It wasn't just Professor Fernal and Schultz who survived the disaster.

The large troops marching along another spacious passageway also encountered the "earthquake" that almost subverted the entire ruins.

Climbing hard from the ground, Wang Peng gritted his teeth and removed the stone that pressed his leg. If it's on Earth, his leg is probably cold, but fortunately, Mars' gravity is only 0.37 times that of Earth, except that it hurts a little.

He pulled out the flashlight hanging below the muzzle, and threw the broken rifle aside, walked to the side from under the gravel pile, and pulled out the buried Fan Tong.

"I told you earlier ... keke ... that thing is useless."

"Whether it works or not, it's broken."

Fan Tong, who was relieved, leaned on the rock wall next to him, checking the operation of the equipment on the space suit.

"What about the rest?"

"do not know……"

Aubrey and Lomonov fell behind when they escaped and were forced to rush into another fork in the road. It is not clear whether life or death is now, and Wang Peng was too lazy to worry.

What really annoyed him was that Lu Zhou was gone!

"... Damn!"

With a severe blow to the rock wall next to him, the debris fell from the top of his head.

This action of Wang Peng was startled by Fan Tong, who stood next to him, and quickly reached out and held him.

"Brother, don't be thrilled ... this has become the case, let us think of a solution."

In the end, special forces were born.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Peng quickly calmed himself down.

"I'm going to find him."

Fan Tong said with tears of laughter: "How do you find? Can you blast this rock wall?"

The corner of Wang Peng's mouth twitched, and he didn't speak.

If conditions allowed, he would consider doing so, but unfortunately he didn't have anything like explosives in his hand, and a broken gun that didn't work at all.

Looking at Wang Peng who squeezed his fist, Fan Tong whispered.

"I said before that the tunnel here changes dramatically every two hours. However, no matter how it changes, I think the end point is the same. If ... he is still alive, we can definitely meet in front. . "

"Anyway, we can only move forward!"


Meanwhile, the other side.

For the rest of the life, Lomonov rested his hands on his knees and leaned against the rock wall, panting.

Not far next to him, the right hand-buried by the sand and gravel, followed by a weak shout from the communication channel.

"Damn ... pull me, I seem to be the owner."

Taking a deep breath, Lomonov stepped forward patiently, reaching out and pulling the buried American astrophysicist out of the gravel pile.

"I shouldn't care about you!" Lomonov complained, watching Professor Aubrey, who looked embarrassed, "This is all right, we're completely behind."

"Just left behind, don't be so excited ..." After a dry cough, Aubrey took a deep breath and looked around the situation. "Aren't we still alive?"

"Just alive!"

In the whole team, in terms of survival under the ground, the most useless professional skills are probably the two of them. Now Lomonov has begun to regret it a little bit. He tried to get this opportunity in Mosca, is it really worth it.

Compared to Lomonov's pessimism, Professor Aubrey's mood is fairly stable.

Breathing finally, he straightened up to observe the surroundings, thought for a moment, and then said.

"... It's not quite like normal tectonic movement ... no, it shouldn't even be normal mechanical movement."

Lomonov glanced at him.

Although he didn't think the discovery would help change the status quo, he asked casually.

"How did you come to this conclusion?"

"Come to a conclusion? Are you kidding me?" Like hearing a funny question, Aubrey looked at the Russian aerospace engineering expert. In motion? A large-scale geological movement every two hours? Well, maybe this is possible, but where does the energy come from? "

Lomonov frowned.

Obviously, he also realized this.

Watching his teammate in deep thought, Aubrey swallowed and continued.

"... rely on the cooled core? And the closed tunnel, if they really hit each other because of the movement of the stratum, then there is no doubt that this huge inertia alone is enough to bring this mountain range Razed to the ground."

Lomonov frowned and said, "It's not mechanical ... then what do you think it is? Magic?"

"Magic isn't too bad, but for us, this technology is no different from magic."

Sighing, Professor Aubrey sat down against the rock wall.

Lomonov, who glanced at him as he continued to speak, paused and continued.

"... Of course, this is just a guess."

"Have you heard of standard Euclidean space?"


Empty grotto.

There is nothing around except the diffuse dust and the person standing in the dust.

Feeling the steady heartbeat, Lu Zhou slowly opened his eyes and lowered his open arms.

After looking at the situation around him, his gaze finally fell on the huge arch about five people in front of him, and a thoughtful expression floated on his face.

"So it is."

"It seems that I guessed it right."

After hearing Dr. Fan Tong's description before, he came up with similar ideas, but everything he sees now seems to prove it.

There were no earthquakes at all.

These tunnels have never changed.

It's just that the order is disrupted!

In short, the area where this relic is located is not a three-dimensional space in the traditional sense, but a standard Euclidean space after expansion.

In this space, scattered pieces of foam-like four-dimensional space or higher dimensions are hidden in the invisible corners of three-dimensional creatures, and have been integrated with the entire relic.

This explanation may be a bit difficult to understand.

In other words, it is easier to understand that everything in this relic at the moment-including the intricate tunnels and the tunnels themselves, is like puzzles.

On the surface, the geological movement caused the collapse and formation of the old and new tunnels, but in essence it was an invisible hand that disrupted these puzzles and recombined them.

Everything here has never changed.

And billions of years like one day.

After realizing all this, Lu Zhou immediately made a decision. When the earthquake happened, he deliberately set aside other people and took the initiative to let the "collapsed" tunnel engulf himself.

It seems that he made the right bet.

Otherwise, he should have been crushed into meat, and he would not stand here anymore.

"Unsurprisingly, this should be the place where the holy relics are placed ..."

Taking a deep breath, Lu Zhou did not hesitate, and walked towards the five-person-high arch.

And almost as soon as he stepped into the space behind the arch, the originally empty communication channel lit a green light instantly.

Immediately afterwards, a stream of electric current passed through the hoarse, sounding in his ear.

"……You came."


(Do n’t forget to compare Prof. Lu with mathematics, physics and chemistry, especially Xiao Ai, you can give the character a birthday after reaching two stars! The character gift leader will also give you a commemorative pillow, and you can get it with the book group ~)

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