Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1401: Take at least one person back

The first action meeting of the Hell's Gate expedition begins.

In the conference room.

A three-dimensional holographic image is presented above the round table in the conference room.

Standing in front of the conference table, looking around at the members of the scientific delegation, Lu Zhou said in a serious tone.

"Although I originally planned to hold this meeting at night, because what I will say next may be more important, this action meeting is advanced to now."

"In the past two months, our 128 project team deployed a variety of detection equipment such as remote-controlled vehicles, remote-controlled probes, seismic wave detectors, etc., to explore the situation under the ruins."

"The holographic image you see now is the tunnel distribution model below the ruins. The green line corresponds to the most recently detected route, the yellow line corresponds to the historical route, and the number next to it corresponds to the detection time."

"Because of the length of the control line, the maximum exploration distance of the remote control vehicle we sent was only about one kilometer, and it did not reach the deepest point of the ruins. But it is not difficult to see from these routes alone, the channel under the ruins is dynamically changing middle."

When he heard the last sentence, there was an astonishing argument at the conference table.

Looking at the crowd with different expressions on his face, Lu Zhou paused for a while and continued to speak in a serious tone.

"At present, the reasons for the changes in these tunnels are not clear, but it is clear that we are afraid that there is no fixed map to rely on. We can only rely on intuition and luck to find the way to the underground ruins."

"What worries me is not the possibility of getting lost, but the cause of this strange phenomenon ... It's just my guess. I feel that the secret hidden behind the ruins under the gate of **** may be more amazing than ours."

"Let me be honest, there may be some risks in this operation, and it is too late to quit now."

After dropping this sentence, Lu Zhou sat back in his chair, leaving time for discussion and hesitation to the team members sitting at the conference table.

In fact, he had a similar hunch before coming here, and this trip to Mars will certainly not end so easily. After talking with Fan earlier, he was more affirmed.

Including why the access to the underground ruins is so complicated, including why the sacred relic has set so many obstacles for this meeting, and how it has changed this "maze", Lu Zhou's heart has already been hidden Jyo guessed something.

Just because of limited information, these clues are not enough to support him to give a 100% affirmative answer.

However, despite being filled with so many uncertain possibilities, one thing is certain that this task will be full of uncertain dangers.

The proof of abc's conjecture may only be the threshold, and the test from "higher civilization" may just have just begun.

Just like the guy who claims to be a sacred relic does not care how many years to wait, if no one in this era can pass the test set by the "observer", then wait until the next era.

Anyway, billions of years have waited, and a hundred or two hundred years is probably just a blink of an eye to them.

If they hope that the chosen "chosen person" can take on the heavy tasks they expect, then they will definitely increase the difficulty of the test to the maximum.

And even Lu Zhou himself has no absolute confidence in whether he can retreat from it.

This is not a puzzle game that tests IQ.

It is a challenge to bet on the future destiny of civilization ...

Five minutes have passed.

Whispering and eye contact continued at the conference table, but no one stood up and said they wanted to withdraw from the evil mission, and raised their hands to ask for Earth.

Maybe they haven't realized the seriousness of the problem.

But no matter what, they have given them a chance to choose.

Watching the second hand come to the right time, Lu Zhou, holding his watch, sat up straight from the chair, and slowly stood up with his hands on the conference table.

"Very well, it seems you are all mentally prepared, and I wo n’t say much. The meeting is here, and the current situation ca n’t do any advance planning. We can only respond to possible emergencies. Problem. "

"Free time at night, whether it's writing a letter or taking a video, to see your own arrangements. If there is an accident, someone will give them to your family ... Of course, it is best if there is no accident."

"Early tomorrow, let's go!"

the conference has ended.

With expressions on their faces, the crowd stood up from the conference table and exited.

Closing the notebook in his hand, Aubrey glanced at Professor Fernal next to him, saying queerly.

"... Does this imply that we are accountable?"

Professor Fernall shook his head aggressively.

"I don't know ... don't ask me."


The next day.

At eight o'clock in Beijing, the land of Mars is still shrouded in a dark night.

At this time, the quiet night was suddenly broken.

With the silver-colored hatch open, a tire-sized Mars rover drove out of the garage, leaving a straight path in the desert, pointing straight to the Hell's Gate Mountains in the distance.

The secrets of Mars civilization are buried there.

At the same time, there is also a message that does not belong to the civilization of the solar system.

The mission of the expedition was to dig these things out of the ground and make them reappear. If the situation is optimistic, it is better to establish friendly diplomatic relations above neutral with neighbors outside the solar system ...

Sitting on the Mars rover, Wang Peng took out a heavy-duty rifle with a unique shape from the open toolbox, and assembled the barrel and magazines expressionlessly.

This scene not only scared the people next to him, but even Fan Tong, who was driving, couldn't help twitching his brows and looked at the rearview mirror in the car and asked.

"... Do you still have weapons?"

"Just in case."

After installing the sight, Wang Peng simply debugged the quasi-star secret position and replied casually.

Lu Zhou glanced at the rifle in his hand and recognized the model of the toy at a glance.

The qbz-20 rifle, a multi-purpose paratrooper rifle jointly designed by the Huaguo Weapons and Equipment Research Institute and the Aerospace Science and Technology Research Institute, has an elegant name called "Hellfire". As for what this paratrooper is, naturally, there is no need to say more. Regardless of its shape, you just know the name.

As for why Lu Zhou can recognize it, it is naturally because he has trained with the garrison near Jinling Space Launch Center for several weeks. Even if he did not use such superb equipment, he has seen it many times.

Seeing that Wang Peng didn't seem to be joking, Fan Tong said with a strange expression.

"I think ... if something really happens, 80% of this thing won't help."

Wang Peng raised her eyebrows.


Fan Tong: "Their technology is completely incomprehensible with our knowledge. At the entrance of the ruins, I tried to continue to explore, but an invisible wall blocked me. What I just said is difficult to explain clearly, anyway You'll know when you get in ... "

Wang Peng simply nodded, without arguing, and his expression remained unchanged.

It is naturally best if there is no conflict, and they have come here for peaceful purposes.

But if something happens ...

He had to take at least one person back.

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