Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1474: Imminent trouble

In East Asia Power Group Building, policemen came and went on the elevator. The grassroots employees of many groups frequently pay curious attention to the police officers, guessing which executive has committed the problem.

Thanks to the soundproofing of the conference room, no one knows that their chairman has died, except for the secretary who found the body first and the highest level of the company.

In the conference room of the crime scene, standing next to the police, the side of the sentence from the Security Bureau was frowning, looking intently at the body restored from the holographic image, his face seemed to be thinking about something.

At this time, a man in a black jacket walked in from outside the meeting room and opened the door and said to the mountain.

"An autopsy report has come out, most likely it is suicide."

Captain Xing didn't look up, just asked casually.


"According to the autopsy report, there were no traces of taking the drug in the body of the deceased, and there were no fingerprints or hair residues from other people on his body," paused, Shi Jin added, and continued, "and According to the elevator monitoring, no suspicious person arrived on the floor in the day except the executives working on that floor. "

As for the evidence in the holographic image, it goes without saying.

In the suitcase at the conference table, they found a holographic video image of Liu Zhengxing talking to a man with a blurred facial expression.

In that video, Liu Zhengxing asked the "faceless man" to help him with one thing.

Although the specific thing to do did not appear in the video, according to the explosion that Academician Lu was encountering some time ago, it is obvious that Liu Zhengxing was contacting the killer.

The case reached this point, in fact, there is no suspense anymore, all the evidence points to the result of Liu Zhengxing committing suicide.

Especially last night, they received news from the Municipal Public Security Bureau that the infamous "blood hand" Chester was killed in a car accident.

This "blood hand" has always been the subject of investigation by their security bureau, not only because he may have been involved in the bombing of the Melaka city group a few days ago, but also because he is not close to Rusas on flight n-177. The two were wanted by Interpol almost simultaneously.

The murderer died, and the incident was revealed. Suicide by fear of sin was also excusable.

However, Xingbian still didn't believe that anyone who had the courage to hire a murderer would commit suicide by fear of crime. From the perspective of criminal psychology, he didn't quite believe such a result.

In particular, they did not collect any information about his "employer" from Chester, which makes it even more unreasonable.

"Remember the bionic riot at 001 on 17th Street last night?"

The No. 001 home on 17th Street is the address of Lu Zhou. Although this matter is kept secret from the outside world, it is not a secret to them.

After hearing what Captain Xing said, Agent Shi frowned and thought for a long time, saying in an uncertain tone.

"Do you mean ... the murderer may be a bionic person?"

"It's just a hypothesis, because I don't quite believe that person will choose to commit suicide," he paused, and Captain Xing continued. "I heard recently that a virus has spread on the black market that can tamper with the underlying logic of bionics. People use it for theft, robberies, and even murder. "

Although the underlying logic has been modified all the time, it basically revolves around some less sensitive places, such as changing the personality of bionics, using types, and so on.

As for making bionics able to kill, learn to steal ...

With the technical strength of the major bionic groups, people who claim to be able to do this are bragging or bragging.

Only in recent months did Xingbian hear and handle some cases of bionic crimes. It was also during these months that he heard from an informant about a virus that could modify the underlying logic of a bionic person.

"The perpetrator may have used bionics. After killing Liu Zhengxing, he forged suicide. This would explain why he could not find any fingerprints on his body, and from the surveillance video, clean bionics People go in and out of this floor very often. "

Shi Jin immediately said, "I'll let people go to call all the clean bionics in this company for inspection!"

"The idea is okay, although I think it may not make sense. Now that their attack has been won and lost, it is impossible to leave the crime tools here. Or at least, they will also replace the memory of that bionic person."

Memory is the body of a bionic person.

The bionics who changed their memory, even if they caught it, were useless, and it was impossible to ask for any information.

"But when it comes to the incident last night, there are some oddities. Those bionics should strictly have an absolute advantage in terms of force. At least from the firepower they showed, at least, those on Mars attacked the mine. The mercenaries who beat the house were a grade, but in the face of Academician Lu, it seemed that there was nothing to fight back. "

After hearing this, Captain Xing grinned and said with a smile.

"I know what you want to say, are those bionic wrecks on flight n-177 right?"

Agent Shi nodded his head and looked at Captain Xing solemnly.

"I feel a bit weird about Academician Lu ... I think he may have something we don't understand, especially with bionics."

At this moment, the door of the conference room suddenly opened again, and an agent from the Security Bureau came in from the outside.

"Captain, someone reports it."

"Report?" Brows at the side of his sentence raised his eyebrows. "Reported to me?"

As the Security Bureau, it is mainly responsible for maintaining homeland security, and general criminal cases are not within their jurisdiction.

Unless the criminal case happened to someone with some influence.

For example, Academician Lu, after learning about his attack, the Security Bureau immediately set up a task force to investigate the details of the bombing.

"It was the city police who turned to us," said the detective with a solemn look. "The reporter refused to disclose too much details and insisted to see you."

"Then let him see me ... No," looking at the body made of holograms on the conference table, and the pool of blood that was not wiped off, the sentence side suddenly changed his mouth, "Let him be in police Stay in the office, I'll see him now. "


City Police Department.

In the room about 30 square meters, a thin-faced man pacing up and down in the room.

Just then, footsteps suddenly heard outside the door.

The moment he heard the sound of the footsteps, the man's nerves tightened subconsciously, as if he had been shocked in some way.

As the door opened, a group of mermaids came in and stood in front of him.

Captain Xing, who was standing first, looked up and down and asked.

"You are Liu Zhengxing's personal lawyer?"

"It's me! I'm Zhang Minghua!" Zhang Minghua nodded nervously and said quickly, "Chairman Liu commanded me. If he had an accident, let me find a way to contact the Security Bureau. People and give them a message. "

The criminal side hadn't spoken yet, and Agent Shi standing next to him said.

"What words can you say now?"

"Foundation! Cosmic Spirit Foundation!" Shouted out like crazy, lawyer Zhang said with horror, "They killed Chairman Liu, they must have done it!"

"Cosmic Spirit Foundation?" Listening to this guy's nonsense, Agent Shi frowned. "What are you talking about--"

However, at this moment, Xingbian, who did not know when he became serious, suddenly said.

"Let him continue."

It seemed as if he had caught the life-saving straw. Attorney Zhang took two steps forward, grabbed the arm next to Xing, and said excitedly.

"Chairman Liu asked me to talk. He did contact the people of the Universe Spirit Foundation before and tried to use their strength to investigate Academician Lu ... But the explosion was beyond his expectation, and he did not expect Those people are actually trying to kill him. "

After patiently listening to his words, Captain Xing thought for a while and looked at him and said.

"If everything you say is true, then you are in danger."

Attorney Zhang was pale, his lips trembling slightly, and he could not say a word.

Looking at this poor worm that had been frightened, Captain Xing continued.

"In the past few days, you'll stay with the Municipal Public Security Bureau. You should arrange your work, but I suggest you better contact by phone instead of going out from here."

"Those people are mad, it is unlikely that they will be mad to attack here, but after you go out, it is hard to say, how to choose you."

After leaving this sentence, Xingbian turned and walked out of the house.

Having been following the Captain of the Sentence to the corridor, Agent Shi hesitated for a moment and then said.

"Do you really believe his crap?"

"It's not a ghost story," he found the e-cigarette in his pocket, and squinted his eyes as he looked out of the window. "At least the name of the Spirit Foundation of the Universe was not coined by him."

"To this day, you ca n’t be considered an outsider," Captain Xing spit out a mint-like smoke ring outside the window without looking at his aggressive subordinate, and continued, "The Spirit of the Universe Foundation has been I do n’t know much about the security bureau ’s Class A secrets. I only know that they are related to two attacks that occurred outside China a century ago. "

"One of them is the Arctic Light cruise event. Although the two parties are very different in age, they are still alive. The other is the second year after Academician Lu was killed, that is, the street in Manila Bombings."

After hearing the captain's words, Shi Jin's face moved slightly.

The explosion in Manila a century ago ...

Anyone who has learned a little history knows that the Shanghai-Economic Cooperation Conference held in Manila in the same year is widely regarded as one of the signs that the pan-Asian region is moving towards unity.

If what the captain is saying is true, the bombing was not planned by any extreme organization, but by the Cosmic Spirit Foundation, which is a bit interesting.

At least, they almost changed history.

"The security level of Class A is not because of its danger ... In fact, in the past century, they have not done anything extraordinary in the territory of Pan Asia. However, there are signs that they are not at ease. "

"Also, recent events have proved it. They are very uneasy and more dangerous than we think."

The e-cigarette was extinguished, and the captain looked at his subordinates and continued.

"I need you to do one thing."

Shi Jin's expression was clear, and he said immediately.

"Please tell me."

"You go to the National University of Science and Technology and find a man named Wang Peng."

"Wang Peng?"

"Well, he's a frozen man from a century ago."

Agent Detective asked, "What are we looking for dormant people?"

"His name appeared in the archives of the Cosmic Spirit Foundation. If my guess is correct, he should be the earliest intelligence personnel to track down the Foundation's whereabouts."

After a pause, Captain Xing continued to speak in a serious tone.

"We know too little about the Spirit Foundation of the Universe, and we don't even know how far they have penetrated our society in this century."

"To solve this imminent trouble, we need his help."


(Community temperature measurement was delayed for a while, sorry t.t)

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