly paralyzed the entire website, and no one can squeeze in now ...

Dr. Osmon, who is responsible for maintaining the database, was sweating eagerly. Seeing that the situation was out of control, he immediately called Los Alamos National Laboratory and asked the engineers there to actively activate the brakes on the server before starting the inspection. The server's memory, looking for the cause of the failure in offline mode.

arxiv is not the same as other non-academic databases for profit. As a public non-academic electronic preprint database, even if the traffic doubles several times, they will not rely on this for profit. Therefore, in addition to this situation, in addition to his feelings, Beyond his head, there was no excitement.

Looking at the system engineer approaching, Dr. Osmond stopped him and asked anxiously.

"Where is the Los Alamos National Laboratory? How are they troubleshooting the server over there?"

The expression on the engineer's face was filled with the same dignity.

Although they have encountered similar situations before, they are far less exaggerated than the situation they are facing.

"The cause of the problem is still under investigation ... No new news yet."

"Damn!" Cursed, Dr. Osmon couldn't help but swear, "Which **** is idle and nothing to do, staring at the electronic literature library? You are forced to go to the black Federal Reserve!"

"Perhaps it was rejected and wanted to vent it?" The engineer shrugged his shoulders and offered a hypothesis, but Dr. Osmond didn't think about it and rejected it.

"No, it's a question of whether that dumb can use a computer properly."

Rejection by arxiv is quite difficult, because even "folk mathematics" has a separate classification here as a reservation for folk scholars to entertain themselves.

Only those who are unsure of the positioning of their dissertation can be "rejected" because of non-compliance, so Dr. Osmond almost ruled out this possibility.

Just as a group of people were anxious like ants on a hot pot, footsteps suddenly heard outside the laboratory.

I saw a man in a suit almost trotting in, and speaking as he walked.

"The results from the Los Alamos National Laboratory came out!"

Hearing this sentence, Dr. Osmond did not hesitate for a second, looked at him immediately, and asked anxiously.

"what's going on?!"

"Proof of abc's conjecture ..."

Dr. Osmond froze and looked at him in wonder.

"Proof of abc's conjecture ?! What do you mean ..."

"The engineers at Los Alamos National Laboratory retrieved the error log and found that almost all traffic was directed to the same third-level domain name," said the expression on the man's face as if he had seen a ghost and swallowed. Difficulty said, "What a hell! A dissertation, but also a preprint, paralyzed the server ... for the first time in my life I have encountered such an exaggeration!"


The paralysis of the arxiv server is just the beginning.

Abc conjectured that the proven news soon spread across the entire mathematical world along the network line, and a sound of astonishment spread like a tsunami.

Because the arxiv server was completely paralyzed and the website could not be reached, many people who could not get the papers only rushed into the lspm forum left by Lu Zhou on his personal page, where he shared and exchanged information about the abc conjecture.

At the same time, the Princeton Advanced Institute.

Dr. Woolley Fernall, from the Department of Mathematics, quickly walked into Professor Sanak's office.

Because he was so emotional that he forgot to knock on the door, he pushed open the door of the office and hit the report with an incoherent voice.


Hearing the sound from the door, Professor Sanak frowned slightly, stopped the ball-point pen in his hand, and looked in the direction of his students.

"Good morning, Mr. Fernall, I want to know what happened? So much so that you forget the politeness of knocking on the door before opening it."

"Sorry! But it's really amazing!" Fernal continued to spit hard, breathing calmly, and continued with a trembling tone. "You would never think--"

The sound of the pen cap striking the table interrupted his speech, Professor Sanak said impatiently.

"I hope you can make it clear in a minute, otherwise--"

"It's the lspm group! Just an hour ago, they uploaded the complete proof process of the abc conjecture to arxiv!"

lspm group ...

A complete proof of the abc conjecture? !!

The moment he heard this sentence, Professor Sanak's eyes were as wide as a ping-pong ball, and he immediately stood up from behind the desk and said anxiously.

"What about the paper? Did you download it?"

"No ..." Dr. Fernall swallowed, his face filled with bitter expressions, "Just when I discovered this, the arxiv website was crowded and paralyzed."

Paralyzed? !!

Hearing this completely unexpected news, Sanak was all there.

After about five minutes, he slowly returned to God.

Gaze involuntarily moved to the corner of the office table, and looked at the calendar there, only to see the date of April 30th imprinted on it.

Thinking of what Professor Fefferman had said some time ago, a fascinating shock gradually appeared in Sanak's eyes, and his eyes were full of unbelievable expression.

Did they get it out before the end of the month? !!

It's God!

At the same time, even in almost the same building.

Professor Fefferman, who was sitting in his office, learned the news that ABC's conjecture had been proven, and then turned his attention to the calendar on his desk.

He sighed softly, and said to himself rather regretfully.

"It's a big loss ..."

It would be nice if I insisted.

Maybe he insists on insisting, as soon as Sanak's old-fashioned gambling is up, will he make that bet with himself?

Not to mention hitting him hard, at least for this week's coffee, someone paid for it ...


(Follow the "Morning Starll" public account, see after the rain ... oh no, the little story behind Xueba (??????) ??)

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