South of Pan-Asian Cooperation, on the edge of Malacca City Group.

In the corner of the glamorous business district, there is a bar with a rather nostalgic decoration. Because it is located on the first floor, there are not many guests here.

In this era when the high-rise building started to be a hundred stories high, the higher floors became more popular. Not only because you can stay away from the electromagnetic waves emitted from the highway, but also because the rooftop can overlook the brightest night view of the entire city and breathe the freshest air in the city.

Not to mention, the signboard crooked in the neon is not particularly eye-catching.

Even if there are occasional ordinary pedestrians passing by, it is difficult to become interested in the dim lights inside after seeing the two ominous Chinese characters printed on the signboard, "Reef".

Of course, some unusual guests say something else.

In the circles of some special professionals, this bar hidden in the gutter is still famous in a sense.

For example, the man sitting in the corner of the bar with a beard on his face and a scar on the corner of his mouth is one of them. If his face appears elsewhere, it may cause a lot of trouble to the store and himself.

But if it's here ...

As long as he doesn't take the initiative, no one will follow him.

Maybe it's because the face is full of stories, or it's because the atmosphere of the 22nd century was very open. When he saw him drinking alone, many beautiful girls came to talk to him.

However, to the regret of those girls, it was not known whether it was because he did not like women. From the moment he walked into the bar, no one touched him.

"That guy is a little strange ..."

"Everyone here is weird."

"But he is probably the weirdest I've ever seen," said the woman who took the e-cigarette away from her lips and sat in front of the bar and chatted with the bartender, looking at the man with interest.

Hearing this sentence, the bartender standing behind the bar smiled slightly.

"You better stay away from him."

The woman looked up at him and asked curiously.


"It's nothing, just intuition," said the bartender softly, glancing at the man sitting there. "I have worked here for so many years, and I still have a little bit of eyesight."

His intuition told him that the person was not the same as the little **** who were on the street. Although the suffocation on him is not very heavy, behind the suffocation, there is a sharp and madness that can't help but chill.

With just a glance, the bartender can conclude that such a person is not from the infamous place on Mars, or the target of the Interpol hunt ...

At this moment, the door of the bar suddenly opened. A man in black came in from the outside and walked towards the beard sitting at the corner of the bar.

When he sat down opposite the beard, the beard raised his eyelids and glanced at him.

The eyes seemed to have written the word "roll" on his face, but the man in black seemed to have not seen it, and said with a slight smile.

"The **** hand, Chester, is good at programming, modifying and using smart devices, and using light weapons. Once an air thief who was active in the asteroid belt and the colony of New Virginia, he fled after his forces were wiped out by the Pan-Asian Fleet Arrived on the earth and is currently being hunted down by Interpol. At the same time, you have a close friend named Rusas, and the protagonist of the hijacking some time ago happened to be a name ... "

Looking at the beards whose expression was gradually gloomy, the man in black sitting opposite smiled and continued.

"He did something you wanted to do, but you never dare to do, but it is said that his fate is very miserable ... Do you know? Although he didn't know what means they used, his autopsy report wrote like this -Suffering great pain before death, no viscera and blood vessels are intact throughout the body. "

Chester's somber face almost squeezed a word from his teeth.

"who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am."

The man in black put his hand in his arms.

Seeing this movement, Chester's pupil, who was sitting across the table, contracted for a moment.

However, what was pulled from the man's arms was not a pistol or other weapon, but a pale silver card.

Holding the pale silver card on the table and pushing it lightly in front of Chester, the man in the black coat continued with a light tone.

"We are very sympathetic to your experience, and we are disappointed with the simple and rude way in which Pan-Asian cooperation deals with the problem. When they are ecstatic, someone should teach them a lesson. If you want revenge, you are interested in this card. Something, and not sure, can help you. "

Chester said grimly.

"I hate the feeling of being directed. Do you think you can still leave here alive after knowing so many things?"

"Alive?" A surprised expression appeared on the man's face, and then politely smiled, "As a bionic person, I don't quite understand what you mean. But if you like it, my master Said he could give you me as a courtesy-- "

The moment he heard this, Chester suddenly exploded, grabbed the man's wrist, and pressed his face against the table with his backhand.

Seeing the two people who suddenly clashed, a screaming sound was heard in the bar, and the surrounding guests scattered away, and the bar security who noticed the situation here immediately surrounded them from the side.

"... Bionic."

Really a bionic person? !!

Released and holding the bionic hand, the expression on Chester's face was full of dignity, and even a flash of confusion flashed in the calm pupil.

His identity has been exposed.

And he didn't even know who the one who stared at him or even sent this bionic person to himself.

At this time, the security guards around him had already begun.

Glancing at the mess on the table, and the bionic man lying on the table no longer moving, the burly security captain standing in the first place looked up and down Chester and said in a cold tone.

"The troubled guests are not welcome here, please pay for it and leave."

"Or, we invite you out."

Without seeing the people around him, Chester didn't say a word, but just picked up the pale silver card from the table, and then swiped forefinger in the air to buy the drink on the table. The order.

No time to waste.

He just wanted to go back to his hiding place immediately, pack his things and run.

No matter who he is contacted with, he is not in a second ...

I didn't realize what a dangerous man was standing in front of him. The security captain glanced at the bartender behind the bar and saw that he nodded, so he continued to look at Chester and pointed the door with his chin. , Said coldly.


Had already taken a half step towards the doorway, after hearing the word "roll", Chester's footsteps suddenly stopped.

Looking back at the security guard, a head taller than himself, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said in a nonchalonic tone like a serpent's letter.

"You have ten seconds to apologize to me."

Hearing this sentence, the security guard gave a slight stun, apparently did not expect that this guy was surrounded by so many people, and he could still make such a speech.

The security guards standing beside him laughed, as if watching a fool, watching Chester standing there.

"Is this funny than funny?"

"I'm afraid I haven't figured out the situation after drinking too much."

"Boss, I'll fix him for you ... oh no, wake up and hang up for him."

Perhaps to show something in front of the boss, one of the security guards stood up and clenched his fists and leaned toward the man with bad intentions.

However, at this moment, the bionic man lying on the table was like a corpse, suddenly violently blocked a bottle of wine caught on the table, and slammed into it with a thunderbolt. Security forehead.

With a snap, the beer bottle burst open.

He didn't even groan, and the security guard who had taken such a sturdy turn fell to the ground so stiffly that his head was covered with blood.

Bionics attack humans?

how can that be? !!

I was shocked by the scene in front of me. When I saw the blood dripping from his colleague's forehead, the captain of the security team's eyes suddenly turned red, and he pulled out the electric baton sticking to his waist to hit him.

However, the moment he pulled out the electric baton, it was too late.

The muzzle of the black hole was aimed at him.


There was no nonsense. Chester pulled the trigger indifferently. First, the security captain was shot with a shot, and then another shot with the headshot of another security guard closest to him.

Although I have seen a lot of fights and troubles, in a pan-Asian cooperative city, it ’s so easy to see where a real gun is fired directly like this.

The previously arrogant security guards began to flee, as well as those guests who were closer to the door. However, Chester seemed to be afraid that things were not big enough, and a few shuttle bullets hit the door. The escaped security guards were knocked to the ground one by one.

At this time, the security guard who was previously stunned by a bionic person with a wine bottle woke up stupidly.

Hearing the screams coming from his ears, when he saw the colleague lying next to him and the muzzle aimed at himself, the whole man froze there.

Seeing the dying breath lying on the ground, his eyes gradually despairing, and his face begging to look at his security guard, Chester's mouth evoked a trace of cruelty and madness.

"I gave you a chance ..."

Then, as if pinching an ant, he pulled the trigger in his hand.

With a crisp gunshot, another fresh life died.

Glancing at the bartender trembling behind the bar, Chester grinned sarcastically and took the pistol back into his arms.

Then he glanced at the bionic man next to him and said to himself.

"I don't need your little toys."

"How to get revenge, I naturally have my own plan."

Then, he took out a can-sized black metal cylinder from his arms and placed it lightly on the table next to him. Then he was under the horrified sight of the surrounding guests and the bar staff. Slowly walked towards the door ...

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