Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1396: I am full of confidence in the future

The day of the press conference.

The crowd in the No. 1 conference hall of Jinling Space Launch Center was crowded.

Journalists of all colors stood here, almost filling the otherwise spacious conference hall.

In order to leave enough space for the interviewers, all cameras, whether automatic or manual, were uniformly arranged on both sides of the conference hall, leaving the middle of the conference hall empty.

"Such a big scene, can you say that Academician Lu can handle it?"

Standing next to Director Li, the young man in formal attire looked around with a surprised expression and muttered to himself.

As the secretary of the Secretary General's Office, he was originally the press spokesman for this press conference. But since Lu Zhou promised to be present by himself, he became a substitute.

Hearing the words of his secretary, Director Li laughed.

"Coping over or not coping? Are you kidding me? I'm afraid the guy has seen more big scenes than me, and I've seen a lot more lively than this. Don't worry about him for this small scene. "

The clock on the wall clock came to the right time.

In the expectation of everyone, a formal-dressed boat came to the stage.

Facing the eyes of the audience, Lu Zhou cleared his throat as usual, and spoke with a steady voice.

"Good afternoon everyone, I am Lu Zhou, chief designer of the manned boarding office."

"Originally in our arrangement, the second batch of scientific researchers who went to the Mars scientific research base will start with the supply to Mars at the end of the year, but because we found a suspect near the coordinates of 15 ° south latitude and 128.1 ° west longitude Traces of extraterrestrial civilizations, so the original launch plan was modified, and the personnel and equipment of the second batch of ascent plans were reconfigured. "

"Here is the adjusted roadmap for the manned ascent plan, and the specific work arrangements for the 'second contact' ... please see the big screen below."

A brief introduction to the entire manned ascension plan was made in short and concise words. Lu Zhou gave these reporters enough time to take pictures when they showed ppt.

Soon, the ppt screening ended.

Lu Zhou nodded toward the staff nearby, indicating that the first round of questioning could begin.

In view of the content that needs to be announced, the news release atmosphere of the press conference is divided into two parts. The first half is specific to the plan, and the second half is the "human delegation" who makes the second contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. The list was announced and a brief introduction to the identities of the delegates was also made.

To help reporters focus their questions, the questioning session was divided into two parts.

"Hello, Academician Lu Zhou, I am a reporter for Renren Daily. I would like to ask what are the highlights of this manned ascent plan."

She was the first to get a chance to ask a question. The reporter and sister of Renren Daily put out the microphone in her hand.

She smiled and nodded, Lu Zhou said.

"It's worth paying attention to, I think in two ways."

"One is transportation, the other is life."

"From a transportation perspective, the all-terrain Mars rover we deployed on Mars this time has strengthened the communication module and made many special designs for the dust storm environment on Mars. In another aspect of life, this time we are going to Mars. It's just scientific staff, and there's an additional functional colony cabin. "

"Through these independent colony capsules and the pipeline connecting the core colony and functional colony capsules, we will expand the scientific research base on the surface of Mars. In the future, we will be able to accommodate more scholars to carry out scientific research activities on Mars. . "

After the reporter from Renren Daily finished asking questions, another foreign reporter stood up again.

"Hello, I'm a reporter for the Washington Post. We noticed that you used the word" suspect "when referring to the term" Extraterrestrial Civilizations. "May I ask if this means that there is any To figure out the controversy, or about that extraterrestrial civilization ... are there any other new discoveries in the manned landing office? "

Lu Zhou: "The use of the word suspicious is only for my personal caution, please do not read otherwise."

As the questioning session continued, the questions raised by reporters from various parties also followed one another, and Lu Zhou also responded to each one.

In general, the atmosphere of the conference was pretty good.

Although some questions are tricky, they are still within a reasonable range, like normal people will ask. However, when the reporter of the New York Times, the atmosphere of the press conference suddenly became strange.

The person asking the question was a white man.

I saw that he handed out the microphone in his hand and raised a question that had little to do with the manned ascent plan: "Have you heard of Xu Jing?"

Xu Jing?

He frowned, thinking where the name had been heard, but Lu Zhou couldn't remember it for a while, so he watched him answer.

"no, what happened?"

"It's nothing, it's just a bit of an accident, you don't even know it," looked at Lu Zhou with a little surprise, and the reporter continued. "Then I will briefly introduce her. She is a reporter who once wrote a column for our newspaper. Now it is He is active in the press as a freelance journalist and is more famous online. "

After hearing this, Lu Zhou finally remembered who that person was, and he dared to be the author of the popular article in that circle of friends.

With a slight smile, Lu Zhou continued with a playful expression.

"Do you have any questions for your former employees?"

"Of course! However, I asked such questions not because of her former employee's status, but because of the questions she asked, and all of us were thinking about it."

The white reporter stared at the landing boat and continued quickly.

"... As we all know, China has achieved quite outstanding results in the space field, and has the intention to extend the existing achievements to the distant Mars. However, this space race brings us in addition to waste of resources and empty honor Besides, it doesn't seem to have precipitated much. "

"Ms. Xu pointed out in her article that there are still many people in your country living below the food and clothing line, and many have not even done airplanes. Do you think it is realistic to develop space technology in China? significance--"

Interrupting the reporter's speech, Lu Zhou answered his question in a rhetorical tone.

"Have you been to Los Angeles?"

Reporter: "... Of course, that's one of the largest cities on the West Coast. Of course I've been there. What's wrong?"

Lu Zhou: "I've been there, and I've been fortunate enough to take the subway there once. Have you considered when sending astronauts into space, and there are many homeless people, let alone planes, Even being alive is a torment. "

An awkward expression appeared on the reporter's face.

Realizing what Lu Zhou might say next, he quickly switched off the topic and said.

"Of course ... our country also has our own problems. Of course, as a reporter, I will reveal them honestly, but aren't we talking about China now?"

"There is no doubt that you are the most influential scholar in China and the world, and you have made world-renowned achievements in your field of expertise! But like the soul torture issued by Ms. Xu in the article, do you consider However, the social problems that your research may bring, such as poverty and unemployment. "

"Still, in the three examples mentioned in her article, in your eyes, are they not worthy of happiness or even the right to survive?"

With the sharp eyes of the white reporter who was on stage, Lu Zhou was almost sure that this guy was premeditated.

However, even after knowing this, Lu Zhou didn't have any accidents or nervousness.

It is a tradition for American journalists to ask something that makes people laugh at the press conference.

Looking at him with a smile, Lu Zhou gave his answer in an understatement.

"I honestly didn't think about it and didn't care much."

There was a commotion at the press conference.

Even the white reporter opened his eyes wide and didn't seem to think that Lu Zhou would be so direct and went straight into the trap he set in the question.

Looking at the scene of the rumored press conference, he even thought about it, the headline of the New York Times tomorrow.

Seeing that the scene was a bit uncontrollable, Director Li was anxious, and while madly winking at Lu Zhou on the stage, he pulled the secretary next to him, trying to get him to save the scene and get Academician Lu down.

However, Lu Zhou didn't seem to see it at all, and ignored Director Li's wink.

After a pause, he continued.

"Like now, you expect me to be like a great man."

"Resolve all your troubles for you, prepare buns and bread for you when you are hungry, and cut it into pieces when you are too lazy to do it, it is best to stuff it into your mouth and watch you eat Go down ... "

Looking at the expressive expression on the reporter's face, Lu Zhou continued politely.

"But it is impossible."

"Technology is just a tool for creating wealth, and it is only a tool for creating wealth."

"Someone else has to study new sociological theories, study new production relations and resource allocation methods, and lay the theoretical foundation for the new system. Because our social scientists know how to allocate these wealth is the solution. The best way to deal with inequality. "

"However, no matter how you divide the cake, productivity is the prerequisite for everything."

"The development of science and technology will inevitably eliminate backward production capacity, and jobs will change, but job opportunities will never disappear, but they will reappear in another more decent and creative form. And our society, It will protect those who have lost their jobs due to industrial transformation, provide them with free training, unemployment benefits, and guide them to find their own place in this society. "

"If you can't understand what is more decent work, go through your history textbooks and compare North America in the 18th century with North America after the millennium. I believe you can find the answer you want from history. And if you I believe that the birth of lithium-sulfur batteries, controlled fusion, or quantum computers and space shuttles simply deprives people of the work and has no meaning in building the utopia in your mind. Then I can only regret your stupidity. "

"So why do I say that I don't care about the issues you said."

"One of them is not the direction of my research."

"The second is that I am confident that people in the future will solve these problems."

"As for whether I am brave, this or yours or her will not question this."

After a pause, Lu Zhou continued.

"This trip to Mars."

"I will lead the team myself."

The moment the words fell, it wasn't just the reporter who had asked the question before that that was full of shock.

The entire conference hall 1 was blown up by the noise ...

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