Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1410: Run out of water

Can not start? !!

What the hell? !!

Upon hearing General Reinhart's words, Lu Zhou was anxious.

"What the hell? You brought me all the way, just to show me a bunch of broken copper ?!"

It seemed to be stimulated by the word broken copper and iron, and the voice suddenly became annoyed and angry.

"Bronze and rotten iron? What do you think it is? Think about the rotten pieces you picked up. There are no parts removed from me. Do you think you can fly here with your wooden brain?"

Lu Zhou wanted to refute it at the time. He just got the electric push technology and lithium battery technology from the above. He controlled the fusion but did it himself. What's more, the two pieces of the tattered ones that don't know where to pull them out don't reverse anything at all, at most they showed him a seemingly feasible technical route. Including electric push and lithium batteries, most of the experiments were designed by himself.

However, he was just getting ready to spit it out, and was soon attracted by something more noticeable.

"What do you mean? Removed from you? Could it be ..."

"I am this spaceship."

There was no intention of concealing it, the voice slowly revealed the facts.

However, I do not know why, although the expression on General Reinhardt's face was not visible, the image in Lu Zhou's mind was very strong. He can even be sure that when he said this, his face must be covered with haze.

One didn't hold back, he almost didn't laugh.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Nothing, just a little boo ..." After a dry cough, Lu Zhou put on a serious expression, "Can you take me to your belly to see?"

"Of course you can, please."

This sentence almost squeezed out from between the teeth, Lu Zhou could obviously feel that it was restraining his anger.

Realizing this, Lu Zhou did not dare to stimulate the guy, and through the open ramp, he dumbly entered the spacecraft.

In general, the interior of the Reinhardt spacecraft is very spacious, and even a little extravagant in the view of Luzhou.

"The facilities here are quite new. Is anyone cleaning them?"

"No, it is only thanks to that piece of four-dimensional space that it can be completely preserved from billions of years."

"But why do I receive those plasma engines and lithium air batteries that have been weathered for years?"

"Because the thing was removed from me a long time ago," General Reinhardt continued in the communication channel if there was another one who followed by Lu Zhou. "Besides, there are also spacecraft Main engine. "

Lu Zhou: "Main engine? May I ask, is it the speed technique?"

Reinhardt: "Yes."

Turns out to be speed!

Lu Zhou's heart suddenly heated up.

"What about that? Where's that curved engine now?"

There was a brief silence in the communication channel.

After a long time, a sigh came.

"That's a long story ..."

In about five minutes, General Reinhardt briefly told him what had happened here. And through the story he told, Lu Zhou finally understood his situation and why that sigh was.

About three billion years ago, the Martian core quickly cooled due to some human factors, which eventually led to the cessation of Martian crust movement.

Volcanoes no longer erupt, and earthquakes no longer occur, which at first glance seems like a good thing.

But terribly, as the core of the earth cooled, the geomagnetic field of Mars also disappeared!

At first, most Martians didn't feel anything wrong until the radiation began to rag, the scale of electronic equipment failed, the incidence of cancer increased exponentially, and the thickness of the atmosphere decayed at a rate visible to the naked eye. The Martians were finally conscious Here comes the seriousness of the problem.

But when they realized these problems, everything was too late.

Without the protection of the magnetic field, Mars exposed to the solar wind was not only blown away from the atmosphere, but the original lush ecosystem was dying at a rate visible to the naked eye.

The cities on the surface were almost extinct, and they had to retreat to the ground, take refuge in shelters, and survive in the almost closed underground cities.

However, anyone knows that this is not the way to go.

At this juncture of life and death, the Martian civilization made a difficult decision to save itself, and that is to hope to rekindle the cooling by removing the Reinhardt, which is the core of energy on the holy relic in their eyes. Ground core.

That's more exaggerated energy than fusion energy.

Although it is impossible to rely on it to replace the earth's core, it is theoretically feasible to re-ignite the newly cooled earth's core with its energy.

After listening to Reinhardt's narrative, Lu Zhou was lost in thought, and spoke after a while.

"……I do not quite understand."

"I don't understand?"

"Under the protection of four-dimensional space debris, in theory those bugs should not be able to get close to you, are they ..."

"Don't guess," a voice from the communication channel interrupted Lu Zhou's words. After a while, he continued, "I gave them."


"You do n’t understand that feeling. I was sent here from the beginning of the solar system. I watched here evolved life, watched here from chaos to prosperity, and watched the first little guy probe my brain from my face. I passed by, watching them learn to make fires, hunt, make tools, and even their language, I taught them ... "

When I said this, the voice was full of complex emotions.

Although he hadn't had any similar experience and never had a long time, Lu Zhou probably understood that complicated feeling in his heart.

As a Jialan, an elite from a higher civilization, he instinctively looks down on those lower creatures, especially those lower creatures are a group of sickening "bugs".

However, the thought of the empire made him want to find a pin in this new universe. Even if the language of the Kalan Empire is passed down, if they can one day go out of the mother star and set foot in the galaxy, it will not be a shame to lose the language of Galan.

Even if someone told him that the final end of these little lives is almost doomed, and the probability of survival is even less than 1 in 10,000, he still selectively ignored the warnings of those people and made some "goodwill" without authorization. Move.

It is also these goodwill actions that have caused a rise and fall of civilization and have completely changed the fate of a planet ...

"If time permits, I don't mind talking to you about the past. But now, you still have to find a way to solve the problem at hand."

"I know, in your opinion, I'm no different from the dead ..."

The engine was dismantled. This spaceship is no different from scrap iron. It is obviously hopeless to perform a Hollywood show with a spaceship to kill.

However, Lu Zhou did not completely give up hope.

Looking in the spacecraft, he tried to keep himself calm, and continued to say, "So far, you have all said bad news. Do I want to know any good news?"

To his surprise.

Lu Zhou originally thought that this guy would take the opportunity to ridicule himself with no words, but did not expect that his mouth would actually say a good word.

"Of course the good news is there."

Lu Zhou was about to ask what the good news was, but the next sentence that followed it made his mood sink to the bottom.

"It's just that it doesn't make much sense to improve your situation."

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