Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1459: Return to Jinda

The matter of equity certification is much simpler than Lu Zhou imagined.

Originally, he thought it would be a long judicial dispute and a race against time, but he did not expect unexpected efficiency in handling it. The industry and commerce department sent a letter to East Asia Electric Power, East Asia Communications and other companies on the same day to complete the disclosure of information.

Perhaps a long time ago, considering the possible disputes in the future, his sister made a lot of notarizations of these equity documents, and most of these notaries still exist today, and have a fairly good credit rating, it is very easy This forms a complete chain of evidence without controversy.

Speaking of Lu Zhou is also quite unexpected.

He did not expect that in addition to East Asia Power, East Asia Communications, East Asia Heavy Industries, the three giants that span the energy, information, and industrial fields, the miscellaneous companies he invested in before actually survived a lot.

For example, beep charging. Although the name has been changed after several rounds of mergers and acquisitions, the business has also expanded from wireless charging piles to urban cloud, wireless charging equipment production, and magnetically levitated auto parts.

The Baosheng Group, which is a superconducting material for fusion cores, has also been listed separately. As the largest supplier of controllable fusion core equipment in Pan-Asian cooperation and worldwide, it has become the second-generation controllable fusion technology. The backbone of it.

What Lu Zhou didn't expect is that the hippocampus group, which is world-famous for mid-to-high end bionic products, has his shadow. At that time, Zhongshan New Materials entered the carbon-based chip industry chain with his support. By the middle of the 21st century, Zhongshan New Materials had become one of the largest carbon-based chip manufacturers in China.

Boss Liu was also a far-sighted entrepreneur. In his later years, he saw the huge market prospect of bionics and spent huge sums of money on the temporarily unknown bionics industry chain.

Although this adventurous move did not bring obvious benefits to Zhongshan New Materials, it has cultivated a large number of science and technology enterprises engaged in AI technology research and development in Jinling High-tech Park.

The Hippocampus Group is one of them, although its size at that time was far from being a group, and it was not named.

Later, Zhongshan New Material's business went downhill. After several mergers and acquisitions and reorganizations, the two companies simply merged and integrated their respective advantageous resources to form the current hippocampus group.

In addition, there are some large-scale vrmmmo games such as "Jialan Empire", and some businesses that Luzhou may not even deserve in the past, and now they have grown like towering trees into sprouting seeds.

After learning this, Lu Zhou's heart couldn't help feeling.

Although Xingkong Technology "died" with him, its legacy has long been integrated into all aspects of the entire society of Pan-Asian cooperation today, and has become an integral part of this society.

Like the roots of a big tree, nourishing every cell in the tree ...

At the same time, according to the latest revised relevant laws, dormant people who have been dormant for more than ten years will be treated as "freezing rights" during the freezing period, and other shareholders will act in proportion to the rights and act only as nominal shareholders. , Do not enjoy dividends and other benefits.

However, in contrast, the rights and interests of the owner of the shares will be fully protected during the freeze period.

The most important one is that during the "freezing period", the shares of equity holders will not be diluted by conventional financial activities such as financing.

That is to say, when a person has been frozen for more than 10 years, starting from the 11th year, no matter what changes occur in the company's management and shareholders, the frozen stock will not be affected.

The original purpose of this law is to protect the basic rights and interests of the frozen people. After all, most people enter the dormant cabin because of terminal illness. Few people say that they just choose to sleep just for fun, or simply want to go to the future.

After all, emotionally, being separated from friends and relatives is not a matter of making decisions easily. The sense of schism between the wake-up and the future society is also an unacceptable thing for most people.

All in all, with the sound legal system of today's society, it is not difficult to get back your own property.

After entrusting the application of unfreezing the equity to Lawyer Chen, in addition to letting Xiao Ai pay attention to himself, the rest of the troublesome things were not taken too seriously.

He can still trust the Freezing Rights Protection Foundation.

Not only because this non-profit organization has been operating in Pan-Asia for so many years, it has helped millions of dormants unselfishly, but also because the fund managers are their descendants.

As the ancestor of the Lu family, Lu Zhou felt that his name still had a place in their minds ...


The day after the party ended, Lu Zhou gave housekeeping to Xiao Ai. He left the house early in the morning and took the light rail to the university town on the outskirts of Jinling.

Not the same as when I came here last time.

At that time he was wearing a completely strange face and came here anonymously.

Now, when he is standing here again as Lu Zhou, even though the scenery in front of him and the pictures in his memory are completely inconsistent, everything here makes him feel extra gracious.

"... back here again."

Looking at the lawn that is full of spring seasons, the garden drones trimmed with flowers and grass, and the young and beautiful figures on the stone brick road, Lu Zhou took a deep breath of the air mixed with the fragrance of knowledge Stepped out of the gate of the light rail station exit.

Almost at the same time, a holographic screen suspended in mid-air caught his eyes.

[Welcome academician Lu of our school to go home! 】

In this era, do the banners hanging at the gates of the school keep up with the times?

Looking at the line of text, Lu Zhou's eyes could not help but reveal a touch of sadness.


Speaking of which, it seems to be the only place where he can be called home.

"You, are you Academician Lu ?!"

He was recognized at a glance, and the old man waiting not far from the station door quickly walked up to him, holding his right hand in excitement.

I always feel that this old man is familiar, but I can't say where I have seen it.

Thinking about whether he would be an acquaintance frozen to the present, Lu Zhou said with a smile.

"excuse me, you are?"

The old man said excitedly.

"Qin Chuan! Academician of Pan-Asian Academy of Sciences, Dean of Jinling University College! By age, I'm probably your apprentice!"

Qin Chuan ...

Unfamiliar name.

But this face is too familiar to look at.

Staring at his face for a while, Lu Zhou suddenly responded and said in an uncertain tone.

"... Do you know Qin Yue?"

"Why don't you know? That's my grandpa!" The old man continued to look at Lu Zhou excitedly. "Remember when I was a kid, his old man always told me stories about you, including your teachings to him in Princeton, including Your influence on the mathematics community in China. "

"Is he okay ... I mean, when he was alive."

"In my memory, he has been doing very well." A flash of memories of the past appeared in his eyes, and the old man said in a reminiscence, "In the sixth year after you left, he won the Fields Award . And after that, he has been studying the doctrines you left, hoping to carry them forward. I remember that before his death, the prosperity of the Luzhou School almost reached history, even the brother of the moment The Genting School cannot be compared to it! "

Speaking of this, Qin Chuan sighed suddenly and continued with an expression of shame.

"It's a shame to say that it is our generation that has humiliated your doctrine."

"How is that?" Looking at the old man with shame on his face, Lu Zhou smiled comfortably and said, "Don't be arrogant, you have already done a good job."

"Don't comfort us anymore," said Dean Qin. "If we are really satisfied with you, you won't be so disappointed when you come here some time ago."

Lu Zhou: "... ????"

Looking at the sighing old man with a grimace, just as Lu Zhou was preparing to ask them where did they see that they had been here and "walked so disappointed", the group never walked towards them Come over here.

The person headed by him is not too young either. He is about 50 or 60 years old. He was wearing a formal suit, his hair was neatly combed, and the enthusiasm on his face was not inferior to that of Dean Qin. After seeing Lu Zhou, he extended his right hand across the distance.

"Hello Academician Lu, how are you!" When he met, he enthusiastically held Lu Zhou's right hand and shook it enthusiastically. The old man with very neatly combed hair said excitedly, "We waited for 100 years and finally I'll wait for you! "

At a glance seeing the aggressive expression on Lu Zhou's face, Qin Chuan quickly coughed and introduced.

"This is the president of Jinling University, Cai Mingrui."

"It was Principal Cai," Lu Zhou nodded suddenly, smiling, "I'm glad to meet you."

"You are so kind. It is our great honor to meet you with your own eyes!" President Cai continued with a smile. "We have kept your professorship for the past 100 years. Although you never thought of you One day we can really come back, but we respect you, it hasn't changed in a hundred years! "

"You're so kind," Lu Zhou said with a smile. "In fact, just a century ago, I was just an ordinary mathematics professor. Don't treat me so grandly."

An ordinary math professor is okay ...

In addition to President Cai and Dean Qin, a group of people standing beside them instinctively twitched their eyebrows, and in their hearts wanted to vomit, but could not find a suitable place to vomit.

By one person's strength, Jinling University has been upgraded to the level of a world-class university, and the World Mathematics Center has been moved from the other side of the Pacific Ocean. If it is special, it is just an ordinary mathematics professor, not an ordinary mathematics professor. What level must it be?

With a cough, Principal Cai broke away from the topic and pushed out a young lady standing next to him as a shield.

"Let me introduce to you, this is our counselor in the first class, Sun Lan, Mr. Sun! The people of the Freezing Human Rights Protection Foundation have already contacted us. If you are convenient, feel free to Come here for classes, and we'll help you arrange some lessons for a quicker integration into today's society. "

"If you have any needs, please contact me directly, or contact Mr. Xiao Sun!"

The instructor named Sun Lan, probably a master or doctor of Jinling University, looks like he is only about 25 or 26 years old.

I don't know if it is insufficient work experience, or because of other reasons, Lu Zhou always felt like she was very afraid of herself, and said nervously that she was unfavorable.

"Lu, Academician Lu, how are you! I am Sun Lan, and I am very happy to meet you. About class and course, I will send it to your mailbox afterwards ..."

She shook out her right hand, and the voice of the little girl was getting quieter, and she couldn't even hear what she was talking about.

"Hello, I'm glad to meet you too."

I didn't want to be too embarrassed for her. After Lu Zhou and her simply shook hands, instead of staying on her face, she looked at President Cai.

"I will talk to Mr. Sun later about the foundation course. Can I make a small request before that?"

Principal Tsai said immediately.

"You are too rich in saying this. Just ask us whatever you want, and we will do our best to help you solve it!"

"In fact, it's nothing special," Lu Zhou said with an embarrassed smile. "When I checked the information last night, I learned that there is the largest computational materials science laboratory in Asia at Jinling University. Is this the case? Is it? "

"That's natural," President Cai said before, and an old man standing behind him said with pride, "We don't dare to say that the material science of Jinling University is the world's first, or at least the top three. Column. Especially in the field of computational materials science, if we claim to be second, no one dares to claim to be first! "

"Really? That's great."

Hearing this news, Lu Zhou's face could not help showing a sincere smile.

"I just have some interesting ideas that I want to verify. I don't know if I can use them in your lab."-

(Third, I still haven't caught up. There are too many things today ...)

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