Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1393: The prototype of Renlian

Jinling Space Launch Center.

The second batch of colony capsules and various equipment to be sent to Mars is being packed for the shuttle.

Although the list of the second batch of scientific expedition teams heading to Mars has not been announced, and the outside world knows nothing about Lu Zhou's upcoming trip to Mars, this matter has almost been nailed down by Lu Zhou's insistence. thing.

Even though Changan Street hoped that he would be more cautious, considering the insistence of Lu Zhou himself, the relevant departments did not make a tough retention in the end.

However, the budget for this launch plan has been doubled, and many of the equipment originally scheduled for the third batch of launches to Mars were included in this launch plan in advance.

Although in Lu Zhou's view, he put his own security issues in the first place so arbitrarily, he felt somewhat upside down, but in view of the persistence of the relevant departments, he didn't say much, silently The heart received this kindness.

On the third day of preparations for launch preparations, Director Li took an unexpected person to the Jinling Space Launch Center.

Looking at Schultz standing in front of him, Lu Zhou's face was a little weird. For a time, the two people were so big and glaring at the small eyes that they even forgot to say hello to each other.

Feeling the subtle atmosphere, Director Li coughed and looked at Lu Zhou with a strange expression.

"Let me introduce to you, this is a representative from Germany. Professor Schultz from the Department of Mathematics at the University of Bonn ... forget it, I guess you also know, I will not talk nonsense."

Lu Zhou: "... why are you here?"

Schultz sighed: "It's a long story ... I didn't want to come."

In about five minutes, Schultz briefly talked about what happened in the past few days. First Professor Faltins mentioned to him, then the Minister of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research came to work with him in person, and then EU officials came to harass him, hoping that he would represent the EU to Mars and the Earth. Exchanges between foreign civilizations.

At the same time, it also monitors whether China has fulfilled their commitments and represents "correct signals" to human civilization on behalf of human civilization.

Looking at Schulz who was insincere, Lu Zhou hesitated for a moment, reminding him. "In fact, if you don't want to go, you don't have to force yourself ... It's still dangerous to go to Mars."

Schultz shook his head and said.

"Before I became a mathematician, I was first a German citizen. If my homeland needs me, and for justice, I have no position to decline."

With that, a helpless smile was made on his face, and he shrugged.

"Also don't you plan to go the same way? Since you are not afraid of an accident, I have no reason to shrink back."

"I'm just an lonely child, without children and family ..."

Halfway through, Lu Zhou suddenly fell into silence.

He suddenly felt that this kind of statement was a bit selfish. Although he didn't get married, he must not be said to be alone. Not only his parents, Xiao Tong, and the school sister who is going to marry him at the end of the year ... There are too many people and things, and it is no longer that he can give up whatever he wants.

He could even imagine that if he had an accident, many people would feel sad because of himself.

"Okay, can you stop talking about such unlucky things?" Director Li coughed out. "Let's say something happy. I didn't mean some time ago that the United Nations was discussing the establishment of an extraterrestrial civilization. Is it a political alliance? Some time ago, the Yankees who had not let up their mouths, nodded.

"The name of the organization is tentatively 'Human Alliance', referred to as the People ’s Federation. The first chairman is our former Minister of Foreign Affairs. The constitution of the People ’s Federation is currently being drafted. Mars ... at least in name. "

Compared with the United Nations, which plays the role of the aunt of the neighborhood committee, the People's Federation is a relatively loose political alliance, which is a bit like a "owner's committee" in a community and has certain executive powers.

Its main function is to coordinate countries and organizations with different political systems, cultures and religions around the world, to establish a unified voice, to communicate with extraterrestrial civilizations on behalf of the overall interests of mankind, to exercise war declarations, peace talks, and open trade. Series of power.

After all, there are more than 230 countries and regions on the planet and more than 2,000 nationalities. It is hoped that the aliens can understand the differences between the Chinese and Americans, freedom and concentration, the Confucian cultural circle, and the Christian culture circle. Chinese people rely on the naked eye to distinguish between blacks in Nigeria and blacks in Algeria as unscientific.

A unified voice is necessary.

Then there are the texts used for communication, making "postcards" showing the earth's civilization, determining the technical and cultural fields of open communication, and formulating diplomatic strategies.

The trouble is not small at all.

Looking at the headache on the landing boat, Director Li thought he was worried that this trouble would fall on his head, so he smiled and comforted him.

"Rest assured that this will not bother you, we have professionals to handle these things, you just need to give some suggestions in your area of ​​expertise."

Lu Zhou sighed and said.

"I'm not worried about this ... forget it, don't say that, I hear what you mean. It seems that there are more than one or two people visiting this extraterrestrial civilization?"

Director Li smiled anxiously and said, "That's for sure. After all, we have gained a lot of benefits in the establishment of the People's Federation. It is impossible to show our sincerity."

Lu Zhou: "... well, who else."

Director Li: "No more, no less. In addition to you and Professor Schultz representing the European Union, there is also a British archeologist, an American astrophysicist, and an aerospace engineer from Moscow. Together with Dr. Fan Tong, a researcher at the Mars Scientific Research Station and a bodyguard in charge of your safety, there are seven people in total. "

seven people……

Hearing this number, Lu Zhou's eyebrows twitched fiercely.

Isn't it special? !!


Taking a deep breath, he said.

"I have a request!"

Director Li immediately said, "Please tell me!"

At this point, it can only continue to play now.

With this in mind, Lu Zhou sorted out the thoughts of his speech in his mind, watching Director Li speak.

"In order to avoid irreparable accidents, I hope that this diplomatic mission that exchanges with extraterrestrial civilizations will be led by me personally."

"I hope that the organization will give me the highest on-site command. Other members must strictly obey my orders. I will kick people out of the team for those who disregard discipline."

Director Li hesitated and said, "It is certain that you have the highest on-site command authority. The organization has decided that you will lead the team. But kicking the team out ... I'm afraid we have to study it again. May evolve into a diplomatic issue. "

"But I promise, I will give you a satisfactory answer as soon as possible!"

Looking at Mr. Li's sincere face, Lu Zhou couldn't bear it anymore.

After choking back the emphasis, he nodded briefly and ended the conversation hastily.

"Then there is labor!"

Watching the two communicating in Chinese, Schultz scratched his head and scratched his head.

I don't know if it is my own illusion.

He always feels that this trip to Mars will not end easily ...

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