Time back to half an hour ago.

Standing beside the clear and transparent space debris, Lu Zhou heard the voice from the holy relic and confirmed to him for the last time.

"Have you considered?"

"I think so."

"Then start."

Looking at the space debris that was gradually covered with a layer of white fog in front of him, Lu Zhou suddenly thought of something and said.



"No," Lu Zhou shook his head. "Can I make a request?"

"any request?"

"Send my teammates safely to this ruin."

The voice was silent for a while.

Just when Lu Zhou had some doubts about whether it could do this thing, the voice continued to speak in a relaxed tone.

"Of course you can, this is not difficult."

When the voice fell, the white mist entangled in the space debris was suddenly put in a circle. I saw that under the winding of the hazy white mist, the meandering lines were stirred together.

Just like a fragmented jigsaw puzzle, those lines and their corresponding tunnels are broken into a ball and recombined under the control of a special rule.

Among the four-dimensional pieces of space like soap bubbles, Lu Zhou saw his teammates, and even the wrist-loaded computer he had left behind.

Under the **** of that mysterious power, all the puzzles that have things that do not belong to this ruin have been moved to the area near the surface.

"Unbelievable," taking a panoramic view of all these changes, a shocked expression appeared on Lu Zhou's face, "this is like ..."

"like what?"

"... It's like the power of the gods."

Chased by the "collapsed" tunnel, Lu Zhou watched his teammates one by one and escaped the boundary that the four-dimensional space debris could dominate--the exit of the ruins.

Under the control of this power, all living things are as small as ants, and are hidden by invisible chains like a puppet.

"God? That's it?" The voice continued with a touch of taunt, "It's a long way off."

Capturing the hidden information in this sentence, Lu Zhou's heart moved slightly and he asked subconsciously.

"So have you seen this?"

"It depends on how you understand the concept of the gods," in a tone without any waves, and the voice is not concealed, and continues in a casual tone. "If you are referring to the primitive belief of the indigenous planet, then This kind of deity is probably just their imagination of the unknown mystery. But if you refer to some great will that governs the universe ... at least you can hardly prove that it must not exist. "

Lu Zhou: "This statement sounds a little mouthful."

"Any rigorous theory sounds a bit verbal. Besides, here is the new universe, the rules of the old universe may not necessarily apply. Of course, my suggestion is, if you can't perceive that existence, don't bother to think Better. Anyway, because of your understanding of the universe and truth, you probably haven't had a chance to touch that level of things. "

There was a touch of taunt and superiority in the voice, which was quite unflattering.

However, considering that this guy is an lonely old man from outside time, and upholding the fine tradition of respecting the old and loving the young, Lu Zhou did not take his arrogance too seriously.

"Now your compatriots have been sent to the surface. If you don't want to continue to delay time here, we should almost start."

"Let's go," Lu Zhou nodded, looking at the space fragments that transformed the internal shape again, and suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Speaking of us, where are we going next?"

"A bit deeper than this ... Are you curious about it? Why are those Martians in your mouth building such crooked tunnels here?"

Lu Zhou: "... why?"

"Because of greed and instinct, by the way, the original look of this ruin is actually straight."

Lu Zhou: "...?"

Almost immediately after the voice fell, the soap bubble-like four-dimensional space debris moved again.

However, the changes this time are somewhat different from the last time.

I saw the winding, tentacle-like lines that seemed to be pulled by some unknown force, gathered into a ball by the surrounding white mist, and finally compressed into a point.

Looking at this strange phenomenon in front of him, Lu Zhou could not help frowning and asked.

"What is this doing?"

"I said, this is a key," smiled slightly, and the voice continued, "and the use of the key is naturally used to open the door."

Lu Zhou froze slightly, suddenly a shock in his heart, and reacted suddenly.


"Haha, you seem to have guessed it! Yes, this ruin is about to disintegrate and return to its oldest form! If you want to regret it, it's too late!"

Regrets don't matter, just a little accident.

Lu Zhou guessed that the fragments of the four-dimensional space distorted the original appearance of the ruins, but did not expect that it was more than that, it even hid some space outside the three-dimensional coordinate axis ...

And now it is returned!

Layers of crack-like cracks appeared on the surface of the "soap bubbles", like glass **** falling on the ground, and the space debris floating in the air burst into small fragments.

A circle of milky ripples spread around the bursting singularity, just like a series of tiny bubbles pounced around, passing through everything it touched.

Lu Zhou raised his hands subconsciously, and almost even launched a nitrogen shield.

However, he soon discovered that the spreading ripples did not affect him in any way, it just passed through him and then fell into the wall behind him.

All this is as if it happened in another world.

Just when he was thinking about it that way, a sudden quake felt from his feet.

But the tremor didn't last long. With a twisting ripple coming from all directions, he soon felt a flower in front of him, and after a while, the gravitational pull of Mars threw him into an open grotto.

This time, Lu Zhou didn't feel how painful it was, just as if he had just been jolted.

Climbing slowly from the ground, the moment he saw the behemoth that stopped in front of him, his pupils contracted to a point.

"This, this is ..."

It was a silver-white spacecraft with a streamlined shell and a shuttle-like outline. As for why Lu Zhou knew it was a spacecraft, it was naturally because he had seen it before.

It was a memory of the old universe.

And it used to belong to a powerful civilization!

Looking at the spaceship in front of him for a long time, Lu Zhou said suddenly.

"... you are General Reinhardt."

The air was quiet for many seconds.

A sigh came with a little loneliness and nostalgia in the communication channel.

"I didn't expect to hear the name in the new universe."

"It's really nostalgic."

Restraining the tremor in his voice, Lu Zhou swallowed.

"... So, this is your spaceship?"

The voice said faintly.

"It was."

The spaceship of Jialan civilization!

That was the civilization that once conquered a star in the physical sense!

Looking at the solid dome above his head, Lu Zhou took a deep breath, depressing his excitement, and his thoughts turned quickly.

"Are there any weapons on the ship? Or something like a shield."

Although I seem to be buried alive under the ground, if it is a spaceship of Jialan civilization, I want to have this little trouble!

After hearing Lu Zhou's inquiry, the voice made an honest answer.

"Of course there are basic shields and weapons."

A joy in Lu Zhou's heart.

However, just as he was preparing to issue an order to start the spacecraft, a long sigh came from the communication channel.

"... but sorry, whether it's a shield or a weapon, or a spacecraft engine, I'm afraid it can't be started."

Lu Zhou: "?????"

For a moment.

The air was strangely quiet ...

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