Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1418: Jinling International Mathematician Conference

Summer in 2026.

Jinling University old campus.

Mottled tree shadows are reflected on the old stone walls, and the cicadas of the sycamore treetops have been like this since ancient times. In this bustling city, the quietness of the scent of books is alone.

But today is a bit unusual for this old campus.

Scholars in formal clothes walked across the bluestone brick road in front of the gate, and foreigners with high noses came and went in the old buildings built during the Republic of China.

Overnight, it seemed as if back to decades ago, the quaint old school seemed to travel through time and space, restoring the glory of the National University's heyday.

No, it should be more accurate than the glory of that heyday.

Because at that time, although there were also foreigners coming to lecture here, most of them came with their heads raised, their arms shaken, and their toes strode high. Today, regardless of skin color, age or sex, people's faces are mostly modest.

No one is more expensive than anyone.

Everyone is equal before knowledge.

And no one feels inferiority about their skin color or culture.

No. 1 in Asia?

Now, that's just a humble statement.

As if to celebrate the twilight school and rejuvenate youth, even the yellow vines on the wall of the courtyard seem to have re-drilled new buds.

"Professor Qin."

Hearing someone calling next to him, standing under the sycamore tree and looking at Qin Yue of the old school, he was awake in a trance.

Gently pushing the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of the nose, he glanced at the assistant next to him.

"Are you going to start?"

The assistant nodded in excitement, his voice filled with excitement.

"An hour left! The conference organizing committee just called and hope you can go to the back office to prepare."

Four years ago, at the International Conference of Mathematicians in St. Petersburg, the leader of the International Federation of Mathematicians announced that the 2026 International Mathematician Conference will be held in Jinling.

This news inspired the mood of all Chinese mathematicians, and also excited the mathematics departments of all universities in Jinling.

With few suspense, Jinling University has taken over the organizing power of the International Mathematician Conference, and will hold the venue in the old campus of Jinling University.

In order to host this world-famous event, they have fully prepared for four years!

It's finally time to test their results.

"I see ... call them back, I'll be right there."

Speaking of this, Qin Yue withdrew her gaze from the old school of the Republic of China, and looked at the foreign scholars who took photos under the old and old stone wall, and a smile couldn't help.

"Speaking of which, when did this old campus gather so many people last time?"

Hearing this sentence, the assistant standing by was a little stunned, and then said with a smile.

"It seems to be a while ... If I remember correctly, it was about two or three years ago when Academician Lu held a report here."

Two or three years ago ...

Qin Yue's eyes suddenly dimmed a bit, and his tone also brought a touch of sadness and nostalgia.

"It's been two years ..."

Time flies ...

Everything here has his shadow, but he is alone ...

Backstage lounge.

The staff helped Qin Yue simply take care of her appearance and straighten her tie.

About two years ago, just after the news of Lu Zhou's death was spread, he quit his job in Princeton, boarded a return flight, and came to the place where his most respected mentor of Jinling University had worked.

In fact, before resigning, Professor Fefferman had intentionally cultivated him as his successor, allowing him to take over the post of chairman of the Department of Mathematics at Princeton University.

However, the title of Princeton's mathematics department did not leave him, and his decision remained unchanged in the face of Professor Fefferman's retention.

In his memory, Lu Zhou has told him more than once that Jinling University will be built into the world's top mathematical center.

Lu Zhou is gone now, and his ideal still needs time to realize.

That being the case, it is up to him to complete the road for him!

Qin Yue remembers that when he first returned to China, Jinling University was in a sad atmosphere, especially in the Department of Mathematics.

In a sense, his return is also a revival of the morale of the university's mathematics department.

As one of Academician Lu's most favorite students during his lifetime, an internationally renowned number theory scholar, he soon took over the banner of the Jinling School, replaced the retired Dean Qin, and assumed the post of Dean of the University of Jinshou.

For two years, with his efforts, the Department of Mathematics of Jinling University has become a world-class mathematics department, leaving domestic colleagues far behind.

Now the International Mathematics Conference is held as scheduled. As the new standard bearer of the Jinling School or the Luzhou School, he will stand on this international stage and speak out on behalf of the Chinese mathematics community.

With much anticipation, the opening ceremony of the International Conference of Mathematicians finally began.

As in the previous conference, after the Secretary-General of the International Federation of Mathematicians delivered a speech, Qin Yue, who represents the mathematics community in China, came to the stage and read the opening speech.

Immediately after, it was awarded a series of highest honors and awards in mathematics, such as the Gauss Award and Fields Award.

When several winners came to the stage and took the medals from the Secretary-General of the International Federation of Mathematicians, an impassioned folk music rang out in the venue.

A grand literary performance amid the chanting of the zither and the drum, officially opened the curtain for this world-famous event ...

"... This is the best session of all the mathematician conferences I have attended to give my senses!" When he came out of the venue, Professor Witten's face was excited, his eyes fluttered and he was next to him. Professor Deligne said, "Although it is not clear what it feels like, it is more shocking than the ballet in St. Petersburg and the original jungle show in Rio de Janeiro ..."

In fact, objectively speaking, the ballet performance at the St. Petersburg Conference was still good, but there may be a lack of funds. As for the latter performance, although it seemed lively, I always felt that the liveliness was a bit too vigorous. In addition, because of the serious public security problems in Rio de Janeiro, if it were not for the wonderful report of Lu Zhou, the conference of mathematicians could hardly be described in words.

"Compared to the performance at the opening ceremony, I am more interested in whether I can see anything interesting at this conference ..." His eyes moved in the poster display area outside the General Assembly Hall. Professor Linier suddenly had an unexpected expression in his eyes.

Seizing the change of expression on the face of an old friend keenly, Witten raised his eyebrows with interest. "It seems that you have found something."


Nodding, Professor Deligne who threw this sentence down without any explanation, walked towards the poster display area.

Out of curiosity, Witten followed his old friend, followed him through the dense crowd, and stopped in front of an unattended whiteboard.

Looking at the lines on the whiteboard, Professor Deligne frowned slightly.

"... Cauchy-Riemann equation?"

Hearing this sentence, the teenager standing in front of the white board suddenly showed an unexpected expression on his face.

"Yeah ... it's unbelievable, are you also studying this direction?"

Obviously, the boy didn't recognize who he was.

Professor Deligne smiled slightly and said, "I'm not studying this direction. I just think that the mathematical methods you use are familiar to you ... if you read it correctly, your equation 3 part should be l-manifold. A form of promotion, and the subject you are studying is an inference from Hodz's conjecture. "

The teenager's face showed a shocking expression, as if looking at a monster, looking at the old man in front of him.

"... who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, I'm just a little curious," looking at the poster hanging next to the whiteboard, Professor Deligne continued. "Since you're studying Hodge's conjecture, why not make it honest Written on the poster. "

Hearing this sentence, the teenager's face showed a shameful expression, and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"I want to do that too, but it always feels like ... it's a little bad if you write it directly."

If he is a little older, in his youthful appearance, even if he is seriously studying the problems of this century, 80% will be regarded as a joke by others.

At a glance through his inner thoughts, Professor Deligne smiled calmly and said quietly.

"Those things you worry about are insignificant. Academics have never been judged by age. If you are young, you are far worse than my previous student. At your age, he is already a little famous in mathematics. Daniel. "

"This, is it so powerful ..." The teenager's face was filled with shocking expression, his mouth widened in surprise.

"What is your name?"

"... Jimer."

Professor Deligne nodded.

"Jim ... is an interesting name. You should be more confident in your research results, and to be able to study to this extent, you have beaten more than 90% of Princeton and your age."

Looking at the seemingly ignorant teenager, Professor Deligne continued to ask.

"By the way, who is your professor? I want to talk to him."

Hearing this sentence, Ji Mo's face immediately appeared a touch of pride.

However, the proud expression did not stay on his face for long, and was soon replaced by a sorrow and loneliness.

"... you may not be able to communicate with him."

Professor Deligne frowned.

"Is there anything inconvenient?"

"No, it's not a matter of inconvenience," Ji Mo shook his head and smiled apologetically. "My mentor ... is Lu Zhou."

Lu Zhou ...

The moment he heard the name, Professor Deligne's pupil narrowed slightly.

It was as if a closed door had been opened, and the memory flowing from the bottom of his heart made a faint impression in his eyes.

For the past two years he has deliberately failed to remember the name, but the box of memory was still opened.

"You are actually a student of Lu Zhou." Looking at the teenager, a surprise emerged in Witten's eyes and joked with a smile, "I have a hunch that I may not be able to win the Fields Prize for too long. See you on the podium. "

Ji Mo smiled embarrassedly and scratched his head.

"I will work hard ... my mentor told me before that he asked me to take a long-term view, don't take the results of the imo contest too seriously, and take the Fields Award as a goal."

"Ha ha ha ha, right? That's really exciting."

Looking at the overwhelming Witten, Deligne said at least politely.

"Are you sure you can live up to that time?"

Witten coughed: "You can be more confident in me. For more than ten years, I still have the rest. Besides, a magnificent era has just begun. If it falls just before the opening, Isn't it ... too bad? "

Just when the two old men were almost noisy about their age, there was an incredible exclaim in the lecture hall 1 not far away.

On the podium, Han Mengqi wrote the last line of calculations on the whiteboard, and gently put down the marker in his hand.

Riemann's zeta function's transcendental value at odd positive integer points.

This was the subject left by Lu Zhou when she was determined to move into purely mathematical research.

She still remembers what Master said at the time. He did n’t ask her to prove the whole proposition, but only asked her to make a small breakthrough in this direction. Even if she found a transcendent number that was not found, she was considered a graduate Already.

But now, she had clearly exceeded Lu Zhou's expectations at the time.

She not only found transcendental numbers on the zeta function that had not yet been discovered in the mathematical world, but also proved the establishment of the entire proposition.

That is, for any n≥1, ζ (2n + 1) is also a transcendental number!

Although it takes a long time ...

But she finally did it on her own!

"Inconceivable ... her application of mathematical tools is surprisingly proficient. Especially the part of the unified theory of algebraic geometry is the finishing touch ... this is not like a new mathematician can do.

Looking at the line of calculations on the stage, Schultz's face was filled with unexpected expressions.

What the little **** the podium proved at this moment was the little-known Riemann conjecture in mathematics. Although he has not studied this subject, it is not difficult to feel just by looking at the existence of this subject, and the difficulty is not small.

Sitting next to Schultz, Professor Faltins gave him a sideways glance.

"Are you kidding me? Any newcomer who is just beginning to study mathematics will take this level of problem as a research topic."

Talking, the old man cast his gaze on the stage, his cloudy eyes narrowed slightly.

"... but this face looks really strange."

"Like a student of Luzhou," Schultz said, squinting for a long time. "In impression ... I seem to have met this person in his office."

"It was his student ..."

It seemed strange for a moment. Professor Faltins leaned back in his chair, and after a moment of groan, he said in a positive tone.

"This session is too late ... but the next Fields Award must have her name."

A surprised look at Professor Faltings, but Schultz said nothing.

Theoretically, it should be the same.

Number theory itself is the most complicated field in pure mathematics. A major breakthrough can be made in this field. A Phils Award-level honor can still be matched.

Plus she is a student of Lu Zhou, no one should object.

"Don't just talk about others," glanced at Schultz, Professor Faltins continued, "I've always wanted to find the opportunity to ask you, what happened to your research?"

"You mean that?" A slight glance quickly appeared on Schultz's face, "Of course, that subject is about to end. Or, to put it another way, it was almost published in a dissertation."

Faltins: "Are there any journals willing to accept your research?"

"I haven't found it yet ... after all, this topic is really not very well classified," Schulz smiled awkwardly and politely, and continued to say, "If it doesn't work, we plan to find it casually. This issue was published in one journal ... Anyway, I don't particularly care about things like influence factors. "

Hearing Schultz's words, Professor Faltins didn't say much, but looked up to the podium, and slowly said a meaningful word.

"A scholar's golden age was only a dozen years. It took two years, but only for such a result ... Is it worth it?"

For this sentence, Schultz was silent for a while.

After a long time, he shrugged his shoulders slightly while watching the little girl bowing on the stage to thank him and the meeting room where he started to leave.

"For me, this means an end, it's a period for the expedition two years ago."

"I think it has nothing to do with gain and loss ..."

"So it should be worth it."


Perhaps it is the light of Lu Zhou, this year's International Mathematician Conference is particularly lively.

Riemann's conjecture was proved by Lu Zhou's students!

As soon as the first report meeting on the first day was over, the atmosphere of the entire conference was brought to Gao Hao.

However, for Han Mengqi herself, there were not many waves in her heart.

She knew very well that the work she had done was nothing more than a minor achievement based on Master's work, which was far from a breakthrough.

After throwing away those who tried to catch up with her, Han Mengqi, who came to the backstage lounge, was about to change her formal attire, but at this moment the door of the lounge suddenly opened and an acquaintance pushed in and walked in.

"... Dr. Yan?"

Stopped understanding the button, Han Mengqi looked at her puzzledly, not quite sure why she appeared here.

Without much nonsense, Yan Yan walked in front of Han Mengqi and said solemnly.

"Can I ask you something?"

"... What?" Although she didn't think she could help her, Han Mengqi responded politely.

Yan Yan: "Your sister is missing. I want to know where she went! Do you have any clues?"

After going to Beijing that day, Chen Yushan seemed to have evaporated and disappeared from everyone's sight.

The only clue showed that before she disappeared, she had been to 301 Hospital once and visited several doctors funded by Xingkong Technology.

And then, no one knew where she went.

In fact, it didn't attract anyone's attention at the beginning, including her resignation from Xingkong Technology. Most people just expressed regret that she was too sad and needed to rest for a while.

Until then, she never appeared again, and many people around her realized the seriousness of the problem.

Since it did not look like a criminal case, nor was it done by an overseas force, the matter was eventually transferred to the General Staff Intelligence Section for general investigation.

Yan Yan, who has just been dropped into the Information Department, has limited resources at her disposal. She can only check from the people around her by the most stupid method of visiting and investigating.

After hearing Yan Yan's question, Han Mengqi shook her head blankly.

"do not know."

Seeing Han Mengqi didn't know anything, Yan Yan was anxious and said.

"You're her sister, don't you have any clues? Did she ever say, where do you want to go?"

"Where do I want to go in particular ..." Han Mengqi opened her mouth, a memory suddenly popped into her mind, and her eyes were suddenly imprinted with a touch of surprise.

Keenly noticed the change of expression on her face, Yan Yan immediately asked.

"What did you think of?"

"Where I want to go ... there are, but they are impossible."

While talking, a strange expression appeared on Han Mengqi's face.

Can you really go to such a distant place?

After all, with the current technology on Earth, let alone a star system outside the solar system, even the Kuiper belt may not be able to fly out ...

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