In fact, before going to Jinling University, Lu Zhou planned to go back to Jinling Advanced Institute.

On the one hand, he was looking for the key, on the other, because he missed the place himself.

Although the bricks and tiles of the past have withered and old buildings can no longer support scholars in the new era, the valuable academic heritage he left for future generations is passed down very well.

Today, the Jinling Institute of Advanced Studies is still the most desirable academic destination for the whole of China, even for Asia and the world.

The former site of the Jinling Institute of Higher Learning has not been abandoned, but has been transformed into a tourist attraction of science and education. It has become a punch in the social practice courses of public primary and secondary schools in the entire Yangtze River Delta city group. location.

"... need to make an appointment in advance?"

Looking at the sign hanging at the door, Lu Zhou thought for a moment, reached out his hand and gently tapped his neck.

The distorted light and shadow quickly faded along the contour of the face, and after lifting the holographic projection system to modify the face, Lu Zhou walked straight towards the main entrance.

Seeing Lu Zhou walking towards the courtyard, a young lady guide who was standing at the door with a work sign was preparing to step forward to check the electronic ticket, but after seeing his face, she was shocked and even said something. Not clear.

"You, you are Academician Lu?"

"Well," looking at the tour guide with a surprised look, Miss Lu said with a smile. "It's me. I haven't been back for so many years. I just want to go back to where I used to work. Shouldn't I disturb you?"

"Why?" After returning to God, the tour guide sister immediately smiled enthusiastically. "Our work has provided assistance to this type of tourists. Where can I disturb you? Besides, this is where you have worked before. . "

After that triumphal ceremony held in the heart of Asia, the whole pan-Asian people knew the news of his return.

If anyone had doubted the authenticity of his identity before, apart from some conspiracy theorists, almost no one would doubt that he was Academician Lu.

"Are you the staff here?"

"Well! My name is Yang Lu and I'm currently a tour guide!"

Glancing into the institute, Lu Zhou asked curiously.

"I heard that the tour guides here are not all bionics?"

"It used to be like this, but something bad happened recently," said the guide sister surnamed Yang with a helpless expression on her face and continued. "The mascot in the courtyard is missing and the hippocampus is missing. The company suspected that the backdoor was installed by a hacker. For security reasons, our dean sent the rest of the guided tour bionics back to the factory for renovation. In order not to affect the children's social practice class, the location of the recent tour guide It ’s all staff members who came up on their own. "

The mascot is missing ...

Lu Zhou can guess with his feet what exactly happened.

Lu Zhougan coughed, thinking that his little boy had caused so much trouble for them.

"... It's really hard for you."

"No hard work, actually this profession is quite interesting ... especially when you are here with the kids." Yang Lu sighed and muttered, "If only I could get it back ... I'll still ... It feels like it was stolen by somebody, so I'm worried that it will do some strange things. "

Lu Zhou: "..."

Taking note of the speechless expression on Lu Zhou's face, thinking that he was not interested in this topic, Yang Lu suddenly smiled embarrassedly and continued.

"Speaking of which, where do you want to go? I'm free here and can take you in."

"Do you have to be accompanied to get in?"

"Um, after all, many things here are historical relics. My side is just an ordinary staff member ... Ah, of course, if you want to go shopping by yourself, it should be possible, after all, this is where you have worked before "I'll ask the president and the dean for instructions, and there should be no problem."

"No, it's fine if it's troublesome."

I just came back to see it, there was no need to alarm so many people.

One more thing, when the movement becomes so big, how can I go to the laboratory of the Institute of Higher Education?

It would be better to walk around with her first, and then find a chance to slip away.

He did not guess what Lu Zhou thought. He thought he was sympathetic to Yang Lu, and his grateful expression suddenly appeared on his face.

Although you can indeed ask the dean for instructions, it will obviously be troublesome.

"Thank you for understanding our work. If you have anything you want to go, I can take you there!"

"My previous office." Lu Zhou said with a look at the main building of the Institute, "I haven't come back for a long time to see, and I don't know what it looks like now."

"Please rest assured about this! All the objects here are laid out as they were a hundred years ago. In order to restore your office scene, we also specially invited a modern historian who specializes in your study." The lady guide said confidently, "I promise, the stuff here is the same as when you left!"

After hearing this confident speech, Lu Zhou smiled unwillingly.

The same as when I left?

This sentence sounds familiar to me ...


Following Miss Yang Lu's footsteps, Lu Zhou reached the top floor of the main building of the institute.

Sure enough, she took herself to Yang Xu's office.

"This is Yang Xu's office. Before I left, he was the director of the Institute of Computing Materials. Later, I heard that he became the dean." Looking at the desk and the photos on the wall, Lu Zhou sighed and continued, "What's more, I won't hang my own photo in the office."

Hearing Lu Zhou's words, Yang Lu was completely circled, and he blinked for a moment before he said in amazement.

"Ah? It's Dean Yang's office? But ... when he was the director of the Institute of Computing Materials, wasn't the office at the Institute of Computing Materials?"

"My office is next door. Come with me."

Said, Lu Zhou didn't explain, turned to the door, and came to a neatly packed office.

Since he was either at home or in the laboratory most of the time, his office looked quite clean and didn't have much of his own.

Coupled with other offices on the same floor, it looks like there is no obvious difference between them and their own office. It is forgiven for people to admit it later.

Standing in the dean's office and looking at the place where he used to work, Lu Zhou's heart couldn't help but miss it.

It's really the same as when I walked, things here have not changed at all.

The guy who wanted to come to Yang Xu was also in memory of himself, so he kept this office here.

Went to his desk, just then, a key suddenly appeared in front of Lu Zhou's eyes.

Looking at the key, Lu Zhou took a moment's glance, and then extended his right hand to hold the key that only he could see.

"... Speaking of which, is the toilet in this building still usable?"

"Toilet? Sure. May I take you there?"

Lu Zhou coughed and said, "I'm going to the men's bathroom, are you sure you want to follow?"

His face was flushed, and the young Yang suddenly embarrassedly touched her head and explained quickly.

"I don't mean that, I mean"

"You are waiting for me here, and I will be back soon."

After leaving this sentence, Lu Zhou turned and walked out of the office. But instead of walking to the toilet along the corridor, he turned a corner at the intersection and stood on the elevator that had been waiting for him for so long.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Zhou looked up at the monitor in the elevator and said.

"Go to the third basement."

As if he understood what he said, the elevator did not stop after the next floor, but continued to move down to the underground of the Institute of Higher Learning with the sound of a series of gears rolling.

There is a laboratory entrance disguised as a sample library. Behind the sample cabinet is an alloy door with a triple recognition mechanism of iris, password and fingerprint.

Behind that door, there is the biggest secret that I have left in this world ...

"Finally back here again."

Looking at the quietly running quantum computer case in the computer room, a robotic arm was connected to the wall, and the hall thruster wreckage that was placed in the corner, Lu Zhou's heart couldn't help feeling some emotion.

Especially the wreckage of that Hall thruster.

When he used to draw this stuff in the lottery, he did not even think that it was from the old universe, and it was placed on Mars, tens of millions of kilometers away.

Going to the quantum computer, Lu Zhou reached out and placed it gently on the case, stroking the dust on it.

"sorry to keep you waiting."

The signal light on the case flickered. Xiao Ai, who lived inside, probably heard his voice, but it was only because the screen on the side was too old to turn on the machine, so he could only express his happiness in this way.

Lu Zhou smiled and was about to withdraw his hands from the case.

However, at this moment, a transparent key suddenly rose from the casing of the case in front of him.

The moment he saw the key, Lu Zhou was all there.

The third key ...

He originally thought the key would be in Princeton, or the lecture hall at Cern's old site, but he didn't expect it to appear here.

There was no need to wait for him to reach out and touch, the moment the key floating out of the case touched his arm, it instantly turned into a starry sky and waved in his eyes.

At the same time, a pale blue holographic screen appeared in his eyes.

It's like giving for nothing ...

[Congratulations to the host, complete the mission! 】

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