Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1488: Shock treatment

Resignation procedures are always faster than entry procedures.

There is no need to wait until noon. In less than a minute, electronic contracts and pay slips were issued to each researcher who offered to resign.

It only took an hour from reading the contract to signing it.

The lawyer from the Legal Department, who came with Secretary Zhou, briefly answered some questions about the termination agreement, then urged them to fill out the forms and contracts, and then left with the receipt.

As the two left, the hall quieted again.

Looking at the departure agreement in the holographic interface with a grimace, the researchers sitting in the hall protesting, you look at me, I look at you, and weird expressions are seen in each other's eyes.

Although it is true that they threatened to resign, few people thought that in the end, they had actually reached this stage.

Always feel ...

What seems to be wrong?

No, it should be said that nothing is wrong ...

"could not be reached……"

Looking at the unanswered mark on the video call interface, Yang Xiaofeng's expression was pale.

Things have gone beyond his expectations.

Before the strike began, he had considered many possibilities, but he had not considered the possibility that Lu Zhou was indifferent to their resignation.

Staring closely at the resignation contract in front of him, a researcher looked dumbfounded and turned his attention to Yang Xiaofeng, who was standing beside him.

"What do we ... now?"

You ask me, who do I ask?

The upset Yang Xiaofeng originally intended to answer this, but in fact he really thought so.

However, seeing the pair of eyes staring at himself as if they were looking at the killing parents, his body suddenly became agitated, and he quickly relaxed his tone and said in a round.

"Everyone rest assured, we are all the technical backbone of the electromagnet design laboratory. How can the old popsicle perfunctory us today, and how politely he will invite us all back tomorrow!"

"Director Liu has already negotiated with the board of directors on our behalf. Everyone must not panic. At this time, we must be more united and believe that it will not be long before we have results!"

When he said this, Yang Xiaofeng didn't know that his bosses were already insecure. Where can they take care of them?

Thousands lost their jobs ...

Yang Xiaofeng is now scared.

If Lu Zhou still does not compromise, he is afraid that he will be torn apart by these angry people alive.

After all, when he stepped out and called everyone to protest together, he had repeatedly promised that there would be no problem with the rice bowls in their hands, and the rice served in the future would be more fragrant than now ...


Yangtze River Delta city group.

In a villa in the rich area.

A middle-aged woman, who was not too young to look at, grabbed an old man's arm and said wailingly.

"Dad! You have to take charge of things around the world!"

Her name is Song Haiyang, daughter of Song Yangwei, chairman of Yang Wei Capital, and she is also the only daughter.

Last night, her husband stayed overnight, thinking that her man had been hooked up by a fox. She hurriedly looked for someone, and finally heard that it was taken away by the police.

After hearing this news, she cried to the side and did not fall asleep all night. She ran to her father early this morning, hoping that her father could help her think of a way.

Up to now, she can only rely on her own dad.

Looking at the crying daughter, Song Yangwei's face was covered with haze, and he couldn't help yelling.

"Isn't I let him be honest about this jerk! What else are you thinking about at this time!"

The fire was about to burn to the buttocks, and the idea he came up with was to strike with his dog legs!

Thanks so much to him!

Originally there were many people who sympathized with him on the board of directors. After such an operation, who would dare stand by his side.

Hearing the sound of his father's reprimand, Song Haiyang cried louder, and the tears couldn't stop flowing.

Looking at the daughter who was crying and sad, Song Yangwei with a somber face originally planned to say something ruthless, but eventually he softened his heart and said with a sigh of relief.

"Don't cry anymore, Dad knows it, rest assured, it's just a hundred-year-old popsicle. I want to fight with me and be tender!"

The crying stopped for a moment, Song Haiyang looked up, and his eyes seemed to see hope.

"Really ... really?"

Giving her daughter a consoling smile, Song Yangwei pulled the corner of his mouth.

"Have I joked?"

"Now that things have come to an end, that can only be done forever."

After spending so many years in the board of directors, he has unknown secrets about East Asia Power's black materials, saying that he was afraid even if he went out.

If Lu Zhou intends to do things so absolutely ...

Even if he is struggling to damage his own interests, he will certainly not make him better!

Of course, that is the last resort, and it is still far from that step.

If such a means is really used, it is tantamount to dragging other shareholders on the board.

Taking a deep breath, Song Yangwei calmed himself down, took his cell phone out of his pocket, and called the classmate who was working on the TV station.

He needs to do some preparation before putting pressure on the board.

At least, they have to be scared ...


Jinling University.

Principal's office.

After finishing the foundation course, Lu Zhou came here by the way and visited President Cai Mingrui.

Seeing Lu Zhou who came to visit him, President Cai was very kind to invite him into the office, and instructed his secretary to help him to bring two cups of coffee.

Looking at Lu Zhou sitting across the sofa, he said enthusiastically.

"Academician Lu, have you been used to the recent life?"

After hearing the greeting, Lu Zhou said with a smile.

"Every habit."

"It's good to get used to it. We were worried that you couldn't adapt to the life here. Now it seems we are more concerned," smiled, and President Cai Mingrui continued, "If there is anything that can help you, please be sure tell me."

Taking a sip of coffee, lowering the mug of the boat, he thought for a moment and said, "When it comes to helping ... I have something really lately, and I may be bothering you."

Principal Cai said with a smile: "You're too polite! It's all your own family. Whatever your difficulties are, just say it, we will help you solve it!"

Lu Zhou: "Before I asked you, I actually wanted to inquire about something. I heard that Jinling University's nuclear engineering major is the first in the world. Why do a large number of talents transfer to the world after graduation, but few of them have joined East Asia Electric Power? "

Although I don't know why Lu Zhou suddenly asked this question, this is indeed one of the pain points of Jinling University.

Sighing, President Cai Mingrui continued.

"This ... it's a long story. On the one hand, the entry threshold for East Asia Power is too high, on the other hand, it may be that the academic and industrial communities have different calibers."

"The entry threshold is too high?" Lu Zhou frowned slightly. "There are schools higher than Jinda's?"

"This threshold is not necessarily academic, I don't know if I can say that, can you understand it," President Cai said vaguely. "East Asia Electric Power will host school recruitment here every year, but the number of admissions is less than 10, and these ten In the end, I was able to stay through induction training, not even a third. According to what I learned from the teachers of the Engineering Academy, most of the students who went to East Asia Power after graduation had a bad life. Those who can work for two years are relatively long, and many talents return to school to do scientific research after one year of work. "

Lu Zhou nodded thoughtfully: "It seems that the problem of East Asian power is really not small."

"The problem definitely exists, but after all, they are private companies, and we can't control it. Hope that we can improve it in the future. Let's not talk about our troubles, talk about your troubles." Take a picture of his knees, Cai Ming Rui smiled and said, "Don't you have something to trouble me, I've been waiting for a long time."

"I want to ask you something. It has something to do with the question I previously consulted," in a serious tone, Lu Zhou continued. "I want to do a school recruiter at our university recently, probably this is it. A few days, the sooner the better. "

"School recruit?"

Principal Cai Mingrui froze and said.

"Didn't the school recruitment just passed in November last year? Why ..."

Lu Zhou: "I don't know if you have heard of it. I recently worked on a second-generation controlled fusion project that requires a little more staff."

Principal Cai asked seriously.

"How many people are you missing?"

Lu Zhou thought about it and gave a number.

"One or two thousand."

Hearing the figure of one or two thousand, President Cai took a breath and said in an unbelievable tone.

"A thousand or two thousand jobs? Are you ... a new institute? Why do you need so many people?"

"It's not a new institute," Lu Zhou said with a cough, and some did not know where to start. "It just turned out that I was not very satisfied with the institute, so I just quit everyone."

Cai Mingrui: "...?"

Lu Zhou: "In short, I plan to recruit some more people and fill in the remaining pits."

Principal Cai, who had come back to God, looked at Lu Zhou and said with a smile.

"The school recruiting is no problem ... I wish you could recruit more students from Jinda University, but this ... What the **** is it to quit ?! At least a few people should be left for the induction training of new employees?"

"It's not necessary," Lu Zhou said, "I won't hide it from you either. The electromagnet design laboratory is completely rotten. You can't be saved without this shock treatment method. No matter how good the seedlings are If you send it in, you also need to be contaminated into waste. Instead, let's just quit, and I will form a new team. "

"Whether the school recruits work or not, if not, I'll ask somewhere else."

"Okay! Sure!" Seeing that Lu Zhou was about to leave, where did President Cai let go of this opportunity, he quickly said, "Just three days, oh no, the day after tomorrow, I will have a meeting immediately to arrange the school recruitment work. Go down, just send hr over here! "

Lu Zhou nodded and said with a smile.

"That will trouble you."

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