The location called Wang Wenfeng's address is not too far away, it's in the vicinity, and even transportation is not available.

After setting up navigation on ar glasses, Lu Zhou walked about two or three hundred meters along the street, turned two turns, and soon came to a small alley.

The moment he stepped into this alley, there was an illusion of crossing back to the 21st century.

In this alley that is less than five steps wide, there are hundreds of miscellaneous shops crowded with dense crowds, and the signs on these shops are also various. There are shoes, hardware and other groceries. Some weird things he had never seen and couldn't understand.

Some of the people who come and go here are notably expensive and plain, but they are all in a hurry and seem to go straight to the theme and go towards their destination. Few people hang out here.

Thanks to this, the street, which was not very spacious, seemed quite depressed.

When stepping into this alley, Lu Zhou looked up at the sky, but did not see the sun, but only a faint faint yellow.

The tall buildings that extend upward indefinitely are like the same nature, dividing the sky neatly. If it were not for noon, the sun would hardly shine here.

Lu Zhou can even be sure that if it was not the neon light reflected by the cluttered signs, this must be the kind of dark that can't be reached with five fingers, which is difficult to get in.

In order to make himself less obtrusive, instead of stopping in the street, he followed the road signs following the actual scene and went straight to his destination.

It was a small facade sandwiched between an old-style kiosk and a car battery repair shop, and it was so plain that people didn't have the slightest desire to focus on it.

It's not the same as other neon flashing "Fantastic Jian goods". It has no bright signs, and the decoration of the facade is even simpler. There is only one side of the security door and the rusty door. Iron medal.

Han Ming?

After reading the two words on the house number, Lu Zhou reached out and touched his chin.

It is not known whether this is a real name or a pseudonym.

However, such trivial issues are obviously irrelevant.

With a hint of curiosity, Lu Zhou took off his glasses and reached out and knocked on the door.

Uh ...

There were two muffled sounds, and there was no response behind the door, not even a trace of human voice.

Just as Lu Zhou wondered if this man was not at home, finally there were groaning footsteps behind the door.


The husky and dry sound came from behind the door through the speaker, and it sounded like it was processed with some inferior special effects, with a little distortion.

Lu Zhou felt secretly vigilant, and said cautiously.

"It's a man named Wang Wenfeng, who introduced me here."

Hearing the name, the iron door finally opened, and then a pale face emerged from the shadows, and Lu Zhou's eyes lit up and down.

"... Lu Zhou?"

"you know me?"

"I'm still watching the news. I'm not curious as to whether it's true or false." The man smiled slightly, opened the door a little bit bigger, and gave way. "The doorway is not a place to talk about things. Come in and say Right. "

The entrance is dark.

But after the entrance, this not-so-spacious space finally brightened up.

Following the man estimated to be Han Ming, Lu Zhou walking behind was also secretly examining him.

He had previously heard that he thought he would be an old man in his 60s, but he did not expect to be a young man.

"How long have you been out of the sun?"

"It's been a while ..." While answering casually, Han Ming pushed the door at the end of the corridor and made a gesture of please, then he went in first, "Here is my studio The conditions are a bit crude, I hope you don't care. "

As he said, the environment in the house is indeed quite primitive.

It's not just humble, it can be described as cluttered.

The hosts of the four holographic computers are placed under the table, and the unfinished code flashes in the window floating on the table. Not far from the computer, there is an operating table converted from a single bed, but on the operating table is not a person, but a bionic female disassembled to half.

Looking at the white arms and legs hanging beside him, Lu Zhou's brows twitched fiercely.

If it weren't for the line head exposed at the interface, this picture alone would be enough to be curious.

I have been observing the expression on the road since just now, it seems that I saw the picture I was expecting. The man named Han Ming smiled dryly and asked with a ridiculous tone.

"First time?"

Lu Zhou: "How did you tell?"

"Most of the people he introduced here were like this."

The pale smile looked a little uncomfortable, but Lu Zhou was not scared by him.

Even without the magnetic slingshot worn on his right wrist, he doesn't think that this guy's health can pose a threat to himself above average sports ability.

A pair of eyes looked at Lu Zhou carefully for a while, Han Ming picked up a tea cup from the table, took a sip of muddy tea, and then said casually.

"... In fact, it's nothing to be surprised. Blocks like this are actually common in this city. Like a tall building, the higher it is, the greater the shadow it leaves. Not everyone wants to move their stores in. It is not a bad thing for a certain business district or big shopping mall, especially for those who are old and those who are old, to stay with them and spend their old age here. "

Lu Zhou: "But you look quite young."

"Really? Each other, a scholar from a hundred years ago," Han Ming smiled indifferently and continued in a casual tone. "Well, let's gossip here, I will never take care of me What the guests are, they are not at all interested in their past. Explaining where you are from, let me see if your business can be done. If we are satisfied with each other, then we can close the deal today. "

Lu Zhou: "What business do you have here?"

"Did Wang Wenfeng tell you?" Han Ming said impatiently. "Bionic accessories modification, special appearance customization, modification of the underlying logic of ai ... probably these."

Lu Zhou frowned slightly.

"Modification of the underlying logic of ai? Can you do this kind of thing?"

"Methods are always created by applying requirements, and I happen to be an expert in bionic research ... Occasionally, some customers have feelings for their bionics, hoping to change housekeeping funds or other types of bionics. Adult models to meet some of their needs. There are also some people who hold photos of their lover in dream, or which popular singer or virtual idol has registered copyright on their face. I hope I can help his bionic person. Content. "

"This was common in the 22nd century, and nothing to be surprised about."

Hearing Han Ming's explanation, Lu Zhou was not completely relieved.

According to the information he consulted on the encyclopedia, although the bionics of this era are a commodity, their uses and scope of use are strictly restricted.

First of all, each bionic person has its own corresponding code, and this code corresponds to its use, production date, product number and ai type.

According to the "Ai Management Measures" of the Pan-Asian Cooperation, after the bionics leave the factory, it is forbidden to modify the bionic human memory system in any form, and it is strictly forbidden that users obtain developer permissions through informal channels and the underlying logic of ai to modify.

After all, in this age, bionics have become an important part of many families and even the entire society. The hidden danger caused by illegally modifying the bionic human body system is beyond anyone's expectation.

Maybe some people just want to let their bionics learn a few more good words, or learn two more good-looking gestures, but they ca n’t rule out some criminals, write in their memory about how to use weapons, or even Turn it into a killing tool.

Especially when this modification involves the underlying logic of ai, such as the "prohibition against harm to humans and acts against humanity" is deleted, all illegal acts will become possible.

"Don't you worry that this might cause some security risks?" Lu Zhou frowned. "For example ... caused the modified bionic person to get out of control or have autonomous consciousness."

"Out of control? Are you stupid when you watch science fiction movies, or are you brainwashed by those low-energy children who hold 'deai'?" Han Ming laughed. "The bionic people are just a group of people who use big data analysis and machines Learning methods, products designed to imitate human behavior and provide standardized services for humans. They have no 'autonomous consciousness' at all, because programs have never allowed them to do so. This is no longer a limitation of the low-level code that cannot kill Now, it's 'technically impossible', so that AI learns to think. "

Taking a sip of muddy tea, Han Ming paused, and continued impatiently.

"... As far as the security risks are concerned, I know what you want to say, but I also said that I will not do those businesses that may cause trouble. If you have any needs, please tell me directly, I do n’t want to be in this issue. Nonsense. "

Although he felt that the casual attitude of this man was very problematic, Lu Zhou thought about his own black household and did not seem to blame him for his gray business position.

After thinking about how to express his trouble for a while, Lu Zhou said.

"I have a bionic person ... it may be inconvenient in appearance, and it may be troublesome to bring to the street. If you can, I hope you can help redesign its appearance."

From the side, I found an old-fashioned tablet with a screen. The man named Han Ming held a stylus, hurriedly wrote a few lines on it, and then asked.

"How big is it? Is it just the face? Or the entire head? Or other parts of the body? Do you need to increase or decrease bionic organs? In terms of size?"

"The whole body needs to be changed," Lu Zhou coughed slightly, "... I just changed it for the skin, and the others were unnecessary."

"You better give me a reference photo, or build a 3d model yourself and bring it to me."

Lu Zhou hesitated a little, and said indifferently, "Will you bring it?"

"Otherwise?" Han Ming said rightly, "Do you want me to move this studio and the equipment here to your house?"

Then, Han Ming took a plastic robe like Zhang Yuyi from the side and threw it into Lu Zhou's hands.

"this is?"

"This is left by the last guest. If you find it inconvenient, just cover it with this thing," patted Lu Zhou's shoulder, Han Ming said in a sophisticated tone. I can get it for any type of bionic person. "

"Just leave the deposit and bring things over!"

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