Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1485: The key to second-generation controlled fusion

The reform of scientific research funding has caused a lot of enthusiasm within the East Asia Power Group.

Cut off half of the scientific research projects, strict approval of funds ...

Although this pair of scissors has not yet fallen, everyone is worried that they will eventually fall on themselves.

But worrying and worrying, in general, everyone's mood is relatively stable.

Especially for those grass-roots scientific researchers who do not see the early days and work diligently, although Lu Zhou's approach is somewhat tough, it can even be said to be unfriendly, but it is quite popular.

To tell you the truth, they have long been fed up with those who rely on nepotism. They are far from being able to do anything but rely on the power in their hands to do whatever they want in the department.

As for whether those who are confused are satisfied with their reforms ...

Lu Zhou didn't care and didn't want to bother.

In his opinion, at this moment, East Asia Power is already a sickly giant. If you want to cure the ills on it, you must get fierce medicine.

Cleaning up tapeworms is only the first step.

And the second step is to sweep those people out of the house together!

It is not that Lu Zhou is unfriendly, and he does not mind raising a few idle people in other positions. But as a scholar, he must have zero tolerance in scientific research!

Because he knows exactly what it is like to devote his whole life to scientific research without receiving any attention in the end, and consequently invading academic achievements.

As long as he is still sitting in this chairman's position for a day, he will certainly not allow this unfair thing to happen under his own eyes!

Moreover, he didn't expect the tapeworms and **** to help him get the engineering miracle such as the second-generation controllable fusion.

If you don't want to contribute, it's better to get home early.


After the meeting, Lu Zhou, who has arranged the work of various departments, was immediately put into the research of the second-generation controllable fusion technology.

Although he doesn't know the rules of this era, it's all about research.

Choose a general direction, and then through trial and error, explore a feasible path. From the standpoint of a chief designer, what he needs to do is to plan the framework of the entire large-scale scientific research project, select a few of the most likely technical routes, and then formulate a strategic direction for academic leaders in various fields , And do everything possible to reduce the number of trial and error and time costs.

At present, the three problems of the second-generation controllable fusion technology are basically the same as those of the first-generation controllable fusion technology.

The difference is just the difficulty.

The scattering cross sections of deuterium and helium three are much smaller than those of deuterium and tritium. The former has a cross section at 300kev of only 0.8b, which is much smaller than the latter, so it requires more energy input, and the fusion conditions are more severe.

To give an intuitive example, the same fusion reactor can achieve the dt reaction, which is the temperature of the deuterium and tritium reaction, which only needs 100 million degrees.

However, if the fusion reaction between deuterium and helium is desired, and the reaction is maintained stably, the required temperature is directly a few billion degrees of jump.

Temperature is just one of them.

Including density and constraint time, these three are indispensable.

According to the literature reviewed by Lu Zhou, so far, the core problems faced by the second-generation controllable fusion have focused on the reaction temperature.

Especially how to confine and compress high temperature plasma in a very small area.

The strength of the magnetic field required to achieve this will be a very scary number.

However, despite so many difficulties, Lu Zhou did not feel that this was an unsolvable problem.

When he was designing a generation of controllable fusion cores, he had also been troubled by the same problem. At that time, the situation was not more optimistic than now. Many key technologies, including computational materials science, have just emerged as a fuzzy bud, and they are still at the concept stage.

However, in that era, he still brought a group of excellent engineers and scholars to complete the miracle in the history of human science.

Since he can do it in the past, he has reason to believe that in the future where science and technology are more developed, he will certainly be able to accomplish this miracle again!

Office of the Chairman.

Tang Yunzhang, who reported to the group building, was standing at his desk with a sullen expression on his face, looking at the great man from a hundred years ago uneasily and curiously.

About the morning, he received an email from Academician Lu.

In the e-mail, Academician Lu offered him an invitation, hoping that he could come to the group building and have questions about the second-generation controllable nuclear fusion project, and he planned to discuss with him.

Strictly speaking, Tang Yunzhang is not studying second-generation controllable fusion. He is only a senior researcher in the Electromagnetic Research Laboratory. His usual work is to meet and research, and to design magnetic field containers for East Asia Power's reactors.

He really couldn't understand why Academician Lu found himself such an unknown little pawn.

Just as he hesitated to say hello, Lu Zhou, who was sitting behind his desk, voluntarily and actively said.

"Please sit down."

"Thank you."

Looking at Yunyun Tang who was sitting on the sofa, Lu Zhou went straight to the topic and continued.

"I have read your paper. In the field of electromagnet research, you have put forward a lot of interesting design ideas and ideas, and many of them have brightened my eyes."

After being praised by Academician Lu, Tang Yunxuan's heart couldn't help but be a little proud, but he still said modestly.

"You have won awards. Those research results are not just me."

"No matter who is credited, it is impossible to be Liu Sihai."

Looking at Tang Yunzhang who was thrown there like an honest man, Lu Zhou paused for a moment before continuing.

"Based on my calculations, I need a magnetic field capable of generating a 10,000t magnetic field in a small space to constrain the high-temperature plasma in the reactor core."

"Can it be done?"

"Almost ... impossible," Tang Yunyi said with a difficult expression on his face, "Taking the current technology reserves of East Asia Power, the strongest electromagnet we can make, the magnetic field strength is only in the early 5000t, and maintained Time is less than 50 milliseconds, and it cannot be used to power the core at all. As for 10,000t ... not to mention how long it can be maintained, this is too exaggerated. "

What is 10000t?

Intuitively, the MRI instrument used in general hospitals is about 3t. It only takes 13t to float the frog in the air.

Ordinary people simply cannot imagine how terrible a 10,000 Tesla is.

Lu Zhou raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "No hope at all?"

To Lu Zhou's sight, Tang Yunzheng just prepared to give an affirmative answer, but at this moment there was a hint of hesitation.

Is there really no hope at all?

Not too much.

But in East Asia Power ...

He really couldn't see a little hope.

After struggling for a while, Tang Yundi finally took a deep breath and bit his teeth.

"It's not completely hopeless ... but the current situation of the Electromagnet Research Laboratory is no different from no hope!"

"Oh?" Lu Zhou raised his eyebrows, looked at him and asked, "It seems you have something to say."

Tang Yunxuan smiled bitterly, and was about to speak about the problems of the Electromagnet Research Laboratory.

However, at this time, there was a rush of footsteps outside the chairman's office.

There was a knock on the door twice, and then the door was pushed open.

I saw Lu Zhou's office secretary, anxiously appeared at the door.

"Lu, Academician Lu, it's not good!"

Looking at the office secretary standing in front of the office, Lu Zhou frowned slightly.

"What happened?"

With an anxious expression on his face, the secretary couldn't even breathe, and said nervously.

"Electromagnet Research Lab!"

"They went on strike!"


(Follow the public account "Morning Starll", see the little story behind Xueba ~ (??????) ??)

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